The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 25 01:24:27 . Cork for OOC Topics
Deoris Starstorm said:

Tue Jun 25 01:24:10 . Rough Sex
Grebe said:
the feeling is intense

Tue Jun 25 01:22:59 . Rough Sex
Cherry CR said:

Tue Jun 25 01:22:14 . The Wolf Quarter
djinn{RED} said:
Where the copper was stored she had noted an oval tub hanging on the wall so on graceful feet makes her way to fetch it,the copper would still have warm water in it and she ponders about using that,top teeth rake over her bottom lush lips as she weighs up the pros and cons...then decide the tub is the better option .

Dragging an upturned box across to under where the tub is situated up on a hook hands stretch upwards to grip the tub,calf muscles are displayed as she stands on toes her long flaxen mane kissing the back of her well rounded ass,finally with a tug it comes free from the hook and she finds the weight more than she expected and she starts to wobble as she tries to keep her balance on the box...finally she regains control and drops the tub to the floor and jumps from the box and dusts her tiny palms off.

It's was that time where day and night are doing the dance becoming entwined like lovers in hues of oranges and purples so djinn hurries to fill the tub before darkness envelopes her.

Tue Jun 25 01:22:08 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

Tue Jun 25 01:20:34 . Just One
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 01:19:31 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:18:54 . Rough Sex
Grebe said:
its the only way

Tue Jun 25 01:17:01 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:14:39 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:12:39 . she likes it...
BackDoorGuy said:
*crossing the room to my sofa*

Tue Jun 25 01:12:09 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:09:46 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:08:45 . she likes it...
BackDoorGuy said:
*sliding in*

Tue Jun 25 01:08:12 . Rough Sex
Cherry CR said:

Tue Jun 25 01:07:17 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:04:56 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 01:03:35 . The Wolf Quarter
djinn{RED} said:
As light broke over the village a better picture could be formed of the events of the previous day,djinn had spent the night making more bandages and preparing food packs for when they recommenced travel.

Her Master had slept fitfully and was up conferring with the Raiders ,his bandage had already been changed earlier as the deep red stain had seeped thru the wadding,djinn had applied the balm with care and no doubt his rugged face will have another scar that will lead to a good tale around the fire somewhere down the way.

Bundling up his clothes from the battle she carried them to the laundry a rough lean too behind one of the buildings ,a copper was filled with water and djinn added the garments ,stoking the fire beneath and using a long stick she swirled the clothing around before scrapping of a some shreds of soap from the bar that was kept on the metal shelf. As the water began to boil the once clear water began to turn a deep red .
Lifting each garment out and wringing it tightly she repeated this process until the water remained clear and then carried the items and threw them over a rope tied between two beams holding the roof up,with the wind it would not be long till they are dry and she will bundle them up and place in the saddle bags.

Adrenaline had kept her going her body was tired but her mind raced a check-list of sorts on things she could do to help,earlier she had taken a dish of soup and tried to get the more seriously injured Raiders to try and drink some so that they could regain their strength as they healed, previously they would of waved her off but there seemed to of been a change and they drank the soup and with a simple nod djinn would move to the next who needed help.

A bowl of soup and a bowl of crystal clean drinking water was prepared also for Master BudoWolf, djinn remembering his preference for a simple bowl.Clean bandages also were placed on the tray near him,djinn not wishing to disturb.

Looking down at her feet and legs she noticed the grime that had attached itself to her pale flesh and thinking now would be the time to bathe before they move off once more.

Tue Jun 25 01:03:19 . A Game of Words
john c said:


Tue Jun 25 01:02:36 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
{simplicity} said:

simplicity has started a new game with the following players:

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