The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu Jun 20 23:25:47 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
Her energy was high and that was good. The self confidence of a woman in her own right, and that was great to see. A hand gesture to a near by chair, "Please, the pleasure is all mine. I invite you to join us, this evening. We were just eating and talking.. and it would be wonderful to talk with you." she meant that really she did. It was unclear just how boring we would be to Stalker but, his slave arrived and of course, such creatures as they would be a distraction. Nura limped a bit forward and she pulled out a chair for her, a courtesy, at least, she was trying to do everything right. First impressions being what they were, she was trying to make a good one.

Thu Jun 20 23:25:00 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
-sorry you have gone... heads away in to the day-

Thu Jun 20 23:24:26 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
Takes notice of you the way you do me. Notices the way you sit with Him, the way you smile towards Him and look at Him, is if wrong that it makes a slave smile? Having been trained to listen and observe, i had been observant here. It is obvious how much you care for Him, as His slave His joy and happiness wherever He is, is something i strive for so it makes me happy to see what i see between you and Him.

Thu Jun 20 23:23:19 . House of the White Wolf
Luna Kalligas said:
Dining Room
Dining Room
She did smile as she looked at your wrist and she would make a subtle gesture with her own to show she wore no bracelets on her own. She did honor the system. But not everyone did and she didn't think bracelets necessarily dictated someone's knowledge either. Topic for another time.

Thu Jun 20 23:22:23 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
-pumping... pounding you harder... knowing how much you love to be filled-

Thu Jun 20 23:21:38 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
*seeing you enter and smiling, it had been a long time since I had seen my girl with everything going on and hardly being home at all*

Thu Jun 20 23:19:51 . House of the White Wolf
Luna Kalligas said:
Dining Room
My but this was a persistent slave. Despite her shooing the slave followed her to the dining room and now she was just getting annoyed. She entered the dining room shooing at the girl again.

"No, I do not need anything. For the sake of all things, by the God's girl leave me be. I'll knock you out with capture scent for a full hand if you do not get away from me. Trade you to the thieves for a copper and they will have you crawling through urt tunnels! Might improve your smell anyhow."

Sniffing at her.

"Now get! I can carry my own package! It is for a proper Lady anyhow and I want her to actually eat it which I seriously doubt she will if your grubby little mitts have been all over it. I heal men missing eyeballs I think I can carry teabags! GO away!"

She hissed at the girl and the girl went scampering away before she turned to the room and put on a bright smile and remembering her manners she did a sort of awkward curtsey thing.

"There now, hello to you both. Stalker I know and this must be Lady Nura. How do you do? And whatever else it is that proper not exhausted people say. I am Luna Kalligas at your service, Healer extraordinaire and Ill-tempered witch should you ask half the slaves here who think an incoming war is a great time to wiggle their bits.

Never mind half the men can't appreciate those bits because they can't see them or they can't get it up do to pain. Regardless, it is a pleasure."

Thu Jun 20 23:18:38 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
*pouring myself some kalana after I finish eating and leaning back in my chair, enjoying it as I rarely took the opportunity but I figured tonight it would go down easy and make my sleep more restful. Then I see Nura rise after Luna enters and smiling softly, it was good to see the excitement in them both*

Thu Jun 20 23:17:25 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
-pumping you full... stretching your pussy-

-biting, then squeezing your taut little nipples... pressing you down-

Thu Jun 20 23:17:03 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
There was a glance to a slave girl coming in. Nura hadn't really met her before or really ever seen her, but the way she looked at Stalker said it all. That look to Stalker that the slave gave was all that mattered, he was in good hands with her, while she then looks back to Luna..

Thu Jun 20 23:15:30 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
Your voice draws me towards the dining area, its a pull i cannot deny, one that tugs a slave to her Owner. Does hear the way you refer to a woman and i recall private conversations, how you have informed me of your new mate, i smile softly. Soft yet bright blues seek you out and a smile forms even more upon my lips that reaches those dazzling eyes of mine.

Thu Jun 20 23:15:00 . The State of Insanity
Visitorjack said:
I'm high as hell. I found this places using the surprise me button in

Thu Jun 20 23:14:41 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
There she was, a stunning Lady that she had heard so much about. Just out of sheer respect, she pushed up out of the chair but used it for support because her knees were really messed up right now. Still, that didn't matter because this woman to her was so special, more so to the people that she helped but because they shared the common interest.

She didn't need to be introduced, she had the look of a Lady named Luna.. "You must be Luna... I've heard such great things about you and I'm so happy to finally meet you." Nura was thrilled actually, because it was rare to meet someone that shared the same skills. It was unclear if she was a Physician or a Healer, her eyes glanced to her wrist as she fiddled with one of her bracelets, but not all places honored that system of knowledge. It didn't matter though, she was just so very much welcome right now.

Thu Jun 20 23:11:56 . South Town Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
South Town
Well, so much for picking up a way to get back into the Mox's good graces, but — well hang on, if there's no witnesses then there's no problem, right?

Still contemplating the long-term consequences when suddenly, short-term consequences came marching up with a piece of sporting equipment and—CLANG!

She was staggering and EZ Mike was out of the door behind a merry jingle and a Wilhelm scream.

"Was that a rhetorical question? I didn't do well in school!" It was the most badass line that MILLIE could think of as she put the weapon right up to Vulture during his backswing and… the cheap electric trigger clicked rapidly against an empty mag-well.


The handle side of the bat jabbed into her tummy and kicked the wind out of her, doubling her over as Vulture then performed what must have been some kind of magic trick because everything went Very spinny behind the blinding wall of pain and suddenly she was like twenty feet away, upside-down with her vision completely blocked by a veil of her own red-pink hair as she gasped and struggled to breathe, re-deposited somewhere on one end of the bar's L-shaped layout.

Thu Jun 20 23:11:14 . House of the White Wolf
Luna Kalligas said:
Main Room
She made her way into the house, she was still taken aback by its sheer size. Sometimes she wondered if they planned on housing an army here. She inquired with one of the many men guarding the place as to where the happy couple might be found and was directed towards the dinning room.

One of the many slaves approached her but she shooed them away just as quickly. It wasn't that she hated slaves or anything she just rarely had use for them unless she was sending them on an errand. Even then she generally preferred to do things herself.

She headed off towards the dinning room in hopes she would not be interrupting.

Thu Jun 20 23:10:35 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
There was a large smile as she watched him, just listening to him talk as he seemed very eager for her to meet Luna and that was great. Being a healer was a lonely profession, she had been on her own for a very very long time before meeting Stalker whom was just a blessing to her in so many ways. Nura believed him, if he said so then it must be true.

"I really look forward to that, I do... " As she was going to say something else, something caught her attention, she turned her head to see................

Thu Jun 20 23:07:41 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
Good my love, I'm glad you're heeling well. *laughing softly* My hand are not nearly talented as a healers by far. I can keep a man alive and sew him up if needed, but it wont be pretty. I've tried.

Nura, you'll meet luna soon. As I said, I think you two will like each other.

Thu Jun 20 23:06:58 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
House Of White Wolf
Good my love, I'm glad you're heeling well. *laughing softly* My hand are not nearly talented as a healers by far. I can keep a man alive and sew him up if needed, but it wont be pretty. I've tried.

Nura, you'll meet luna soon. As I said, I think you two will like each other.

Thu Jun 20 23:06:33 . Darkest Desires
}-BlackStone-)> said:
nice kitty

Thu Jun 20 23:06:32 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
Up in His room i move around, tidying up a bit. Takes hold of the satchel that holds precious supplies within them i smile as i recall the Woman who gave them to me so long ago. It was a kind gesture to do for a slave girl. After the satchel is in place i look around the room again then i head out the door. Steps taken across the floor are as silent as my voice.

[End of Transfer]

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