The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 16 13:22:02 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Like the feel of Your thigh Ms reetha

Sun Jun 16 13:21:16 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Really what did She say Ms

Sun Jun 16 13:19:40 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Miss Kitara is pleased with you

Sun Jun 16 13:19:38 . The Dark Side of the Lawn
Eyes the Color of Insanity said:
*Bounces in and hops onto the couch*

Sun Jun 16 13:18:56 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Sitting down beside you

Sun Jun 16 13:18:21 . young meets Old
Arum Crea said:
swings by

Sun Jun 16 13:18:19 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Hello Ms it’s my pleasure seeing You

Sun Jun 16 13:17:11 . Old Town Edinburgh - {Looking Glass RP}
Gideon said:
It was a studied and practiced art to maintain his drunken mummery with the knowledge that his quarry would soon strike, but maintain it he did, staggering a step forward before a pair of infernally strong hands seized him from behind.

He hated this part, hated it with every fibre of his being; the vampire’s ‘kiss’ caused most to enter a sort of euphoric fugue as they succumbed to the feeding – only the most careless leech took more than the victim could afford to lose, but it was never a certain thing. For him, though, all he could feel was the wrongness of the act, the touch of a profane thing feeding on sacred life’s blood arousing only disgust and, inevitably, anger.

As the creature draw him back against itself and forced his head to the side, he allowed it to happen, though he hissed through his teeth when the creature’s own pierced his skin, sending spittle flying in fine spray.

He knew what would follow, what had always followed in those few times he had allowed himself to be bitten like this. As his blood touched the undead fiend’s lips, he waited for the first stirrings of the screech which began to tear from the creature and then drove his head back, hard, shattering the vampire’s nose with a satisfying crunch; there was little blood, as there might have been with a man, the foetid ichor of the fiend a congealed, unliving mass.

As the creature staggered backwards, less from the blow and more from the searing pain spreading through its face, Gideon reached within his coat and pulled one of the wooden stakes from its hidden holster.

With a, literally, smouldering countenance, the vampire hissed again and spat at him, his own blood dripping from the creature’s blistering mouth; another Gift of his condition, neither his flesh nor his blood would offer succour to any such being, serving only pain and ruin instead. It clamped a hand over the ruin of its face, growling. “What the bloody hell are you?”

Sun Jun 16 13:16:20 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
So nice to see you

Sun Jun 16 13:16:00 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Hello voda

Sun Jun 16 13:12:46 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
mmmmm good

Sun Jun 16 13:12:30 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
Walking in with a huge smile

Hi mona kissing Your cheek
May i have a Don Julio 1942 Cadillac Margarita please

Sun Jun 16 13:11:41 . The Boulevard
female officer said:
taking a stroll

Sun Jun 16 13:09:56 . Heros Legends and Just Plain Folks
C.M. said:
* clocks in*

Sun Jun 16 13:08:36 . Old Town Edinburgh - {Looking Glass RP}
Gideon said:
Some would say it foolish to hunt a vampire at night, and he would agree – did, in fact, forbid his hunters from doing so unless it was absolutely imperative to preserve life at the moment it happened. It was far safer to take them unawares, sleeping the sleep of the dead, during daylight hours.

But that required a knowledge of who the creature was, what its habits were, and where, indeed, it rested during the day. It relied on finding that hidden lair, overcoming whatever guardians lay in wait, and ending the fiend as it slept.

The older creatures, he knew, kept elaborate demesnes, with mortal servants and protectors to keep watch over them during their hours of daylight vulnerability. From the reports on the attacks the had so far, he knew this creature, the one stalking him now, to be young; impetuous in its feeding habits, where the old did so seldomly, or instead, fed upon their own kind. A young leech could pass its daylight hours in any place, and would have taken them too much time to uncover.

So he was bait instead, bait in a trap of his own making, and as he heard the scuff of a leather sole on the cobbles very near behind him, he knew it had been sprung.

Sun Jun 16 13:06:27 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
Join me in room Myguest, password sugar . Acknowledge and I will erase

Sun Jun 16 13:05:44 . MY SPACE
Caliban said:

Sun Jun 16 13:04:06 . Thassa
**In a small cove and on a beach, just south of the Port of Kamras**

Still here...

...Walking up from the water bare chested and carrying a spear and a bucket full of fish, the Thassa inlet is still calm and clear so I decided to go spearfishing .. It was a good time , and of coarse although other Raiders tried as well , I am the best at it , as this has been a plentiful bounty indeed..

Climbing up from the bank, to the rocky cliff, I set the bucket by the supply tent and go to wash myself off with a bucket of fresh water and a rep..

I see the men have returned from where I sent them and the camp is mostly picked up and about ready to go..

We will soon be moving across the Plains and on to the next step in my plan..

Sun Jun 16 13:03:58 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:
i've been interested all along honey. Haven't you noticed? giggles

Sun Jun 16 13:02:41 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:,1718593336

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