The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu Jun 27 23:20:28 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
turns trash can on its side so you can see the discarded half brownie n poofs

Thu Jun 27 23:19:23 . Dogtown — Night City RPG
Celestine said:
Under Dogtown
Celeste was… well she wasn't trying to be physically intimidating, but she wasn't exactly small, either. The technical fabrics and well-contoured armor also made no concealment of her trappings as a well-sponsored security specialist from the complete opposite side of Night City, either, which explained why she didn't flinch at the suggestion that you were armed.

The dim sky-blue of her eyes flickered in amplitude and her gaze pivoted fractionally a few times.

"…no you're not."

At least conventionally, anyway, but she had to figure with her weapon already in her fingertips, if you were about to perform a digital lunge, that she could react faster.

…but someone who was having hardware troubles, loudly advocating for distance and safety?

No, her very presence and posture was becoming an obstacle against cooperation, which was what she was really after here.

Celestine already had her weapon on safe, letting it dangle from its trigger-guard which perilously pointed the muzzle vaguely back towards herself, off-angle.

Her empty off-hand reached slowly across in order to pull the mag free and the lock the slide back, disarming her weapon in front of you with both the mechanical noise of gliding metal and the descending hiss of its systems powering down.

"There — now I'm unarmed too. Just wanna talk… do you have it or not?"

The greasy DTown plug-den manager tilted his head. “Have what?”

"I thought I paid you to let us talk in private…"

Thu Jun 27 23:18:37 . Z2 Corkboard
Ava@jag said:
my daughter used to call them garden toes.

Thu Jun 27 23:18:31 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
well piggy..its been fun..I think I'm gonna turn in

good night

walks out

Thu Jun 27 23:17:39 . Sadistic
fallen princess said:
watched you take the sweet chocolate
then pouts as you toss it away

Thu Jun 27 23:16:02 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
eats half
n tosses other half in trash

Thu Jun 27 23:14:25 . The Masturbatorium
Older Man said:

Thu Jun 27 23:13:54 . My Upstairs Apartment
Princess Johny said:
Coming out of my closet and padding across the room to my bed, climbing in and snuggling down to try and catch a few winks... I contemplate my day and wish everyone a beautiful new day...

Thu Jun 27 23:10:51 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
well..since your full on your gullosh

guess you font want half this brownie eh?

bites it n purrs

Thu Jun 27 23:09:34 . The Masturbatorium
Older Man said:

Thu Jun 27 23:09:14 . Sadistic
fallen princess said:
pig is starving even on one meal a day
it has gotten so fat kept in its cage 24/7

Thu Jun 27 23:08:38 . Just One
unc said:

Thu Jun 27 23:07:07 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
watching piggy at a trough

good thing you don't have those pesky blond licks anymore eh?

Thu Jun 27 23:05:18 . Sadistic
fallen princess said:
as soon as you speak
the pigs face is in her bowl
munching the food into its mouth

Thu Jun 27 23:04:39 . The Masturbatorium
Older Man said:
nice pic

Thu Jun 27 23:03:52 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
of course piggy



Thu Jun 27 23:03:19 . Sadistic
fallen princess said:
looks at the bowls
then back at you

~may pig eat… please

Thu Jun 27 23:02:46 . Just One
unc said:

Thu Jun 27 22:59:15 . antipanty
Tangent said:

Thu Jun 27 22:58:33 . Sadistic
missy jo said:
you've been a good piggy

hops down n gets cool fresh water bowls n fresh bowls of food for you n the other cunnts

placing the bowls

stands back n smiles watching you drip

[End of Transfer]

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