The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 25 19:14:02 . Just One
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 19:12:39 . Just One
bethN said:

Tue Jun 25 19:12:32 . Master's study
A Darker Reality said:
The only time women know the important or significance of a good man/alpha male is when they are tired of being used by the b@d men, their central government smashed beyond repair & their breasts are sagging like rabbit ears, their body shape and texture is damaged beyond repair and their attitude and character is corrupted with the addictive nature of promiscuity

They only remember good men exist and wants to give him a chance when they are done living promiscuously, when they see that the bad men are no longer interested in them anymore, when they notice that they are running out of time.

I pity men who will decide to settle down with women such as this, they are bringing chaos into their life.

If she can't find a man in her prime time, she shouldn't find you in her finished moment AKA left overs

Her past and sexual history will not only haunt her alone, it will haunt you too.

Be wise, Judge such women harshly by their past.

Her past is her future with you in the picture.

Wait, if you're thinking that such women can still repent please don't waste your time, such women don't repent, they only go for sabbatical leave, break, or vocation and once they pin down a simp down, they come back to their normal default settings.

When you are ready to marry, go for a younger women with clean slate, judge her harshly by her past and if she pass, accommodate her.
Men are meant to start their own families not joining already existing one.
Let damaged people marry damaged people.

You are not the one that damaged those women so it's not your responsibility to fix them, don't avail yourself to be a rehabilitation center for any woman most especially if its the woman you want to marry, you are not trained for that.

Don't let any body blackmail you with the REAL MAN BULLSHIT.
It's wise to choose your battles carefully.

Tue Jun 25 19:12:21 . Waste - The Show
Georgia Wolff said:
Hall of Mirrors
She thinks she caught the soft sound of purrs coming from you and considering about saving you she smiles a bit.

Plus you got to see some interesting photos.

Not that she was ever ashamed of them, but now that...well that things are feeling more interesting between them, she was feeling a bit playful. And then you are pulling her into the next room and mentioning fun houses. But she wanted to stay and keep petting you.

But then she goes with you into the next space, wondering what awaits them.

Tue Jun 25 19:12:09 . Just One
Bootz said:

Tue Jun 25 19:12:00 . The Grimm Home - Fallen Angels RPG
Daniel Grimm said:
Pool & Backyard
That playroom was epic, and one part of the old house he misses. The kids will be thrilled, all of them, especially since he imagines you’ll make it even better than before.

“Good plan.”

He smirks at you before he finishes off his drink. Willa being a natural at all things witchy doesn’t surprise him, truth be told. She’s always been serious about her Grimm heritage and the way she gobbled up the idea of witchcraft and wizardry from the books they read together, her combining the two in her own hunter’s path makes total sense to him. He would hate to be -anyone- who pisses her off. Just saying.

“Good idea. Just let me know when he’ll come and I’ll make sure I’m home too.”

Not to intrude on the appointment per se, more just to help their son know he has both of his fathers there to help him through this rather than him being at work. And yes, you’ve only said good things about your therapist. Considering you’re hardly the easiest patient, that says a lot.

“You’re probably right about that. As for the cast? He’ll learn. He hits it against a wall corner or door frame once, he’ll be more careful.”

That shot of pain that he knows would come will be a wake up call. Wouldn’t be the first time it takes an injury for JJ to learn to be more careful.

“Alive, awake, same thing in this instance. He was unconscious for a couple of days after all.”

Awake means on the mend and truly going to be okay. Though he agrees, it’s a good thing he has Cas to help him. Cas is exactly who he needs, in multiple ways.

Doesn’t mind one bit you scooting closer, that slightly shy smile curling on his lips as your fingers run through his hair when you compliment him. As confident about his appearance as he is, he won’t ever stop feeling a little shy when you compliment him when he’s not expecting it. Though he does roll his eyes playfully.

“You can survive the lack of cowlicks for a little while.”

There is no question whose hair genes Billy has. Poor boy.

Tue Jun 25 19:09:43 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Corpo Plaza
"They knew we were coming," she stated plainly — she complied with the building's policy of course, so she didn't have any of her weapons available to her — she hoped whoever was handling her blades was enjoying the blood on them.

Whatever mention she was about to make of Tampere, however, lodged in her throat as who she was assuming was the Client entered from the same door, a handful of other men filing in around him.

Security. Of course. She didn't even have a chance to answer about the woman she's simply remembering as the Complication, but the bearded man seemed just as interested, even if he was going through protocols in order first.

Her eyes went to follow his eyes, which were pinned on Echo Fenix.

Tue Jun 25 19:08:40 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
okssss stay cool.....night night

Tue Jun 25 19:08:14 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
I have a small advantage....grow up with out kind of acclinmated to it...though not this

Tue Jun 25 19:07:39 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
But dont melt ok?? Gonna go being called downstair be co 🙋

Tue Jun 25 19:07:10 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
yeah....watching weather radar....these might produce a tornado or two....laughing all the professinal tornado chasera are polly in oklahoma....

Tue Jun 25 19:06:23 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Wish it be cooler for ya

Tue Jun 25 19:05:44 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Just guessing

Tue Jun 25 19:05:00 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing. well these storms can popup anyehre at any time. and storms build really fast in this weather

Tue Jun 25 19:03:52 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Seems tv starting to skriek but wayyyyyy far away

Tue Jun 25 19:03:48 . Waste - The Show
Riley Dottir said:
If you happened to be a cat or a woman wearing cat ears, and someone maybe named Georgia started to pet you behind the ears. What would be a normal cat like reaction? Because right about now there are some visuals that may include pressing, rubbing and purring.

Asking for a friend.

"You mean saving me?"

Where the type of work Nyuku would ask of her was easy enough to complete, working with him was not. It would be a very different work type of environment. She certainly wouldn't be holding hands with him courting visuals that had her words drying up.

"Well if this exhibit impressed you, I wonder how you feel about funhouses?"

Totally cryptic and making no conversational sense she pulled Georgia towards the door to the next room.

Tue Jun 25 19:03:47 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
not here yet....though down south towards oklkahna is some nreally bigg storms

Tue Jun 25 19:02:40 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Ya got warning for storms out

Tue Jun 25 19:02:31 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
nope right here....listening to it all........

Tue Jun 25 19:02:05 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
not always good to go agaist dr orders but you can...laughing they tend to yeall an scream...

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