The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 22 21:13:27 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

Sat Jun 22 21:13:20 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
Though I'll admit I become a total bitch if I'm wearing a strap-on.

Sat Jun 22 21:13:20 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
World Breakers HQ

A Winner Is You...

Kurtz's body flatlines completely...

The brain is safe in your possession...

And Kurtz was so arrogant he never bothered with a deadhand solution...

None of you were supposed to get this far.

Sat Jun 22 21:13:18 . North Town Night City RPG
Celestine said:
World Breakers HQ
"You are on the cusp of redemption. Empathy weaponized, as is the first stage of conditioning to grant a normal man the capacity to kill…"

Celestine sounded almost plaintive as the lamp of her eyes finally returned to the here-and-now, to See you.

"…or sacrifice."

There was a silence, a consideration before that attention Snapped to Kurtz… or rather, what remained of his vacated skull.

Priorities changed, and her wings dropped back to her shoulders with a heavy metal-ceramic Clang as she looked like she was prepared to leap right over you…

…when Vasquez came racing forth from the periphery, where it had been ordered to seek opportunity and importance, and Detonated the Mag-bomb under her.

Both bot and Celestine Inverted positions as the device popped a yard up into the air and then sucked the both of them in, as the nearest objects in the field, crashing her back onto her knees, but quickly trying to scramble to get back into pursuit. Any thought of attacking you abandoned

Sat Jun 22 21:10:09 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
do we need to wrestle?

Sat Jun 22 21:09:09 . Catfight
female officer said:
yes.. i do.. but i don't think i will be finding someone to wrestle tonight

Sat Jun 22 21:08:55 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

tylerwells has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 22 21:08:48 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:
Coming in

Sat Jun 22 21:08:34 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
You noble, wonderful idiot.

She manages to get back onto her feet, and she's coming to stand nearby you, behind your left shoulder. Where she can either move forward to help you, or back to cover everyone else's retreat.

But if you think you get to take on the burden of those past sins alone... you're wrong.

Sat Jun 22 21:08:11 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
You do?
eyes wide...
trying to picture...
then imagining it in me...

Sat Jun 22 21:07:50 . North Town Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
World Breakers HQ
He sends a message through the chat app Nobunaga has set up.

::Someone grab my shotgun on the way out.::

It's right by Kurtz.

Sat Jun 22 21:07:38 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
World Breakers HQ
Echo overhears the interplay between you and Celestine. Mostly your words, not hers. She was making him think...things. Question things.

But you...that makes him smile.

Echo positions himself between the pending clash of sharp things and Peregrine P. Olveira and Eir Ascle. Left forearm shield up, sonic disruptor charged and ready to blast if he has a clear shot at Celestine.

Peregrine P. Olveira and Eir Ascle-

"You got it? Is it done?" He's not looking at you. He's focusing on The War In Heaven that's unfolding before them.

Sat Jun 22 21:05:54 . Plains of Turia
**Northeast section of the Pains**

Breaking camp again..

We have made it through most of the hundreds of pasangs across the Plains, avoiding the open parts and sticking to the base of the ta-thassa mountain range..

The men are breaking camp again as they have at dusk every day that we've been here.. I am currently going through a big pile of goods from a caravan that was raiders this morning .. My men will get anything split among them that has not real value other than personal effects , and anything that will fetch a good price I will sell soon..

I look over at the woman Paesyn and wonder what I am doing with her again .. Seeing the shackle on her ankle and the length of chain attached to a large spike driven in the ground.. I don't usually have thoughts about it , not even considering the subject .. The thoughts of the Tuchuk , who never made their move , or couldn't find us , my plans about what lays ahead, the well being and adventure of the men that follow me now , and this damn curse .. The pain is constant now and I can never sleep through the day ..

.. But now.. Times like this I think that .. Even though I Know I need her , maybe I should just let her go .. Again..

Naw ..

I use a shovel and part of a bucket of waste water to smother and douse the fire..

Sat Jun 22 21:05:38 . Catfight
female officer said:
yes.. i love the toy myself..

Sat Jun 22 21:04:54 . North Town Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
World Breakers HQ
She sighed in relief as the EMBED took on the brain. She let the body roll back. She gently closed the EMBED and gave it a second to come up to pressure.

She slung the EMBED onto her back.

.:CLEAR! Let's go!:.

And with that she was RUNNING like a fox with her tail on fire.

.:Nobunaga, lead me to safety:.

Sat Jun 22 21:02:14 . Barista Coffee Shop
Seven said:
"Did I miss everybody?"

Looks around a bit.

Sat Jun 22 21:02:11 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
A bit scared & fascinated at the same time, ya know?

Sat Jun 22 21:01:36 . Femjail Redux
amy said:

Each thrust causing her to respond orally,
feeling herself getting closer to climax

Sat Jun 22 21:01:24 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
The wings remove themselves from the situation, dropping her onto her face with all the force she was pushing against them with. She catches herself on her hands and knees, then looks up at you when you address Dylan.

She frowns deeply. She might not know exactly what you're getting at... But given how she was raised and where she worked before fleeing to Night City she can't help but have a strong suspicion.

"So, what, you want us to just abandon all safety in order to join your crusade? If we don't deliver, things are going to get a whole lot worse for all of us. We'd be pretty useless for ANY crusade at that point."

Sat Jun 22 21:00:18 . Barista Coffee Shop
Seven said:
Steps in here with a smile.

"Hello again, laurelynn."

Nods politely to both you and Neruda Bruise.

"Hello again, Neruda."

[End of Transfer]

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