The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 16 13:43:32 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Golf is boring to me
But my hubby loves it

Sun Jun 16 13:42:44 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:

Sun Jun 16 13:42:39 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
Taking a moment, she turned and leaned the swell of her hip against the edge of the counter and she toyed with her necklace a little, just rolling the emerald in her fingers tips her mind a million miles away. She was districted by a raised hand that was from a man that had been kept sedated because of the nature of his injury which was a severe laceration to his abdomen. Moving over to him, she bends near and says, "Hey there... welcome back." She took his hand that was reaching up and lowered it back down, "You're in safe hands my friend, you've taken a serious injury to your abdomen. I bet you are really thirsty huh?" She knew he would be as the sedation often make people feel parches. "Don't move okay.. " she said gently as she takes a glass of water and uses the reed with in to place to his lips. "There you go... take your time.. " she said to him using a very soft bedside manner with him. "Are you in any pain?" She asks as she sits down on the edge of his bed, and assesses him to make sure he's alright, bandages and all.

Sun Jun 16 13:42:34 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
i'm just hanging out.....watching england play soccer....

Sun Jun 16 13:41:16 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
How about you?

Sun Jun 16 13:39:26 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
And now watching golf

Sun Jun 16 13:37:33 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
We’ve been visiting fathers today

Sun Jun 16 13:37:09 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
She was on her hospital ship tending to the men that she had brought to it from yesterday. The injuries were being treated, and the dressings changed. No one was getting a fever which is likely caused by infection so she was staying ahead of the situation.

Tucking some hair behind her ears, she moved herself to the the wash station and began to wash her hands for the tenth time today, they were getting a little sore themselves but she would use some cream to soften them before the day is done. Speaking with one of her crew she makes it so the men that were able to walk and take care of themselves be taken back to the docks and have them go on their merry way. There wasn't a need to keep some of those still here longer than they needed to be. Yes the treatment was good, the food was great and to be waited on hand and foot, well, this wasn't a resort but she understood that some of what they were getting was a care they never had before.

She took the scroll board and she checked off those that could go, but there were still a few that needed to stay another day or two.

Sun Jun 16 13:37:09 . Old Town Edinburgh - {Looking Glass RP}
Gideon said:
Secure in both his purpose and his right to be here, he dragged the vampire through the High Kirk towards the chancel. Bending, he lifted the creature’s body and laid it across the communion table.

The hawthorn stake had kept the vampire in a deathlike state throughout its journey here, but he gave a slow twist, wrenching the wood free. As he did, the creature immediately woke from its corpse-like trance, spitting curses and invectives, only to find itself held down fast by his own preternatural strength.

With a hiss of anger, Gideon raised his fist and brought it down, against the already-broken nose of the prone vampire, the pain of that second blow enough to silence the leech for the moment.

He found his voice again, letting the fire of righteous fury heat his words as they echoed along the stone corridors within the kirk. “You stand condemned for the drinking of blood against the commandments of God and by the laws of man for the murder of innocents. We render Caesar’s things to Caesar but God’s things to God – True Judgement belongs to Him, so to Him your soul will now be sent. Speak your final words.”

Sun Jun 16 13:36:44 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
having a good sunday?

Sun Jun 16 13:36:24 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
Hello my friend

Sun Jun 16 13:35:52 . Z2 Corkboard
krysta said:
No, not Monday. The song. I've no idea when I first heard it, but since that time, I've hated, loathed and despised the song. I cannot stand it!

With that being said, this young woman on Britain's Got Talent sang the most amazing version I've ever heard. I still don't like the song, but this blew me away!

Sun Jun 16 13:35:18 . BDSM oriented pictures
ellie said:
Ya gotta share

Sun Jun 16 13:35:09 . Thassa
**In a small cove and on a beach, just south of the Port of Kamras**

Finishing cleanning the salt water off , so I don't get all grimy later on the trail, I look over at you.. I can see you're getting skinny and haven't been eating enough , or like my slave told me , you just keep forcing yourself to puke it back up..

I look alittle annoyed , but I toss a chunk of soap in a bucket with fresh water and then walk to the serving tent, grabbing a bota of slightly salted water and a small pouch of tabuk jerky ..

Walking up to where I have you chained to the iron spike on that big flat rock, I set the bucket near you and toss the food and water infront of you..

"Clean up Woman, we will be leaving soo9n and I don't want the stench of you to scare off all the natives that we may pass"

..I haven't quite decided what to do with you , even though it's been another Hand since Korat.. I've allowed you to keep the gown , though several of the Raiders have thought of stripping you down because I haven't really said not to .. But those few attempts or thoughts were quickly quelled by Mandha, who has kept an eye on you this whole time .. I have sent him on patrol a few times , but he's always returned near you and watched , waited ..

I look down at you now , expecting more quips and fowl attitude, but this is the first kindness of words I've given you since letting you out of the barrel..

Your next words clearly will determine how things go from here on out for you..

Sun Jun 16 13:34:33 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
hello cutie

Sun Jun 16 13:34:28 . Z2 Corkboard
CQ said:
It is lovely to be here. Louisiana-bound...

Sun Jun 16 13:34:24 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
peeks in

Sun Jun 16 13:34:23 . BDSM oriented pictures
Clifton said:

Sun Jun 16 13:34:05 . your dream sissy.
voda said:
i amsorry Ms but i must go

Sun Jun 16 13:32:50 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Ken said:


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