The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 16 11:49:12 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
Happy to help.

Sun Jun 16 11:48:36 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

~*~PleasureMistress~*~ has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 16 11:48:29 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Sun Jun 16 11:47:26 . The waiting room
dssallie said:

Sun Jun 16 11:46:40 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Leo Sterling said:
Chairs have been cleared and clustered around tables, pizza has been ordered, in the corner there's a table full of wine, drinks, and mixers for people to pour themselves whatever from. The cast and crew are small enough they don't need a bigger space, or a fancier one. No pressure to dress up, or down, for the event.

Leo's taken the time to wash off his stage makeup and get out of costume. Then to put back on enough make-up that it's not obvious he's wearing it, but it covers the bags under his eyes, so he looks less worn down than he feels. All in all, it means he looks snazzy in the suit Caroline had bought him for the party, what feels like forever ago.

He's still riding the emotional high of performing, of getting to do what he loves, with a play he loves, a role he loves, the sense of safety and confidence he finds most easily on stage. The play went well, the audience loved it, they got a standing ovation... pretty much the picture of perfection.

Even the fact he knows his parents are going to swing by isn't enough to bring down his mood. There's a giddy sort of energy about him as he makes his way in, eyes immediately sweeping the space in search of Elodie Stone. He fully expects she beat him here, since she didn't have to change, deal with the costumes and the make-up - she'd already looked like a dream when they'd parted before the show so she could take her seat in the audience. Assuming his eyes do find her, he lights up even more, beelining his way over to her to sweep her up in a giddy bear hug.

Most of the cast is already here - most of them didn't feel the need to redo their make up - the crew is filtering in. No sign of his parents, yet. All of which means he is completely free to revel in the joy, the excitement, the energy he's still riding on.

Sun Jun 16 11:44:43 . The Boulevard
female officer said:
taking a stroll

Sun Jun 16 11:43:53 . Z2 Corkboard
cait~ said:
Happy Fathers Day!

Sun Jun 16 11:41:12 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
Letting you lead the way, a little glance here and there to keep the pathway open, Lorelei follows you. (l/p)

Sun Jun 16 11:41:02 . House of the White Wolf
Ava said:
House Of White Wolf
-I stepped into the main room and there was Helfdane.-

"Lets gp! To Market to Market to Market we go"

- Not being in the best of moods I headed out the door before him and marched down the steps with my list of notes and measurements - (next post market)

Sun Jun 16 11:39:48 . The Deep Inn
Sixpence said:
There's a hue of pink that creeps along her face. Rising from the chair and smiling widely.

Right this way, please, if you don't mind .. Miss

Weaving towards the bar with a sway of hips and a swish of hair behind her. Those riotous curls dance when she walks. Swishing along the small of her back, tickling her spine. Placing the books back where they belong with a smile to Pogue, and she is through the kitchen doors with you.

Sun Jun 16 11:37:31 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
Miss, if you don't mind. There isn't a man that walks the earth that could get me to walk down an aisle before I would walk the plank. Though, men, in small doses with the right attitude do have their moments.

Maybe I should see your collection of sparkly stuff so I can get a feel for what you like. Would that be OK?

She slams down the other rum, and then, slams down what's left of the beer, and stands, ready to go peruse your collection if you are.

Sun Jun 16 11:37:25 . whisper
~lil shadow slut~ said:

Sun Jun 16 11:36:44 . Night City RPG OOC
Haven Darling said:
Oh, good. Now -that- song will be in my head all day.

Sun Jun 16 11:32:48 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sun Jun 16 11:32:03 . The Deep Inn
Sixpence said:
what girl doesn't like surprises?

of course Sixpence loves surprises. She gleams at the idea of having a surprise. Gifts are always bestowed upon her, but surprises are a different sort of gift

yes, Ma'am

A grin to that, she lets the dress gape at the center of her chest, just .. a .. little. Not much more than a glance before Sixpence leans right back with hands dropping to her lap

Sun Jun 16 11:28:54 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
I'm sure we can work something out, Sixpence@bwr. You strike me a most agreeable woman. Taking another slug from the ale, and pushing another coin or two onto the woman known as Mia's tray when two more rums are on her table, with one being slammed down and the empty returned to her tray before she move away. Thank you, Mia.

Hair bands? Surely, no problem over te course of our next voyage, rings? Certainly. Do you like emerald, like the stone at your throat? Or black, like it's rim? Silver or gold.

Or, are you a "surprise me" girl? Do you like surprises, Sixpence?

Sun Jun 16 11:24:16 . JAG Cork
Ava said:
To the anon on the seeall..I have never had a problem with gemm, I just remember a post by Blood Wolf describing the antagonist in a story
. And it made so much sense to me.
Where would Silence of the Lambs be without Hannibal Lector ?
Cinderella without the wicked Step-Mother?
No Cruella DeVile..No stories. That is where they would be?
Blood Wolf said it far more eloquently then I ever could. If I find the post I will link it.

Sun Jun 16 11:20:12 . The Deep Inn
Sixpence said:
She almost purrs to that. Jewelry. She wonders about that a moment and glances to bare hands. No rings, no bracelets. She wonders if she should .. knowing her hands are always busy, but to pretty them up a bit? Probably wouldn't hurt.

A breath while leaning forward. She has a sigil around her throat and a moon pinning the hair at the side of her head .. up. Riotous curls everywhere, but tamed by the moon and the opposite ear. She maybe needs hair bands.

Hair bands, maybe some rings? I can't think of anything else.

Sixpence really truly doesn't need much.

Is there anything I can do to .. persuade? Eyes shining, propping a hand under chin in that lean.

Sun Jun 16 11:16:31 . OOC CoffeeShop
Fox Perez said:
Eases in for a few.

Sun Jun 16 11:14:47 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
Mirrors, make-up, and some jewelry. As you can imagine, most of the valuable jewelery is already bought and gone, but, we may have some things laying about in the cargo before it comes to shore. Mirrors? Not so much, however, I can keep an eye out for that on our next journey and hold them for you. Just for you. The last three words come out a bit melodic again.

She had grinned through thin lips as you winced when she slammed down the rum, and seeing Mia once again coming nigh, looks at you with a merry little look on her dark eyes slams down the remaining rum, placing both empties and a little more coin on Mia's tray to keep them coming.

Then, Lorlei@soe takes a long quaff of the ale, and artfully, dabs a stray drop from the corner of her mouth with a small, slow tab of her tongue.

Hm. For a madam, you seem to be in need of a little more jewelery, yourself. What do you favor and fancy? I can keep my open for some quality on our.....findings.

[End of Transfer]

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