The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 25 19:01:35 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Ya went quiet i was rambling on

Tue Jun 25 19:01:07 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:

Tue Jun 25 19:00:36 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Yes true leave yes thats true just keeps my nose outta it

Tue Jun 25 19:00:17 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
all good here...just waitin for snow

Tue Jun 25 18:59:29 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Ya ok?

Tue Jun 25 18:59:22 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
she should have the option to leave. prolly against dr orders but you can leave

Tue Jun 25 18:58:15 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Well she have fit if shes tossed in with old looney folks.. talked on phone this pm not sure they have told her

Tue Jun 25 18:57:46 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
North Town
Kendo squints from the Executive Side of his desk when you and IRIDIA both enter. Not at either of you, but at that beautiful, expensive, precious brain.

He blinks a few times but remains perfectly still.

Then his eyes flicker. Sending a text out for someone else to be woken up in the middle of the night and drag their asses over here.

For you see, he wants this over with as well.

Once the brain jar is on his desk, Kendo drops his feet from the desk and leans forward to look at it. Brow furrowing. The rest of his face was frozen in bio-mechanical horror that he couldn't change without a lot of eddies and a skilled ripperdoc.

"You did it."

His mouth doesn't move when he speaks. His voice was entirely synthetic.

Kendo looks at both you and IRIDIA before standing up, pushing his chair back, and leaning forward with his hands on the edges of the table.

"I heard The Worldbreakers HQ was damn near destroyed. A team of mercs busted in and just started Breaking Worldbreakers." He taps his metal teeth with one of his metal fingers. "But then...some sort of Golden Valkyrie showed up? I don't know, reports were sketchy, the details aren't clear..."

That's your cue, either you or IRIDIA, to elaborate while they wait for the person coming to claim this brain.

Tue Jun 25 18:55:53 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
that could be....they lump them all together now days....

Tue Jun 25 18:55:47 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
I may be wrong

Tue Jun 25 18:55:03 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
But me thinks this rehab center they sending her too...nursing home..

Tue Jun 25 18:54:16 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
time will tell.....

Tue Jun 25 18:53:38 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Well not prob not should comment

Tue Jun 25 18:53:17 . sofa Time
Couch1 said: step though would prolly be surgery

Tue Jun 25 18:52:17 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
In long term yes be good
But between us pt sessions just waste of time

Tue Jun 25 18:52:10 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
it is very confusing...they should par for it all....i guess going to rehab is not considered bad enough...but in hospital then more serious

Tue Jun 25 18:51:51 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
North Town
Let's get this over with.

Not a word was exchanged with IRIDIA on the ride over. She questioned his ability to get the job done..rightfully so...and this is him overcompensating for that.

The Delemain waited for them by the curb as they made their way inside the building. Through the Hall of Heroes or whatever they called it; displays and statues of famous bounty hunters Echo had never heard of.

At the security checkpoint just after the entrance, he hands over his guns. All of them, from each extra mechanical arm protruding from his back. Those arms then fold back and disappear into the steel and composite unit resting against his spine.

The Brain Jar. Their prize. The thing seemingly everyone was after. He was carrying it by the top handle with his right hand. The security detail doesn't bother to scan it. Check it. Inspect it. Some of them stare almost longingly at it. Before waving them through to Kendo's office.

Long hallway.
Double doors.

Echo strides into Kendo's office. Face fixed. Jaw set. A cross between a conquering hero (sort of) and a kid trying to hide his true feelings right now.

He doesn't say anything. He just walks right up to Kendo's desk...and sets the brain tank on top of it.

Mission complete.
He assumes.

Tue Jun 25 18:51:43 . Barista Coffee Shop
Copper said:
Looks at Bruce

Dance club??????

Tue Jun 25 18:50:16 . The Grimm Home - Fallen Angels RPG
Jacob Grimm said:
Pool & Backyard
So true. He's got a surprise for the kids too. Remember the playroom they had when Willa and Billy were little? He's having it remade in the basement of the new place. He couldn't resist.

"Good point. I'll shut up now."

Because he does not want to be the reason for the zombie apocalypse coming to fruition. Yeah she's becoming a natural at the witchy shit. Hate to be the boy who wrongs her later in life.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll call him first thing tomorrow. See what can be set up."

His shrink is pretty cool. Has to be if he still sees him right? So he thinks he'll be okay with it. Oh that bitch is getting no victories from beyond the grave. She couldn't win shit alive, she ain't winning shit now.

"I think the fact Kev can't get around much might keep Jake more still. Since he wields that cast around like it's not even there."

Which is terrifying around...everyone. If no one has a black eye by the end of this he'll be shocked.

He gives you a confused look.

"I knew he was alive. I'm glad he's awake. I'm glad he's got someone who can take care of him the right way."

He takes a sip of his drink before reaching over to set it on the ledge of the fire pit. Then scoots even closer to you. Hand lifting to comb through your hair.

"Have I mentioned how much I love this new hairstyle? I mean even if it tames those cowlicks I love so much."

Loves to tease you about anyway. They are adorable, but more adorable on Billy. Because Billy is eight.

Tue Jun 25 18:50:17 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Not quite sure how this works lo
Drs say rehab for ra and eyes.but the insurance dont cover transport from home to rehab but does cover trans from hospital?? Jesus lord confussing

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