The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 15 22:58:29 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
sips my drink while watching for company

Sat Jun 15 22:57:15 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 22:56:48 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 22:55:41 . The Palisades - The City RPG
Alejandro Milan said:
Deadeye Gun Range
Alejandro looks over at you, nodding a little. "I know.."

It was something he certainly thinks about and has considered the ramifications of, more than once.
He takes the mag from you, and inserts it ... locking it into place and then turning toward the target in the distance.


... maybe.

"Ugh. Sí, I know. I also dislike that ... sometimes the requests.."

He looks over his shoulder as you pull out your tablet, listening a moment.

"I gathered as much." A pause, and then he'll look forward toward the target again.

"Let me talk about it with Lilou. I'll get you an answer within a week, one way or another. I want to continue, but perhaps at a smaller scale. I don't know yet."

He seems indecisive.


Conversation, while he takes aim. From what he'd read, the XM7 is supposed to increased range, accuracy, and probability of hit; reduced engagement time; suppressed flash/sound signature; and improved controllability and mobility. At least, that's what the website boasted.

Time to test it, compared to the regular M4.

Aiming, and exhaling as he fires off a short round burst. Followed by a couple single shots, barely squeezing the trigger once .. twice ..

and then he holds the trigger down to test the recoil and spray. The suppressor helps a little, but it's still a machine gun. The pattern punctures the target in the distance and Alejandro ceases firing, lowing the weapon and taking a slow breath with a grin curving along those spanish lips.


He engages the safety before looking back at you.

"Want a go?

How are you and brix doing, by the way?"

That whole situations at your birthday gig seemed a little .. well, okay it wasn't strange but .. seemed like there was shit going on he wasn't aware of.

Sat Jun 15 22:53:01 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 22:52:29 . The Dock
Primo said:
Watching ACL with friends, fun summer Saturday!

Sat Jun 15 22:52:22 . antipanty
titsi~ said:

Sat Jun 15 22:51:33 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:

Sat Jun 15 22:50:37 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 22:49:50 . Acro-verse
Maestro said:



Sat Jun 15 22:47:49 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
Fenix Arsenal
She can't help a little chuckle at that.

"But do people deserve death for just trying to survive?"

A question for the ages, she knows. Philosophers have been debating it millennia and nobody ever seems to have the one right answer to that one.

She shrugs, putting that deep thought and any others away behind the adorable princess façade again.

"Of course. People are people. Most of us just want to live our lives in peace and find a little bit of happiness while we're at it."

Okay, NOW she's done with the deep thoughts. Promise.
For now, anyway.

"I have a lot of school learning. Not a whole lot of practical experience in anything besides business management. Between the two of us I'm sure we can figure it out."

She laughs again, and this time it's a rare, unguarded sound.

"Sorry. I know this is weird and out of the blue. You're allowed to tell me no if you want."

Sat Jun 15 22:47:37 . Night City Cork
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
That should work for me!

Sat Jun 15 22:46:07 . Just One
Maestro said:

Sat Jun 15 22:45:29 . The Palisades - The City RPG
Holly Blanc said:
Deadeye Gun Range
"You know Lilou had a point back then, something that didn't become less true over time. Jones coulda been telling the truth, that Vargas planned on us never leaving North Dakota. Either that or that was a planned culling of one or the other, like she didn't want to pay for both of us in her pocket and throwing us into conflict means she automatically gets to keep the better option…"

Mag passed to you, Holly backed up and took on a slightly sideskew angle to watch the performance of the weapon in your hands like she'd have to slide back into the familiar role of being the numbers nerd in a future deal. To talk about the product and justify whatever price they're asking.

Like any other high-margin commodity, to look at a weapons platform as a commitment for purchases, to get access to non-civilian ammunition, to get tied into the whole underworld ecosystem. Really, when you looked at it that way they were no less enterprising than Apple! Just… they went out of their way to pay more taxes, not less. Th-That made them even more ethical.


"…alright, well I'll give word. Sinaloa's guy in The City is shockingly reasonable, I think you'll like working with him. Be ready for whatever cost he has to not be in money, necessarily. You know how they do…"

Oh, and she pulled her tablet from the bag, the one with the bakery ingredients list.

"…yeah I dunno if you were trynna talk biz, but I've got the updated inventory. It's expensive scraps, odds and ends, unicorn horns that's more for specialized buyers," she started to say as she tapped over the non-internet-capable device's screen. "…so I didn't hear a definite answer about what you wanted to do with the nearly empty warehouse…"

Sat Jun 15 22:44:34 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
takes my drink with a thank you for the bartender

Sat Jun 15 22:42:58 . pipers stables
chloee said:
sooooooo exhausted
but not able to sleep forced to stand

Sat Jun 15 22:39:32 . Just One
unc said:

Sat Jun 15 22:38:01 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
He shrugs. "We do raid a lot of their convoys least there's a reason for it." If he's going to get blown up by naval artillery, he'd like to deserve it.

Echo looks up from his work. He didn't have to watch what was mechanically happening to do it. Still, his eyes are black when he meets your eyes. Faint blue glimmers behind the lenses as his engineering suite feeds him schematics and assembly data. Between his hands, optics, and brain, Echo was a mobile microfracturing rig.

"I grew up a nomad. Aldecaldos Nation. Mojave clans. We're actually a lot nicer than civilized society gives us credit for." He grins, turning his attention back to his work for just a second.

Drone flying. Appearing to be a A-10 Warthog by all indications, minus the visual. Should be enough to spook Kurtz and his cyborg squad. He assumes wireless control. Making it move up, down, left right.

"I mostly just repurposed scrap weapons. Refitted junk into situational gear. No one really taught me how...I just did it." There's doubt in his voice. But it's directed at himself. Echo had no teacher for his own techie ways, so how could he...

"I can try. If you're patient."

Sat Jun 15 22:36:38 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

Sat Jun 15 22:35:38 . graphics by v
Scealai@bwr said:
Room Name: Castle Dracula

Room Code: vladcstl@bwr

Additional Details: Please add the following description to View Castle Dracula: Behold, a proud and mighty bastion of power. Forever resilient to the passage and ravages of time. We are House Dracula, and we bid you welcome. Take heed of your heart's intent, or you will need to deal with consequence.

Please add the following description to view Formal Gardens: The most expansive of a trio of gardens, with pathways leading to Pentru Celestina (For Celestina) and Gradina Dracula (Count Dracula's Garden)

Please add the following new views with Romanian words and with descriptions as noted:

Incintei (Courtyard)

Balta (Bathing pool)

Capela (Chapel)

Podgorie (Vineyard) with this description: A beautiful and well kept vineyard where treasures of exquisite vintage have been pressed and preserved for centuries. Best known for Sarutul Noptii (Kiss Of The Night), 1450, commemorating the birth year of Prince Dumitru Vasile Dracula.

PentruCelestina (For Celestina) with this description: A beautiful and tranquil garden created centuries ago by Count Vlad Dracula. An everlasting testament to his eternal devotion to his beloved bride, Lady Celestina Targova Dracula.

Visele (Master Bedroom)

Could you please change the view list to read as follows:
Castle Dracula
Great Hall
Throne Room
Family Room
Dining Room
Formal Garden
Pentru Celestina
Gradina Dracula
Prima Vara

veronica is the designated room designer.

Thank you so very, very much!!

Example image link(s): The images have been uploaded and are named exactly as the view name.

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