The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 15 17:03:57 . One more word...
Asian Babe said:

Sat Jun 15 17:03:56 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

Sat Jun 15 17:03:45 . Just One
Marcos said:

Sat Jun 15 17:03:16 . Z2 Corkboard
Gioia said:
I look for a few handmade items as appreciation gifts, but I travel pretty light.

Sat Jun 15 17:03:02 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
*running from the House threw the streets to the docks after a Raider informs me of what has happened, thankful to have an empty drydock at this time*

Sat Jun 15 17:02:27 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
missy jo said:

missyjo has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 17:02:20 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
missy jo said:

Sat Jun 15 17:01:49 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

brylyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 16:59:41 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

brylyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 16:59:17 . SHAME
former PK said:
thinking about former days

Sat Jun 15 16:57:55 . Miscellaneous Views Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
"I just know that I have my hands full from either side."

And he has larger-than-average hands.

He takes the transponder when you hand it down. Then, the tools. Then This would almost be a rom-com moment if not for the goggles and filtration masks. He's leading you around the tail section to the next jet.

"I figure if we can get four or five, then I think the 35's are a few rows down?"

He waves his hand that way.

"Nobu and Echo will have enough to cobble one or two together. Really, it's the circuit boards that need to be intact, those are what Kurtz will read to ID the aircraft. That's what we can't fake. The A-10 and the F-35 are two of the most commonly salvaged decommed aircraft, Kurtz will know that."

Because the same people who trained him trained Kurtz.

Once you and he are back up to the nose of the next aircraft, it's the same drill. Cupped hands, boost up, hand you the tools.

"I could outfit the Hilux with some heavier suspension. Hell, we wouldn't even need to sell it. I imagine Echo would give us a nice line of credit for that much titanium to play with."

Sat Jun 15 16:57:43 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

brylyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 16:55:23 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

brylyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 16:54:18 . Six Sexy Words
EdgeSeeker said:
I love fingering your slick pussy

Sat Jun 15 16:54:09 . pipers stables
eureka said:

Sat Jun 15 16:51:53 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

brylyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 15 16:51:27 . julianna's dice room
brylyn said:

Sat Jun 15 16:50:29 . Miscellaneous Views Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
She laughs as she uses your hands as a step to climb up into the body of the plane, and pulls the tools up behind her from your grasp.

"We can figure out how to count when we get home, because if we're counting that way, technically it's four."

She moves toward the nose, where the control panel is in the cockpit. Or was. The front of it has been pried off to get to the wiring underneath. But connective wiring will be easy enough to replace once they get this thing to Echo and Nobu, so long as the transponder itself is intact.

"I'm sure that we could haul it away a couple hundred pounds at a time, if we had a way to cut it."

Sounds like a great way to make money after this Kurtz mission is accomplished. Maybe.

She locates the equipment she's looking for, and grabs the socket wrench in her left hand. The prosthetic arm will lend a lot of extra strength to getting those bolts loose...

It only takes a couple of minutes before she's pulling it free and handing it down to you.

"We'll have to hook it up to a power source to see if it still works, but one down."

Who knows how many to go. As many as they can.

Sat Jun 15 16:49:03 . SHAME
Humili@tor said:
Sipping My Napa cab…relaxing

Sat Jun 15 16:46:07 . pipers stables
eureka said:
having heard about this place i sneak in
looking around

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