The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri Jun 21 00:00:54 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:

Thu Jun 20 23:58:57 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
(yikes phones at 3% brb!)

Thu Jun 20 23:56:59 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
Listening to her she smiled warmly, "Indeed, that would be welcome." Anything given was a blessing and she appreciated it more than anything.

"Yes, we do need to be, even when we aren't, but I'm hoping that was the last ship. I will confess that supplies are seriously low, even with your donation of supplies it just barely is enough for a little while longer. I was going to reach out to some friends of mine that I am sure will donate to our cause. I use to be a caravan healer for many year and I've developed friends in many places and in some of these places I've built a good professional relationship with. I've written my letters and only but send them when the next available mail run is ready to accept. It might take a bit of time but, I will have a lot more sent. My infirmary was looted not to long ago of all the medicines and serums and such, unfortunately its just something that happens from time to time. So, I'm attempting to regain all that was lost. That stuff is not easy to find." and it wasn't, the serums especially were the toughest. The slave wines, the salves and so much more were often collected from various places in the world. Nura took pride in having a really good stock of medicines to help combat the Pox, illnesses of the intimate kinds that the men sometimes contract in the brothels and so much more.

"When I get word, I will share what is brought in.. are you a resident in Port Kar? " she wasn't sure if Luna was a citizen here or not. Nura wasn't really, but she had become one because of Stalker, otherwise she was just a medicus to a pirate fleet owned by a man named Kalmar. It was an opportunity to learn marine medicine and so she took it for some much needed field experience.

Thu Jun 20 23:55:46 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
You smile and that alone is enough to melt the heart of a slave, heck any slave. A soft grin while eyes gleam. Listens closely then drags pearly while teeth along the tip of my tongue ever so slowly. Had been considering venturing to the docks. Wonders if you somehow read my mind. A look of amusement. Head nods in full understanding of the restriction in place.

Thu Jun 20 23:53:02 . South Town Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
South Town
MILLIE slid comically sideways off of the wall that she was projectiled up against, legs down, ass up for just a second as she gurgled quietly against her seized diaphragm, mouth agape like a fish out of water and her eyes rolling disoriented.

Somehow looking even more disheveled than before, top twisted awkwardly and half her bra out, flopped to the floor as an upgrade from upside-down, her Biomon blinking several alerts at her at the corners of her vision in orange and yellow icons as her eyes worked to re-focus.

Something… noisy. That empty gun she brought in with her, rendered useless except as a blunt mass, was left somewhere back from where Vulture performed enhanced-strength Judo on her, but as she slowly got back to her feet she plotted a course back into the melee, stumbled bootfalls kicking the leg of an empty chair and picking it up after a short, noisy drag against the floor, just trying to time the pace of her approach so that she could merge back into hostilities at a time when Vulture isn't tangled with Mike and she has a clear shot to try and get a swing in…

…and without much more of a plan than that.

Thu Jun 20 23:52:06 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
*seeing what you write and giving you a smile* Good, I'm glad. *looking to you for a moment* Listen, I want you to keep away from the docks for the next few weeks alright. The market and streets are fine, but that is it. Understand?

Thu Jun 20 23:48:13 . House of the White Wolf
Luna Kalligas said:
Dining Room
She gave a knowing smile and a nod.

"Ah, I see. Healer's knees. One among the many injuries we seem to inflict upon ourselves. I believe we have some Lavenia here, I will have some sent to the ship for you so you can make tea with it. It doesn't taste harsh if you add sugar and won't cause any ill effects but will help some with the pain so you can continue working without being slowed."

Nodding a bit.

"Oh please, think nothing of it Nura. I've been at this for a long time. I know how easy it is to forget to eat or simply not want to in times like these. Having things like this on hand is important and without you having been here I do not know what I would have done. It's important we look out for each other. Of course, you have Stalker and I am not making light of his importance in the least but no one understands what we face better than each other."

Pausing and considering the question. Thinking about Vyon for a moment and taking an inward-drawn breath.

"No. And neither are you. Nor is Stalker. But we will keep pretending we are for now until there comes a time when it is okay for us not to be. For now, I am as okay as I need to be and that is enough."

Thu Jun 20 23:44:22 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
Your hand within my hair has me leaning in. You ask the question and my lips purse up then pull into that ever present smile. Grasps the board and writing tools from the satchel then writes down neatly.

i am well Master and yourself?

Turns it for you to see and read.

Thu Jun 20 23:42:59 . South Town Night City RPG
EZ Mike said:
South Town

Mike comes flying in through the door to the bar, Brass Knuckles with ƎﻼIM YƧAƎ Engraved on them over each of his fists. He leaps forward, launching off his left foot.

Propelled through the air like a human missile, he extends his right fist through the stinging numbness running down his right arm, and connects that strip of heavy-metal to the side of Vultures face. Who is sent stumbling into Kenneth and then the bartop. It stops his trajectory dead and he curls over it, his head hitting the old wood and the teeth knocked loose by Mike tumble out of his mouth and onto the table.

Mike, Wildly moving through the air, falls into Vulture, Kenneth, and Then a stool, in that order, sending him sprawling over the seat, which slides along the floor.

Kenneth tumbles back himself, falling falt onto his back and a bloody mist of expelled air from his lips rise and then fall onto his face.

And everything stops.

Thu Jun 20 23:41:25 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
*seeing the glance and knowing what that ment but not minding one bit, only smiling as I had been lately really enjoying going to the market*

Thu Jun 20 23:41:08 . Just One
Seven said:

Thu Jun 20 23:37:04 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
Once she sat so did she with a bit of a thud. She does a face palm moment and then says "Yes, I was on the docks when the ship came in. I spent a lot of time on my knees, doing what it we do and I did a number on myself. I didn't realize the extent of the damage till the adrenaline came down and I was in my chambers. I'm sore, but, healing. I really do have to invest in some knee pads, .. " she said with a small bit of levity to her voice.

When she mentioned she brought treats her expression was of surprise and sheer joy. "Oh wow, Luna, .. wow.. thank you so much. That is... so kind and thoughtful. I hope to share them with you." she said to her as the gift was unexpected and now she wanted to give her something but she didn't know she would be meeting her tonight. Glancing at Stalker, for but a moment, thinking he will have to help her find her something to return the gesture. Looking back to her..

"Are you okay? " Loaded question for anyone, but she was asking because she saw the triage area and there were some pretty significant injuries there and some were beyond repair. It was a question that really was meant, and hoped she was.

Thu Jun 20 23:37:03 . Just One
unc said:

Thu Jun 20 23:36:49 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
*reaching down and stroking your hair gently, as the two healers speak and get to know each other I turn to you* How is my girl doing?

Thu Jun 20 23:32:21 . House of the White Wolf
Stalker said:
Dining Room
*laughing softly to myself, it was good to see all this, with all the pain and suffering over the last week it did my heart and my soul good to see something good and positive come from it all and for now the troubles of everything outside this room fell away*

Thu Jun 20 23:30:22 . House of the White Wolf
Luna Kalligas said:
Dining Room
She smiled at you and then she noticed the limp. She canted her head just slightly.

"Nura you are limping."

It was said as a statement and a question really.

"Yes, thank you for the invitation. It's been so long since I had another of the Caste to speak with. Solitary as we tend to be."

She smiled again and took a seat as offered, settling herself in as she put her little bundle on the table. She was truly excited to speak with you. Bright green eyes alive as always.

"I brought you some things. Some tea, chocolate, and some nuts. Things you can easily eat or drink for quick energy if you are anything like me and often forget or are without appetite while working. Now, why are you limping?"

No, she was not going to forget. First impressions can be tricky. You are making a fine one. She was an easy one to impress to be honest.

Thu Jun 20 23:30:05 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
Your eyes felt, my gaze returns to you. The smile upon my lips is as bright as the Sun causing a sparkly shine off the Thassa. Carries myself through the room with the soft steps of a slave knowing their place. When close to you, i come around to your side, pressing close to you. Having had many ways of training, from Northern to Tuchuk to silk, sometimes trying to figure the best one in the moment is a little difficult. Eyes dance playfully.

Thu Jun 20 23:25:47 . House of the White Wolf
Nura said:
Dining Room
Her energy was high and that was good. The self confidence of a woman in her own right, and that was great to see. A hand gesture to a near by chair, "Please, the pleasure is all mine. I invite you to join us, this evening. We were just eating and talking.. and it would be wonderful to talk with you." she meant that really she did. It was unclear just how boring we would be to Stalker but, his slave arrived and of course, such creatures as they would be a distraction. Nura limped a bit forward and she pulled out a chair for her, a courtesy, at least, she was trying to do everything right. First impressions being what they were, she was trying to make a good one.

Thu Jun 20 23:25:00 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
-sorry you have gone... heads away in to the day-

Thu Jun 20 23:24:26 . House of the White Wolf
sarabi{Stalker}@soi said:
House Of White Wolf
Takes notice of you the way you do me. Notices the way you sit with Him, the way you smile towards Him and look at Him, is if wrong that it makes a slave smile? Having been trained to listen and observe, i had been observant here. It is obvious how much you care for Him, as His slave His joy and happiness wherever He is, is something i strive for so it makes me happy to see what i see between you and Him.

[End of Transfer]

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