Show Rooms: Corks: Colour: activity over the last 10 minutes..

Site (RoomCount/UserCount)
Personal (4/6) All (4/6) soi (4/6)
The waiting room
Open to all
This could be the DMV, the Dr. Office or a dentists office. Anywhere you have to wait so you might as well chat with new /old friends. Room is opened to all and whispers are always welcomed.
dssallie, Mr Rogers (2)
Barista Coffee Shop
Open to all, owned by laurelynn {LA}
Stop in for your favorite coffee or tea drink, and meet some new friends!
Gaius, laurelynn {LA} (2)
Zen Space
Citizens only, owned by vaash
A peaceful space. Be kind or be gone. If I do not take care of myself, I cannot properly serve my One. Daily reading & reflections are just that. If you find them helpful, it's a bonus.
vaash (1)
Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Open to all, owned by Evil Producer
A celebrity themed RP lounge. Ordinary people are welcome to join in, but keep to the theme or you'll be kicked out.
Sofia Coppola (1)
A total of 6 chatters have posted in the open areas in the last 10 minutes. The number of users in the private area is currently unavailable.
Show Rooms: Corks: Colour:

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