The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 17 11:07:10 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
Fenix Arsenal
What! She asked shocked. She put her hands on her hips. Look everyone enjoys feeling pretty. She watched as the spiders went running away. I have glitter puffy paint!!!

Nope, didn't work. They still went and hid from her.

OH? Anyone I know? Probably not, she wasn't really very well traveled in mechanical circles. Mostly she just fixed people, not stuff. How often are they keeping the shop? Are you actually sleeping or just working in the apartment?

You told her to ask Dylan and she nodded. We're waiting for you guys to decide. I think Perry is ready to pull the trigger on it.

She was trying to find something to climb on to get back to the drones. She frowned when you asked her. Me? No. I want the drugs. This is a trading chip for said drugs. I... She shook her head. People are weird dude, I don't know what to tell you. I had people come in the other day, they wanted me to exchange their rib bones so they could live in one another's chest forever. Now I'm all for a good romantic gesture, but DAMN. RIBS! That's a little too far for romance in my book. But I'm not a romantic person.

She sighed and gave up chasing the bots into their hidey holes. Well that's why I'm gathering dead bodies. We're hoping to spoof the data. I'm going to try and upload some of Haven's bioscanner settings into a dead body and see if they're responding to some programing cue. Perry is helping with that. Because they'll pin point the errant code faster than she could. Also does your girl have any like... sisters. Are we doing like a coterie of spies. Like did she get trained up in the Bene Gesserit or anything? Because we were thinking. If all of her training and gear came from the same place, maybe they made the nanites like a tool, to shut down all of them.

She hopped up on a counter to sit on it. When was the last time anyone looked at your biomonitor? She asked with a frown. Okay.. open up. She pretended to knock on your head. Hello, traveling doctor. May I see your insides?

Mon Jun 17 11:06:57 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
Yep kinda of ......... smiles and scoots

Mon Jun 17 11:06:29 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
you enjoyed that WAY too

Mon Jun 17 11:05:53 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:

Mon Jun 17 11:05:46 . The Dock
plain katie said:
besides, that stuff goes right to my hips

Mon Jun 17 11:05:30 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
deep Browns look at you


Mon Jun 17 11:05:25 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
take care PM...Huggers...

Mon Jun 17 11:05:05 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
good game, I could not get a five and you could not get a four
Tough game but a good one

sheer luck with the Yahtzee ........ see ya later blows a hug your way and thanks for the games

Mon Jun 17 11:04:40 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
thanks for the ass

Mon Jun 17 11:04:21 . The Dock
Primo said:
Ya gotta save the good stuff for just once in a while

Mon Jun 17 11:04:02 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
nice yahtzee though..

Mon Jun 17 11:03:23 . The Dock
plain katie said:
it was good!
i worked Friday night, went out last night
no Harlem mac & cheese, though

Mon Jun 17 11:03:07 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:

Score: 0 points on Small Straight

Mon Jun 17 11:02:42 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 3


Mon Jun 17 11:02:40 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Apollo said:
I can't buy a fu#%$^ng 4

Mon Jun 17 11:02:30 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
not saying a word lol

Mon Jun 17 11:01:58 . The Dock
Primo said:

So how was your weekend?

Mon Jun 17 11:01:20 . Z2 Corkboard
Mercury said:

Mon Jun 17 11:00:58 . The Dock
plain katie said:
this is over my head, probably because i wasn't there, so i can't really comment any further ...
it's foolish without context

Mon Jun 17 11:00:54 . Just One
Angus Mason said:

[End of Transfer]

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