The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 17 20:18:47 . Stark Industries
America Chavez said:
Residence - Living Room
"I think so too."

But she yawns now. It's late. It's been many hours. That was a lot of movies, even if they are relatively short.

"But it's probably about time to call it a night for now."

Or morning

Mon Jun 17 20:18:34 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
CoachShaft said:

Mon Jun 17 20:18:01 . Z2 Corkboard
ATN said:
On a long ago vacation in Maine, I was climbing on rocks at the shore to retrieve a six-pack we had left in a tidal pool to keep cold. When we left it there, it was easily reachable, but the tide had come in and now it was a bit treacherous. When I was bent over, reaching down for the beer, a wave snuck up behind me and knocked me off the rocks on which I was standing, on to some other rocks that were less friendly. The result was a substantial gash in my thigh, that bled profusely. As my leg was already wet from landing in the water, the blood spread quickly all over my leg, making it look much worse than it was. As we did not have sufficient first aid supplies to deal with it, the decision was made to take me to the ER at the local hospital. While our car was parked nearby as the crow flies, my inability to fly meant I was going to have to traverse a narrow path up a 50 foot cliff to get to it. I found that as long as I didn't focus too much on the appearance of my blood-soaked leg, the climb was manageable, and we were off on our way to the hospital where I didn't bleed to death, needing only butterfly bandages rather than stitches to close the wound.

Mon Jun 17 20:17:40 . Barista Coffee Shop
Primo said:

Mon Jun 17 20:17:36 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*smiles*. I always had a soft spot for the critters though. Except the snakes. They scared me.

Mon Jun 17 20:16:54 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*laughs*. Hey, I ended up plucking one of those chickens for dinner one night. *laughs*

Mon Jun 17 20:15:52 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
couch1 said:

couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Mon Jun 17 20:15:13 . Stark Industries
Tony E. Stark said:
Residence - Living Room
"A hellgod? What's next?" He'd like to go back to cheesy dragons please

but he settles in to watch, to enjoy, His brain, it's the way it works, it's running rapid fire, processing what he sees, filing details away, this story, that catastrophe, does he notice the actress? The Woman? Not at first. Will it come to him in a eureka moment in a few days when he's in his lab working on something else? Probably. Will it have him coming back here, going tape by tape as JARVIS spits out every time someone that might be that same person is on screen?


Will he no doubt call the both of you to come over and see it for yourself if one or both of you haven't already noticed?

Without a doubt.

again the movie pauses, "I mean, this one can't end well, can it?" Hellgods. Pretty sure it's not all about world peace and survival in utopia

the night has crept up, the windows don't even need the tinting that darkened the glass hours ago, other than to keep the nightlife at bay, again he stands, stretches, picking up the glasses, the cans, the items that litter the table

"I think we should plan another trip back soon. I'm intrigued. I want to see if there is an office. And where those doors go"

Mon Jun 17 20:15:13 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
yes I have no doubt that is what you thought.

Mon Jun 17 20:14:48 . Barista Coffee Shop
Primo said:
Good grief…Ohio women and their chicken issues…*s*

Mon Jun 17 20:12:10 . The Dock
Primo said:
“ that's the best! kinda blase, devil-may-care abs, got it if ya want it?”

Sometimes you just make me and Big laugh…one day we’re just gonna order your Mac and cheese takeout

Mon Jun 17 20:11:48 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*smiles*. I was scared they'd get stuck on the other side of the train and couldn't come home! *Smiles*.

Mon Jun 17 20:10:47 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:

Mon Jun 17 20:09:35 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*laughs*. They live on a railroad track. I remember getting upset every time. Train would approach. Bu brother and I would quickly catch the chickens. My grandma would yell " you kids are gonna run the flesh off those chickens!". *laughs*.

Mon Jun 17 20:08:49 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
I understand

Mon Jun 17 20:08:42 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
couch1 said:

couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Mon Jun 17 20:08:27 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Sebastian Seale said:
Underground Clubs
The bubbles on his tongue help relax and ground him to the here and now. So does the music. He feels the tabletop under his fingers, the smooth worn surface that's been entertaining people here for years. There are things that ground him easier than others, get his head back into a place of positivity, purpose, after the endless patients seen day in and out. The ones that make it, often are what keeps him going. The ones that don't, are an anchor that drags him down. Outside of that, the digital bark of a holographic dalmation at home. The bounce of blonde pigtails after a long work day. These are things worth grasping on to, taking the time to feel gratitude for. Every moment he can. Every day he can.

Mon Jun 17 20:07:37 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
My grandpa kept yelling at him to sit down while leading us in the house. They live on 25, which is a major route and people drive absolutely crazy on that road.

Mon Jun 17 20:07:34 . Plains of Turia
djinn{RED} said:
Hearing His question ,djinns eyes widened like full moons talk of larls and sleeps made her petite frame feel a cold shiver..."no Master " orbs dart a tad anxiously at the ground...thoughts run through her mind surely they would pick off people with more body fat thankful she didn't eat much back at camp

Drawing comfort from his strong hold across her body eyes still scanning the darkness.

Mon Jun 17 20:07:15 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
Owen said:
looking in

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