The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri Jul 05 19:39:53 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing....i just hate cooking for microwave stuffs works well......

Fri Jul 05 19:39:01 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Kinda cool being ace cook
But im lazy and macdonalds just two blk away

Fri Jul 05 19:38:59 . Feet And Tickling
charlieC said:
mybjaw drops as your sudden skill and intensity impresses me, startles me, intimidates me... and then I let go, giving in to what is happening.
Oh jeze... oh how are you doing that... God it's never felt like this before... oh yes yes please yes do it!

Fri Jul 05 19:38:34 . Feet And Tickling
Nine said:
watching charlie's face as you suck him

Fri Jul 05 19:38:05 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughs yeah even them......

Fri Jul 05 19:37:56 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
Stopping in
mona, Crown neat please

Fri Jul 05 19:37:40 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
that I am sure....

Fri Jul 05 19:37:15 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Even soybeans

Fri Jul 05 19:36:47 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Hee lol my guess our vaash friend makes all stuff good

Fri Jul 05 19:36:30 . Night City RPG OOC
Sebastian Seale said:
Any sufficiently expensive nano technology is indistinguishable from magic, they say?

Fri Jul 05 19:36:15 . Feet And Tickling
Seven said:
Bobbing up and down on your hard erection like a goddamn pro. Sliding her tongue up and down along the underside of the shaft to coat it with her saliva. Then she was popping you out of her mouth and stroking you with her hand. Looking up at you with a wild smile.

"Did I surprise you? Do you like it?"

Hand pumping your penis like the machine she was.

Fri Jul 05 19:35:24 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
yeah cooked sponges wouldn't go well with veggies

Fri Jul 05 19:34:42 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Yes cooked right without sponges good

Fri Jul 05 19:34:25 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
have fun with all your other girls

Fri Jul 05 19:33:59 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:

Fri Jul 05 19:33:40 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
they need to be fixed the right way or do taste some brands taste bad no matter what you do

Fri Jul 05 19:33:32 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Alpo makes em

Fri Jul 05 19:32:36 . Torvaldlander's Message Board
helga{TBx} said:
(07/04/24 : 20:35:12) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: grins as You gesture as i climb up the steps and moves to step in as you indicate for me to enter as, smiling as i slide the handle of the basket off my arm and hold it out to you..
i come bearing vulo eggs!

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:36:43) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Eggs! How did you know? You are a lifesaver, I was just wishing I had some to make honey cakes and there you are with them" Grinning as I reach to take the basket from you and settle it down upon the large timber table. "Thank you"

(07/04/24 : 20:39:02) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: laughing softly as indigo eyes light up as you take the offered basket as i move with you, watching as you settle it to the large table..
i was just thinking it has been awhile since i brought you some vulo eggs...and honey cakes sound rather delicious, you are very welcomed i am glad they will come in handy for you

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:44:55) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Usually we have so many eggs, but lately the hens aren't producing like they used to. Maybe they are getting a bit old and we need to get some young ones in" Nodding softly as the eggs were put away into the pantry. "Have you had any farm life experience, spi?"

(07/04/24 : 20:47:55) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: smiles as my head tilts as i listen, nodding lightly ..
maybe something i bedeviling them causing them not to lay?.. and not too much farm experience, just a little bit in wagon camps, milking the bosk is always fun

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:50:34) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Oooooh" Lowering my voice to a whisper. "I hadn't thought of that. There is a Volva who lives in the hills, not far from here, maybe we should visit her and ask?"

(07/04/24 : 20:52:51) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: indigo eyes watching hearing that lowering of Your voice..
there is a Volva close by? we can do that? go and visit?

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:55:30) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "I have before....many times. But well, usually for things more significant than the vulo not laying" Laughing..."BUT, if some evil spell has befallen my Jarl's home, then I think THAT is important. Do you think so too?" Looking to you for validation. "I would hate to upset her, she knows seidr!"

(07/04/24 : 20:58:10) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: smiles as i listen, nodding slowly before a grin tugs as you laugh...
well i would say a Jarl's vulo's not laying eggs would be important.... nodding lots..before eyes widen..
She does?, but how could Anyone be upset by you!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:00:09) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: " happens!" Laughing and slipping my shawl around my shoulders...suddenly keen for this adventure. "Everything is prepared for dinner, Gersemi will be home soon, she will know to finish it off. Come on, let's go!" Heading out the door, holding it open for you to come too.

(07/04/24 : 21:01:56) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: grins as i straighten as You gather your shawl, indigo orbs dancing lightly as i move following you and steps out a you hold the door..
ohhh an adventure!! this will be exciting! how much trouble really could we get into!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:04:12) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Well, we aren't doing anything wrong...really" Pausing then and adding "I think" Laughter bubbled forth then and I shrugged my shoulders. "Too late, we are already on our mission" Soon we were in the hills, walking the rocky road toward the place where she lived. "She will expect payment. I will promise some honey cakes for her" Hoping that would be enough...

(07/04/24 : 21:06:48) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: soft laughter escapes my lips as i move, long legs striding lightly as keep step with you as my eyes peer about the rocky road..
ee we're on a mission that is never a bad thing! and i can offer some vulo eggs with that will sweeten the deal?
☆ (07/04/24 : 21:09:02) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "I think that will indeed sweeten the deal" nodding and thinking of what else we might add if it wasn't.
There was an eeriness felt as we closed in on her home. The wind had dropped and the air was dead still. There were no animals or their sounds seen or heard, just a silence. "That's it over there" said in hushed tones, a nod of my head indicating a rundown shack ahead.

(07/04/24 : 21:12:14) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: moving along as i picked my way along the rocky road, peering about as the wind had seemed to suddenly die, cocking my head as indigo orbs look to You wide as nary a sound of nature or beast can be heard, eyes travel to look in the direction you gesture to..speaking low. tis a bit of a erry place is it not.. are you sure She is home?

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:14:04) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: For some inexplicable reason I began to tippy toe as we moved closer, keeping my voice low as I moved in close to you. "I have never known her not to be. Do you have any questions for her?"

(07/04/24 : 21:17:01) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: my feet moving now almost soundless i tread carefully leaning in towards you as you move close, feeling those little hairs on the back of my neck standing up, my voice lowering in a hushed tone..
i never thought of asking a question!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:21:19) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: " should, while you have the chance" A loud swallow was eyes were as wide as saucers. Suddenly I began to wonder if this was a wise thing. But if there were any thoughts about turning back, it would be too late because, there at the door she stood, watching as we approached.
I never knew if the youth serums failed to work on her or if she just chose not to have them. It was so odd to see anyone who looked over the age of thirty here but there she was, her face wrinkled and her hair grey. I could see her hands as they gripped her shawl tightly in front of her. They were weathered and gnarled. But it was her eyes that were most disconcerting. They were cloudy, I had always wondered if perhaps she might have some sort of blindness....but when she nodded her head and opened her door for us, I knew then that she did indeed have full sight.

(07/04/24 : 21:26:10) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: suddenly finding my throat dry as i scooted closer to you as the worn down house was before us. nodding slowly as you spoke as indigo orbs took in the strange sight of One looking so old, having never seen that, though i tried hard not to stare, i could not look away, those eyes were disconcerting as if they looked right through you as almost crept at your side as the Volva opened the door and gestured..
ohhh here goes nothing helga, if i get turned into a toad don't let me croak!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:30:52) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: Your humour dispelled the trepidation I felt and I had to fight the urge to burst out laughter, my lips pressed hard together...but then when we were right in front of her, I felt my nerves return and I kind of nudged you inside ahead of me, in case you changed your mind and fled, leaving me alone. "T...t....tal Mistress" Lowering my head as I passed her, looking around inside at the dirt floor strewn with straw.
She beckoned us closer inside, motioning for us to kneel in the corner. "What is it you seek?" The question was posed to you, not I and I knew then that the Gods had brought us here, not for the vulo but for something deeper perhaps.

(07/04/24 : 21:36:28) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: almost tripping as i catch myself and stumble through the door as you nudge me in, drats there was no escaping now it was almost as if you could read my thoughts as i smooth my kirtle and dip my head with respect to the Volva. indigo orbs taking in the dimly lit recesses, seeing the straw strewn over the dirt floor. eyes widening as an audible gulp escapes as the Volva speaks to me a i lower to kneel.pondering for a moment before silvery voice whispered..
do You see what the norns have in store for me great Volva?

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:39:45) [PIC]

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Long life and servitude" Came her response. Well, that wasn’t very satisfying I thought to myself and prompted you. "Maybe be more specific"

(07/04/24 : 21:42:21) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: indigo orbs blink at the answer as i had know about the servitude, the long life was good to know as it meant no One would wring my neck any time soon as i look to you..biting my lip whispers to You in a hush tone...
am not sure what to be specific about

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:47:03) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Then, that is your answer" replied the Volva. "Live in the now, the past is gone and the future will take of itself. That is for both of you" Her voice was crackly but I heard the wisdom in it and I nodded respectfully. "And...the vulo Mistress...the vulo at my owner's steading have stopped laying. Are they under a spell perhaps?"

She looked at me with those smoky eyes and then burst out laughing, it was a wicked sounding cackle that echoed around the room and I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. "VULO? You ask me about.....vulo?" I suddenly started to feel a little silly and I looked to you, hoping for something we could say to alleviate this awkwardness.

(07/04/24 : 21:50:38) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: nodding slowly as i take in the Volva's wise words as a smile hovers upon my lips, almost falls over startled as the Volva bursts out laughing.. blinking as i look to you and then back at Her, slender hand gestures as i speak..
tis only because the vulo eggs are so important we thought the wise Volva would know what could bedevil them from not laying! as only a wise Volva could! nodding my head fervently and discreetly nudges helga

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:54:20) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: Nudging you back, hoping she would find this answer pleasing

"Hmmm" was her only response before she momentarily narrowed her eyes, as cloudy as they were, before closing them. There was a long silence and I looked to you nervously. Had she fallen asleep? But then, suddenly she broke the silence and said.... (Your turn LOL)

(07/04/24 : 21:59:51) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: nearly jumps as you nudge me back, looking to you as i swallow then looking back at the Volva as she closed her eyes, almost leaning forward slightly, expecting to hear little snoring sounds, before jerking back sharply as The vovla suddenly spoke, peering as i could swear i heard laughter in Her voice as She spoke..
the only curse upon the vulo is them being chased by the wee ones in a game!

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:05:30) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Ooooh of course!" Blurting it out "Thorbjorn has been using them for target practise. Wait until his father finds out he is the reason they have stopped laying!" I would have laughed but I thought perhaps that might not be appropriate.

Then, from beneath her shawl, she stretched her withered old arm out, opening her gnarled hand for payment
"Oh Mistress" speaking fast. "We were hoping you might allow payment in the form of honey cakes and eggs"

"Honeycake?" He head Jerked up suddenly. "The slut, honeycake?" I thought I saw the thin line of her mouth twitch in a smile. "Yes.....yes. She will do nicely as payment, I think"

(07/04/24 : 22:07:54) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: presses my lips tightly together to keep from giggling as i listened to you, then watching Her hold out her hand for payment...ducking my head quickly so the laughter in my eyes dos not show as i wonder how you’re going to explain giving honeycake to the Volva for payment, and how do we get honeycake to go willingly

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:12:24) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: I looked at you with a startled expression, eyes wild. How could we get out of THIS? I nudged you helplessly, hoping you might be able to think of a way to tell her....because I sure as hell couldn't.. Maybe honeycake WOULD come willingly? Would her Jarl let her? Even as the thoughts played in my head the resounding answer came hard and fast "NO!"

(07/04/24 : 22:16:18) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: watching that wild look in your eyes. ducking my head and thinks quickly and lifts my head, speaking to the Volva as i have a plan...silvery voice speaking lightly..
well honeycake is away but but... what if we get a thrall to come out and help around Your steading for a few days?.. nodding lots...
and You can work him hard for anything YOu need Great Volva!... nodding my head furiously as i look to helga for backup

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:19:28) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Oh yes! My Jarl who two I mean, strong thralls Mistress!" Crossing my fingers behind my back.

"You insult me" came her reply. "In the stead of a bond-maid you offer me a thrall for a few days!" I was panicked now and I began to fidget nervously with my kirtle. She was clearly cross with us and I thought perhaps it was best we made a hasty retreat. "Yes, Mistress. We will return tomorrow with payment" Rising to my feet and looking to you

(07/04/24 : 22:22:12) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: the hard swallow of my throat as my heart began to drum within my chest at the Volva's reaction... shifting in my kneel before rising hastily to back towards the door quickly...bowing my head in respect as i grab helga's hand and beats a hasty retreat

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:24:56) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: I ran with you from the shack, my hand tightly gripping yours. My mind was in turmoil, there was even the thought of kidnapping honeycake. We could throw a sack over her head, just like Ivar Forkbeard did with Hilda the haughty. No one need ever know it was us. Hmmm such devious thoughts! But...what if we were caught? Jarl Svein would no doubt dish out the harshest punishment possible. I didn't look back until we made it back to the steading.

My heart was pounding rapidly within my chest. "We need a plan...Maybe we should ask our Jarls?"

(07/04/24 : 22:27:25) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: gulping in copious amounts of fresh air as i blink my eyes to adjust to the light as my hand clung to yours as we sprinted for the rocky road... pausing for a moment to catch my breath as wide indigo eyes look to you....
maybe we can get her drunk on mead and when she passes out, tress her up and carry her to the volva??...she can not weight that much!!
(07/04/24 : 22:28:00) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: leans in an whispers to yoou.. we can always blame the thralls for it!!
☆ (07/04/24 : 22:29:22) [PIC]

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "oh, I like the way you think spi! Especially the blaming of the thralls bit" Laughing with delight "Let's sleep on it and ask Freyja to send us an answer in our dreams" Leaning in to brush your cheek with a kiss.

(07/04/24 : 22:31:06) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: laughing softly and leans in and brushes my lips to the curve of your cheek... lets sleep on it!

Fri Jul 05 19:32:22 . Torvaldlander's Message Board
helga{TBx} said:
(07/04/24 : 20:35:12) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: grins as You gesture as i climb up the steps and moves to step in as you indicate for me to enter as, smiling as i slide the handle of the basket off my arm and hold it out to you..
i come bearing vulo eggs!

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:36:43) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Eggs! How did you know? You are a lifesaver, I was just wishing I had some to make honey cakes and there you are with them" Grinning as I reach to take the basket from you and settle it down upon the large timber table. "Thank you"

(07/04/24 : 20:39:02) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: laughing softly as indigo eyes light up as you take the offered basket as i move with you, watching as you settle it to the large table..
i was just thinking it has been awhile since i brought you some vulo eggs...and honey cakes sound rather delicious, you are very welcomed i am glad they will come in handy for you

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:44:55) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Usually we have so many eggs, but lately the hens aren't producing like they used to. Maybe they are getting a bit old and we need to get some young ones in" Nodding softly as the eggs were put away into the pantry. "Have you had any farm life experience, spi?"

(07/04/24 : 20:47:55) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: smiles as my head tilts as i listen, nodding lightly ..
maybe something i bedeviling them causing them not to lay?.. and not too much farm experience, just a little bit in wagon camps, milking the bosk is always fun

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:50:34) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Oooooh" Lowering my voice to a whisper. "I hadn't thought of that. There is a Volva who lives in the hills, not far from here, maybe we should visit her and ask?"

(07/04/24 : 20:52:51) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: indigo eyes watching hearing that lowering of Your voice..
there is a Volva close by? we can do that? go and visit?

☆ (07/04/24 : 20:55:30) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "I have before....many times. But well, usually for things more significant than the vulo not laying" Laughing..."BUT, if some evil spell has befallen my Jarl's home, then I think THAT is important. Do you think so too?" Looking to you for validation. "I would hate to upset her, she knows seidr!"

(07/04/24 : 20:58:10) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: smiles as i listen, nodding slowly before a grin tugs as you laugh...
well i would say a Jarl's vulo's not laying eggs would be important.... nodding lots..before eyes widen..
She does?, but how could Anyone be upset by you!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:00:09) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: " happens!" Laughing and slipping my shawl around my shoulders...suddenly keen for this adventure. "Everything is prepared for dinner, Gersemi will be home soon, she will know to finish it off. Come on, let's go!" Heading out the door, holding it open for you to come too.

(07/04/24 : 21:01:56) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: grins as i straighten as You gather your shawl, indigo orbs dancing lightly as i move following you and steps out a you hold the door..
ohhh an adventure!! this will be exciting! how much trouble really could we get into!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:04:12) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Well, we aren't doing anything wrong...really" Pausing then and adding "I think" Laughter bubbled forth then and I shrugged my shoulders. "Too late, we are already on our mission" Soon we were in the hills, walking the rocky road toward the place where she lived. "She will expect payment. I will promise some honey cakes for her" Hoping that would be enough...

(07/04/24 : 21:06:48) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: soft laughter escapes my lips as i move, long legs striding lightly as keep step with you as my eyes peer about the rocky road..
ee we're on a mission that is never a bad thing! and i can offer some vulo eggs with that will sweeten the deal?
☆ (07/04/24 : 21:09:02) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "I think that will indeed sweeten the deal" nodding and thinking of what else we might add if it wasn't.
There was an eeriness felt as we closed in on her home. The wind had dropped and the air was dead still. There were no animals or their sounds seen or heard, just a silence. "That's it over there" said in hushed tones, a nod of my head indicating a rundown shack ahead.

(07/04/24 : 21:12:14) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: moving along as i picked my way along the rocky road, peering about as the wind had seemed to suddenly die, cocking my head as indigo orbs look to You wide as nary a sound of nature or beast can be heard, eyes travel to look in the direction you gesture to..speaking low. tis a bit of a erry place is it not.. are you sure She is home?

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:14:04) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: For some inexplicable reason I began to tippy toe as we moved closer, keeping my voice low as I moved in close to you. "I have never known her not to be. Do you have any questions for her?"

(07/04/24 : 21:17:01) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: my feet moving now almost soundless i tread carefully leaning in towards you as you move close, feeling those little hairs on the back of my neck standing up, my voice lowering in a hushed tone..
i never thought of asking a question!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:21:19) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: " should, while you have the chance" A loud swallow was eyes were as wide as saucers. Suddenly I began to wonder if this was a wise thing. But if there were any thoughts about turning back, it would be too late because, there at the door she stood, watching as we approached.
I never knew if the youth serums failed to work on her or if she just chose not to have them. It was so odd to see anyone who looked over the age of thirty here but there she was, her face wrinkled and her hair grey. I could see her hands as they gripped her shawl tightly in front of her. They were weathered and gnarled. But it was her eyes that were most disconcerting. They were cloudy, I had always wondered if perhaps she might have some sort of blindness....but when she nodded her head and opened her door for us, I knew then that she did indeed have full sight.

(07/04/24 : 21:26:10) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: suddenly finding my throat dry as i scooted closer to you as the worn down house was before us. nodding slowly as you spoke as indigo orbs took in the strange sight of One looking so old, having never seen that, though i tried hard not to stare, i could not look away, those eyes were disconcerting as if they looked right through you as almost crept at your side as the Volva opened the door and gestured..
ohhh here goes nothing helga, if i get turned into a toad don't let me croak!

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:30:52) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: Your humour dispelled the trepidation I felt and I had to fight the urge to burst out laughter, my lips pressed hard together...but then when we were right in front of her, I felt my nerves return and I kind of nudged you inside ahead of me, in case you changed your mind and fled, leaving me alone. "T...t....tal Mistress" Lowering my head as I passed her, looking around inside at the dirt floor strewn with straw.
She beckoned us closer inside, motioning for us to kneel in the corner. "What is it you seek?" The question was posed to you, not I and I knew then that the Gods had brought us here, not for the vulo but for something deeper perhaps.

(07/04/24 : 21:36:28) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: almost tripping as i catch myself and stumble through the door as you nudge me in, drats there was no escaping now it was almost as if you could read my thoughts as i smooth my kirtle and dip my head with respect to the Volva. indigo orbs taking in the dimly lit recesses, seeing the straw strewn over the dirt floor. eyes widening as an audible gulp escapes as the Volva speaks to me a i lower to kneel.pondering for a moment before silvery voice whispered..
do You see what the norns have in store for me great Volva?

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:39:45) [PIC]

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Long life and servitude" Came her response. Well, that wasn’t very satisfying I thought to myself and prompted you. "Maybe be more specific"

(07/04/24 : 21:42:21) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: indigo orbs blink at the answer as i had know about the servitude, the long life was good to know as it meant no One would wring my neck any time soon as i look to you..biting my lip whispers to You in a hush tone...
am not sure what to be specific about

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:47:03) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Then, that is your answer" replied the Volva. "Live in the now, the past is gone and the future will take of itself. That is for both of you" Her voice was crackly but I heard the wisdom in it and I nodded respectfully. "And...the vulo Mistress...the vulo at my owner's steading have stopped laying. Are they under a spell perhaps?"

She looked at me with those smoky eyes and then burst out laughing, it was a wicked sounding cackle that echoed around the room and I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. "VULO? You ask me about.....vulo?" I suddenly started to feel a little silly and I looked to you, hoping for something we could say to alleviate this awkwardness.

(07/04/24 : 21:50:38) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: nodding slowly as i take in the Volva's wise words as a smile hovers upon my lips, almost falls over startled as the Volva bursts out laughing.. blinking as i look to you and then back at Her, slender hand gestures as i speak..
tis only because the vulo eggs are so important we thought the wise Volva would know what could bedevil them from not laying! as only a wise Volva could! nodding my head fervently and discreetly nudges helga

☆ (07/04/24 : 21:54:20) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: Nudging you back, hoping she would find this answer pleasing

"Hmmm" was her only response before she momentarily narrowed her eyes, as cloudy as they were, before closing them. There was a long silence and I looked to you nervously. Had she fallen asleep? But then, suddenly she broke the silence and said.... (Your turn LOL)

(07/04/24 : 21:59:51) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: nearly jumps as you nudge me back, looking to you as i swallow then looking back at the Volva as she closed her eyes, almost leaning forward slightly, expecting to hear little snoring sounds, before jerking back sharply as The vovla suddenly spoke, peering as i could swear i heard laughter in Her voice as She spoke..
the only curse upon the vulo is them being chased by the wee ones in a game!

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:05:30) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Ooooh of course!" Blurting it out "Thorbjorn has been using them for target practise. Wait until his father finds out he is the reason they have stopped laying!" I would have laughed but I thought perhaps that might not be appropriate.

Then, from beneath her shawl, she stretched her withered old arm out, opening her gnarled hand for payment
"Oh Mistress" speaking fast. "We were hoping you might allow payment in the form of honey cakes and eggs"

"Honeycake?" He head Jerked up suddenly. "The slut, honeycake?" I thought I saw the thin line of her mouth twitch in a smile. "Yes.....yes. She will do nicely as payment, I think"

(07/04/24 : 22:07:54) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: presses my lips tightly together to keep from giggling as i listened to you, then watching Her hold out her hand for payment...ducking my head quickly so the laughter in my eyes dos not show as i wonder how you’re going to explain giving honeycake to the Volva for payment, and how do we get honeycake to go willingly

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:12:24) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: I looked at you with a startled expression, eyes wild. How could we get out of THIS? I nudged you helplessly, hoping you might be able to think of a way to tell her....because I sure as hell couldn't.. Maybe honeycake WOULD come willingly? Would her Jarl let her? Even as the thoughts played in my head the resounding answer came hard and fast "NO!"

(07/04/24 : 22:16:18) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: watching that wild look in your eyes. ducking my head and thinks quickly and lifts my head, speaking to the Volva as i have a plan...silvery voice speaking lightly..
well honeycake is away but but... what if we get a thrall to come out and help around Your steading for a few days?.. nodding lots...
and You can work him hard for anything YOu need Great Volva!... nodding my head furiously as i look to helga for backup

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:19:28) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "Oh yes! My Jarl who two I mean, strong thralls Mistress!" Crossing my fingers behind my back.

"You insult me" came her reply. "In the stead of a bond-maid you offer me a thrall for a few days!" I was panicked now and I began to fidget nervously with my kirtle. She was clearly cross with us and I thought perhaps it was best we made a hasty retreat. "Yes, Mistress. We will return tomorrow with payment" Rising to my feet and looking to you

(07/04/24 : 22:22:12) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: the hard swallow of my throat as my heart began to drum within my chest at the Volva's reaction... shifting in my kneel before rising hastily to back towards the door quickly...bowing my head in respect as i grab helga's hand and beats a hasty retreat

☆ (07/04/24 : 22:24:56) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: I ran with you from the shack, my hand tightly gripping yours. My mind was in turmoil, there was even the thought of kidnapping honeycake. We could throw a sack over her head, just like Ivar Forkbeard did with Hilda the haughty. No one need ever know it was us. Hmmm such devious thoughts! But...what if we were caught? Jarl Svein would no doubt dish out the harshest punishment possible. I didn't look back until we made it back to the steading.

My heart was pounding rapidly within my chest. "We need a plan...Maybe we should ask our Jarls?"

(07/04/24 : 22:27:25) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: gulping in copious amounts of fresh air as i blink my eyes to adjust to the light as my hand clung to yours as we sprinted for the rocky road... pausing for a moment to catch my breath as wide indigo eyes look to you....
maybe we can get her drunk on mead and when she passes out, tress her up and carry her to the volva??...she can not weight that much!!
(07/04/24 : 22:28:00) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==in the hills overlooking the village==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: leans in an whispers to yoou.. we can always blame the thralls for it!!
☆ (07/04/24 : 22:29:22) [PIC]

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to spiorad {IoS}bond-maid o: "oh, I like the way you think spi! Especially the blaming of the thralls bit" Laughing with delight "Let's sleep on it and ask Freyja to send us an answer in our dreams" Leaning in to brush your cheek with a kiss.

(07/04/24 : 22:31:06) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
bond-maid of Scagnar

==on Thorarin's farm steading==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: laughing softly and leans in and brushes my lips to the curve of your cheek... lets sleep on it!

Fri Jul 05 19:32:23 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Oh yeah veggie burgers must tell ya tho gas station i gwt lotto coffee at sells burgers at lunch time
Made with soybeans boy they taste horrible

[End of Transfer]

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