The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 08 23:13:18 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
This is absolutely true.

Sat Jun 08 23:13:16 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:
"Mmmm, that's called fiduciary responsibility, my homie. I swear to god we're hurtling at breakneck speed towards a cyberpunk dystopia in real life."

But she pumped the brakes for a moment as she picked up a now-cold, now-soggy fry.
Mind you, BJ's serves outstanding fries but they were far from fresh for all the conversation they had since they were first brought to the table.

That little pique, that little micro-expression for when you were speaking of how you constantly worry about how you presented. That's what she initially saw, when she walked into the room after she took your picture. The way you transformed into Leo Sterling — expected product of all of his influences thus far and reflection of his situation and upbringing.

As a major contrast to how you were before, a bit of how you are now.

"…so do you have family or friends in the community? Like I'm personally pansexual and I have a friend who's a lesbian. You're bound to run into her one of these days — super pink hair, impossible to miss. Always full of sagely advice, has a badass bike."

Sat Jun 08 23:10:40 . Cork for OOC Topics
Black~Rose said:
We are so sad to see this. Thel and I don't play anymore but kept in touch a bit with Suzanne esp when my rooms would close and she'd let me know. I enjoyed playing when I was active and she was in our Angels of Death group. May she always be remembered.

Sat Jun 08 23:09:49 . The fox and hounds
Grebe said:

Sat Jun 08 23:07:13 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:
Engaged elsewhere, but thought I'd just let you know not
to wait for me.


Sat Jun 08 23:03:55 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
"I have noticed that, yes." Tone dry.

A part of his mind is still mulling over what he'd said. That he spends a lot of time worrying about how he shows up in the world, how people will react. That he's even doing with Elodie, now. So while he's not tuned out of the conversation by any means, there is a something there behind it.

"As a person that attended way too many events with these kinds of people... yeah, they don't say that. They worked hard to get where they are. And they did, some of them. But it doesn't change that someone who wasn't born into that level of luck had to work hard and deal with a whole bunch of extra stuff."

A faint grimace. "Profitable is key. Like, suddenly companies are out there with rainbows for this month, but what are they actually doing for queer people? Equality, when it's profitable."

Sat Jun 08 22:57:05 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:
"…you ever notice it's never a logic that seems to extend to generosity or opportunity?"

She said, finally, after a long pause to think about it. Particularly on the subject of suffering…

"…like when they were talking about attacking student debt, it's 'I suffered, so you must suffer', or using it as a platform of justifying the financialization of higher education, that only profit-focused areas of study are valid, or…"

Wait, she was losing her point. Holly's posture adjusted and she set her water down, then off to the side.

"…they never say 'I had privilege and economic ease, simplicity of opportunity, security in my identity, so we all should have the same', let alone take active measures to see that through."

Oh, see now they were connecting over existential societal frustration. Welcome to 2024.

"…because hate is free. Sometimes hate is profitable. Fairness, well that…" Holly lifted her hand, rubbing empty fingertips together. "…that costs a lotta money. Costs the most to who built their entire empire on hate."

…sais the girl who moves arms for a living. Look, she has many sins and one of the least of them is hypocrisy.

Sat Jun 08 22:49:33 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
It does help. His body language has been slowly loosening as they talk, energy dampened, but the bind around his chest easing. Enough that there is a bit of mirroring there, more relaxing back into the seat, instead of the slump that was there before.

There's still that sense of weight, but without the performance that was accompanying it.

You ask that, and his expression turns thoughtful - attention shifting inward for a long moment. "I guess I maybe spend a lot of time worrying about that sort of thing. How things will seem, how people will take it, how I present." The words are slow, as he puts them together, finds the way to articulate them. There's weight to them, some of that pressure he was speaking about creeping in to his voice. "Non-stop, these days."

Attention shifts outward again, nodding a little as you speak. "Appearances can be deceiving. Often are, even. It's intellect, but I kind of think safety, comfort, are the bigger factors. The unknown is scary, the unfamiliar worrisome, the unexpected a danger signal..."

A low laugh. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure people have been saying 'B-b-but the youth' forever. Like, just because you grew up in a shitty world, why does that mean you should perpetuate it? They suffered, so we all must suffer."

Sat Jun 08 22:40:42 . Fallen Angels RPG - Character Cork
Jacob Grimm said:
What she said...

Sat Jun 08 22:40:11 . Fallen Angels RPG - Character Cork
Rachel Grimm said:

Sat Jun 08 22:39:27 . Fallen Angels RPG - Character Cork
William Grimm said:
Name: William Carl Grimm

Aliases: Will, Billy the Kid (only ever used by my big brother.)

Age: 37

Date of Birth: March 17, 1987

Place of Birth: Asbury Park, New Jersey

Date of Death: Let's not talk about that.

Height / Weight: 6'5" / 190lbs

Hair Color / Eye Color: Dark Brown / Blue

Build: Lean

Complexion: Fair

Race: Human-ish (Angel someday)

Occupation: Figure it out when I "land".

Abilities: Cryokinesis, Telepathy.

Strengths: Songwriting, singing.

Weaknesses: Awkward

Family: Aaron Grimm (father), Jacob Grimm(brother), Daniel Grimm (Brother-in-law), Eva Grimm (sister), Rachel Grimm (Wife-ish), five nieces and nephews

History: Long story and more to come in play.

Celebrity: Hozier

Avatar Link:

Sat Jun 08 22:38:48 . BJ's Diner
Holly Blanc said:
Holly sat back, a bit — not to try and indicate she was disengaged, necessarily, but that she was relaxed and perhaps lobbied for your mirror neurons to feel the same.

Try, anyway.

"Does, uh, doe sit matter how you sound, to me? I mean I get your meaning and intention, you don't have to worry that I'm about to go off and form a wild and invisible conclusion about it — I'm an open book," she offered, picking up her water to cradle before her, dangle a straw for a sip.

"…mmmmhonestly, I think people take comfort in thinking they know things, like it's a demonstration of their own intellect at the most basic level, but outside of that there really isn't a reason to know anything about anyone before you establish any reason to interact with them, you know?"

Her attention roamed a bit around the table, but eventually stopped at the flop of your hair.

"…like the boomers always go off about it in June and it's like why do you even care, how much has that experience really injured you to grant you the authority to structure such a strong opinion? And they always go clawing around to 'B-B-But the youth' like homie you're the one on the attack, prescribing your old-ass poison and calling it medicine. Saying 'well I feel sick, so you should feel sick.'"

Sat Jun 08 22:38:46 . Heros Legends and Just Plain Folks
Jack said:
What an adventure, Emmy! Complete with VIP tours. Tom is in good company.

Sat Jun 08 22:37:54 . Heros Legends and Just Plain Folks
Jack said:
Glad to hear that you're out, better informed, and had seemingly a better hospital experience than usual, C.M.

Sat Jun 08 22:37:10 . Fallen Angels RPG - Character Cork
William Grimm said:
Name: William Carl Grimm

Aliases: Will, Billy the Kid (only ever used by my big brother.)

Age: 37

Date of Birth: March 17, 1987

Place of Birth: Asbury Park, New Jersey

Date of Death: Let's not talk about that.

Height / Weight: 6'5" / 190lbs

Hair Color / Eye Color: Dark Brown / Blue

Build: Lean

Complexion: Fair

Race: Human-ish (Angel someday)

Occupation: Figure it out when I "land".

Abilities: Cryokinesis, Telepathy.

Strengths: Songwriting, singing.

Weaknesses: Awkward

Family: Aaron Grimm (father), Jacob Grimm(brother), Daniel Grimm (Brother-in-law), Ava Grimm (sister), Rachel Grimm (Wife-ish), five nieces and nephews

History: Long story and more to come in play.

Celebrity: Hozier

Avatar Link:

Sat Jun 08 22:36:45 . Acro-verse
Primo said:


… the fun never ends…


Sat Jun 08 22:31:02 . Torvaldlander's Message Board
nýr{JtR} said:
Rules for bondmaids and thralls

1. Greet the free in the following order:
your Owner, Jarl Donar, Free Men of Scagnar, Visiting Free Men, Scagnar Free Women, Visiting Free Women, slaves.
The following are generally not greeted: Site Mods and Messengers.
Pay attention to the pulldowns you are responsible to greet only those who could realistically hear you.

2. Wait to greet a Visiting Free until a Free of the Isle has greeted them first.
If a Free is not present, wait until a trainer(first girl) has greeted.

3. If there are more than 6 people present when you enter, you may use a group greeting as follows:
your Owner, Jarl Donar, Jarls, Mistresses, slaves.

4. If you are in service and have left the feet of the One you are serving and are on the way to the kitchen, you may greet while continuing your serve; however, if you are at the feet of whom you are serving, do not greet unless being told you are allowed to. Being in service to a first girl holds the same respect as being in service to a free.

5. Slaves may use first or third person, at the discretion of their Owner.
As in the books, third person speech should be used for begging and during punishment.

6. In a time of attack, be sure you know our Emergency Procedures and follow the Senior Free Woman or bondmaid in the home.

7. You may only touch a weapon at the command of a Free. As a specific exception, kitchen knives, skinning knives and knives used to clean game, when used correctly, may be used without permission being granted.

8. Punishment for traveling without permission can be very harsh. Think carefully before going anywhere.

9. Disputes or complaints should be presented to a first girl who will preside over the issue completely unless they feel the matter should be presented to a Training Coordinator. Training Coordinators will have final say in all matters regarding slaves as per orders of Jarl Donar. These issues will not be taken out of the chain of command.

10. Do not enter the room OOC unless it is extremely important. Try to keep OOC conversations out of the room as much as is possible. If you are in a punishment that does not allow you to talk, that means it does not allow OOC talk either. Try to use instant messengers, email and the boards to speak with others OOC.

11. The use of pulldowns is mandatory, and not optional.

12. You are required to request permission to leave, but not to enter. If no Free are in the room to grant permission, a trainer may grant it. If Frees are present, you are to ask respectfully, three times. If you are alone, you are to post once. Do not just x out.

Sat Jun 08 22:26:17 . BJ's Diner
Leo Sterling said:
Super smart. Or maybe just really savvy, but they're not mutually exclusive. "I mean, that is the ideal...?" it's a question, because it sounds like maybe you have ideas about this.

Admittedly, having to worry about money is new to Leo. His parents might suck, but they did mean he didn't need to worry about it, up until he did. They say money can't buy happiness, but then, neither can artistic fulfillment and being with the woman of your dreams, so...

The blush just deepens as that brow lifts. At least it means you're maybe not focusing on the Elodie section of it? He's kind of cringing at himself, but even so. "I'd say that it sounded better in my head, but really, I don't think it did. I just mean... I like hanging out with you."

Did you know?

"It is, and it really isn't their business. That just never has stopped people. It's archaic, the way people assume that you can tell someone's sexuality on how they act, what they like, whether they read as masculine or feminine."

Sat Jun 08 22:24:10 . Just One
Primo said:

Sat Jun 08 22:22:55 . Fallen Angels RPG - Character Cork
Jacob Grimm said:
What she said...

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