The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 22 21:37:29 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
taking the flask back, draining it with a long pull

more good news for you
the Judge hasn't been around, I'm thinking of declaring emergency powers
then I can hold your trial so you can face the justice you've long avoided

Sat Jun 22 21:37:13 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
mona.. Crown and Coke please..

then taking my drink and leading my pet to the sofa..
setting down and letting it lay at my feet

Sat Jun 22 21:37:03 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Evil Director said:
Having a drink at the bar and waiting for a starlet…

Sat Jun 22 21:36:47 . Plains of Turia
**Northeast section of the Pains**

.. My numbers have grown again .. I'm thinking theres about sixty of us now , as mosre have heard about the ride to Tor , some coming off the mountain from GDC and others joining from north of here .. When groups come in I give them orders and doll out pouches of coin, having dropped by one of the WB caches a few pasangs back near the eastern most ta-thassa mountain base.. It took an ahn to dig it up and I had rode out by myself to locate it ..

I knew I will need some serious funds to pay for some of my next step and many of our Raiders in this region haven't gotten splits in quite awhile .. As can be imagined, they have all been quite happy about it and are in good moods after we ate a good meal of river tharlarion meat with some tree fruit ..

..Dousing the last fire, I glance at my new girl .. I know some of the Raiders watch her closely with the loot , but if I trust her then they do .. The fact is I don't need to , they will and always are my eyes, my ears and my first line ..

With my men , my Brother Budo Wolf , and my slave about , I don't need to show the throbbing pain in my arm and shoulder , the pounding in my head , and the Will to push through it..

Taking steps over to you , I put the shovel away in the saddlebags of my big black kaiila and scratch under his chin, looking down at you..

"We'll be arriving in the Reed Village soon tonight girl .. you will be able to bath .."

..I give you a smile , and then lift the last couple packs you prepared and strap it to my beast..

Sat Jun 22 21:36:44 . The Dark Deserted Road
TheDarkOne said:
Sitting in my black sedan with the headlights dimmed.

Roadspikes set to catch the next car passing through…

Sat Jun 22 21:36:17 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
strolls in with my pet on a leash

Sat Jun 22 21:35:41 . your dream sissy.
lynx said:
crawls in..leashed to my ravishing One

Sat Jun 22 21:34:26 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
If you die on her, she's going to paint the Cthulu and the Hilux both neon pink in revenge. \

Just sayin'.

Sat Jun 22 21:33:22 . Femjail Redux
amy said:
reaching a trembling hand out to grasp the flask

"Thank You, Sir."

takes a small swig from the flask,
then holds it back out to you

Sat Jun 22 21:33:10 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
patting myself on the back
yeah, I do tend to wear them out

Sat Jun 22 21:32:53 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
World Breakers HQ
Oh yeah they can the fucking Can-Can while they're at it, all the way down the elevator or at least to the AV pad.

::Nobu, you got our positions on PF, right? Move your ass, we're leaving in a nanosec!::

Sat Jun 22 21:32:05 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
World Breakers HQ
(...he just read it on the room description lol)


Sat Jun 22 21:31:57 . Femjail Redux
amy said:
she yawns,
It'd been a long day.

Sat Jun 22 21:31:40 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
noticing you still trembling from my tremendous exertions
taking another drink from the flask then offering it to you

have a snort, amy, you earned it

Sat Jun 22 21:31:20 . North Town Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
World Breakers HQ
Oh yeah, he knows the sword is coming. The thing is, like a nervous kid in the backseat on prom night, he's coming faster. Dropping his level and taking of in a sprint as you stumble back towards the gaping maw of where a wall used to be. He drops his shoulder and you can almost picture the appropriate music. A picture perfect spear that would make DA MAN himself proud, driving you out through that hole in the wall, and he's coming with you. Trying to grasp into the neck plate of your armor and rain down blows as though he were Spider-Man fighting The Vulture.

His systems are still rebooting, so he can't ping his friends to tell them the plan just yet, but hopefully they trust him to have one.

Wait, does he have a plan?

Sat Jun 22 21:30:59 . Just One
Jarl GaigiN said:

Sat Jun 22 21:30:53 . Catfight
SarahJi said:

Sat Jun 22 21:30:38 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Evil Director said:
Having a drink at the bar and waiting for a starlet…

Sat Jun 22 21:30:28 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
World Breakers HQ
::Seriously?:: He pauses.

::I'll see what I can do. Doubt we'll beat them to it, but it won't hurt to have it.::

Maybe Celestine will be less upset if she knows it wil take that long to unencrypt. Surely a certifiable badass like her (perhaps not certifiably sane, but certainly a badass) can get to it in the next 7 years.

Sat Jun 22 21:30:27 . Catfight
SarahJi said:
coat it good, slut.
grabing a fistfull of your hair & pulling, forcing you to take as much as you can in your mouth...
your jaw forced open making you drool and sober...

When you're screaming remember I tried to get it slick for you.

[End of Transfer]

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