The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat Jun 22 19:30:48 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Sat Jun 22 19:30:33 . North Town Night City RPG
Nobunaga said:
World Breakers HQ
Your request has him thinking, and then a quick shrug. He starts to craft a tactical map, but breaks off and replies in text as someone is not deterred by the blinding but IS deterred by the harsh bark of his own Nue .45 pistol. A warning shot, but it gets the point across that someone is serious about holding this position.

.: Ashigaru Flight available, but the crazy lady is between you and the hole they'd be coming in by. Ground drone available, but sending it up will severely weaken my ability to hold against a concerted push. Do you need ground drone support or is she distracted enough to try and send drones through? :.

Sat Jun 22 19:30:24 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Sat Jun 22 19:29:15 . North Town Night City RPG
Victoria Forsythe said:
World Breakers HQ
She's staying between you and the group in the corner, never taking her eyes off of you.

If the situation were less dire, she might be developing a huge girl crush.

She has answers she wants to spit back at you, but right now her job is to protect those behind her and not draw any extra attention to them and what they're doing.

So she just gives Dylan a tight-lipped smile when he takes up a defensive position near her and keeps silent, for now.

Sat Jun 22 19:27:25 . Sodom :: the Babylon of the City RPG
Victoria Laurent said:
Smiling she nodded

"I get it, and you're usually right. I don't supposed you'd let me buy your drinks tonight would you?"

wanting to always do nice things for you but knowing how you are about such things but she thought she would ask.

Sat Jun 22 19:27:17 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
World Breakers HQ
IRIDIA, still with her injured leg, was doing her absolute best not to weigh you down — she wasn't precisely sure what your specialty was but she was fairly certain it wasn't babysitting duty.

"I'll be okay, I-I think, as long as I'm not trying to pierce her firewall. There's some kind of…" She shook her head, juggling with her autodoc and biomon to both manage the pain of her wound and make sure she wasn't re-tearing the temporary fix that Eir Ascle patched her with.

Well, she wasn't sure if they were gonna shoot the golden woman but Echo Fenix made that decision and IRIDIA pulled her own weapon, pulling the charging handle and lifting the muzzle toward the melee, but…

…she wasn't sure. Something felt wrong about it, and she hesitated rather than pulled the trigger.

Sat Jun 22 19:26:18 . North Town Night City RPG
Dylan Cadd said:
World Breakers HQ
With Echo Fenix circling around behind you, his options are limited. He came here to fight borgs. Even his Glock has AP rounds. Rounds that could easily wind up turning valuable parts of Haven's favorite Aldecaldo from Mexico into Swiss Cheese. And if he misses you altogether, it's also bad for Echo. The kid has heart, but right now, it's cut into Dylan's options.

So he's taking a more defensive posture near Victoria Forsythe.

Sat Jun 22 19:25:38 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
World Breakers HQ
((Gah, first bit to you))

Sat Jun 22 19:23:37 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
World Breakers HQ
Yeah, there can't be any justice beyond death. And death isn't justice. Though he isn't sure he believes the info they're getting is justice either.

Depends on who is buying it, doesn't it?

NPC Overseer -

Well, he wasn't wrong when he told IRIDIA he wasn't going to be all here once he plugged in - this is a mess.

Eyes go somewhere in the middle-distance as his ocular implants go to work, sifting through data, tune through the static.

Eir Ascle -

::I've got access.::

And he's showing you what he's seeing through the shared data-space - system readings, what's offline, as he works on rapidly identifying priorities.

First things first, ::Redirecting blood to his brain. Everything is accessible, but the physical damage to his systems is extensive. It's like operating in a snowstorm in here.:: Or what he imagines a snowstorm is like.

Sat Jun 22 19:22:18 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
okkksss you stay cool..enjoy cheerios....nighit night..sleep well

Sat Jun 22 19:22:12 . Sodom :: the Babylon of the City RPG
V. Vander said:
"I'm more than just a pretty face."
Scarred as it may be, she gave a light chuckle.

"I've got brains too. I know how protective your boys are. It's what they're paid for. Gotta keep that fiery red headed princess in line."

She winked at you and thanked Ryan for the beer. Lifting the glass for a sip.

Sat Jun 22 19:21:51 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn said:
*sipping the drink, and then moving onto the coffee. *

Sat Jun 22 19:21:42 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Well couch thinks it cherious time stay cool huh night byy🙋🙋😀

Sat Jun 22 19:21:03 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
just say tornaado warning somewhere up there..

Sat Jun 22 19:20:43 . North Town Night City RPG
Celestine said:
World Breakers HQ
"You, you fight to secure a bounty, but to what end?!" Celestine took a single step as you accelerated, Hurling the sword like a javelin at you and missing, almost like she tested your resolve and mettle instead of applying a lethal threat.

When you opened fire, she whirled defensively behind a spiral of metal and composite.

A superficial layer of chalk-white material cracked and flaked underneath the hail of your gunfire, but then those pieces remained stuck fast to her wings like the fragments themselves were held under short-coil magnetism instead of scattering away like debris, the same forces that helped heat and propel the projectiles captured and adding to the battered mass, mechanical wounds that glowed and aggregated.

"Ignoble! You are almost there — you have love within you but it's rooted in the world. This flawed world!"

She re-postured, gesturing with her empty hand as that flamberge that was ejected… suddenly moved of its Own accord like it had a contained power source, Reversing direction to violently return to Celestine, with you in the way.

Sat Jun 22 19:20:26 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Pushing wrong buttons prob it

Sat Jun 22 19:20:10 . sofa Time
Couch1 said: to watch those buttons

Sat Jun 22 19:19:31 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Or pushed wrong button and shut em off lol

Sat Jun 22 19:19:00 . Sodom :: the Babylon of the City RPG
Victoria Laurent said:
Nodding she smiled

"I know it's been a while, it's good to come out and see everyone again."

(have had some r/t issues with my back just fallen apart you know the usual lol)

Sat Jun 22 19:19:00 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
ohhh yeah some biggie storms your way......

[End of Transfer]

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