The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sun Jun 02 20:10:42 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
when larl was finished with her chores she returned to her Masters wagon..taking the steps she entered in order to warm His furs as He would be angry jumping into bed with it cold....removing the kalmak...stepping free of the curla as the chakta followed suit...larl jumping into be nekkid...ready to rock it if He were in the mood which He was often

Sun Jun 02 20:09:16 . Acro-verse
MstrLance said:



Sun Jun 02 20:07:56 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
watches for producers or people with projects

Sun Jun 02 20:06:31 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Whoa, hidden blades and garrotes?

... maybe he should ask you for self-defense lessons.

On some level, once they're inside, he's assuming they're being recorded. Scanning for cameras and security measures, just in case.

While there are things to talk about, this doesn't seem the place of the time. Softly, "is it a good sign he didn't go for you or Echo?"

Sun Jun 02 20:06:31 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Whoa, hidden blades and garrotes?

... maybe he should ask you for self-defense lessons.

On some level, once they're inside, he's assuming they're being recorded. Scanning for cameras and security measures, just in case.

While there are things to talk about, this doesn't seem the place of the time. Softly, "is it a good sign he didn't go for you or Echo?"

Sun Jun 02 20:06:25 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 20:02:55 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
seeing the guard had cut her loose...larl was happy when He left...she didn't like being stared at by anyone slave or Free...when she noted that sei had indeed fell asleep...the girl went on with other chores...making up for the cchores that sei had been assigned

Sun Jun 02 20:00:07 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
with the empty bowl held close larl walked the dirt path to the serving wagon and the water that was strapped to its side held win a huge barrel filled daily by other slaves assigned that job for ethe day

she removed the lid and ladled water into the bowl...when it was filled...she put all in its place then walked back to the girl bound to the wagon

placing the bowl near the girl but not in such a way that she might knock it over

Sun Jun 02 19:59:51 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Sun Jun 02 19:59:32 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Sun Jun 02 19:59:28 . A Camp on the Plains
}{ Plains Warrior said:
Noticing the slave drifting off without having seen him, he removed his knife from the sheath hanging off his belt and cut the ropes, freeing her from the bonds. Leaving a message with another Guard that the slave was now free to move around, but on light duty for an additional day.

With that, he departed.

Sun Jun 02 19:57:29 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
dove cameron said:
thanks the waitress when the drink is delivered

Sun Jun 02 19:56:57 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
He halts behind Echo, almost bumping into his friend. It's not a bad sign, that you don't try to jump Echo. If everyone is leaving it to the one guy... well, it's still a very nasty one guy.

You get a polite nod back, because pissing off people is not on his itinerary.

Sun Jun 02 19:56:12 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
moving from the girl and the Master...larl hurried off to fetch another bowl of water but not before grabbing the empty bowl at her side

Sun Jun 02 19:55:52 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Look, that tall building was a giant steel cage, and they were definitely going to find cybernetic gorillas inside. Corporate gorillas, the worst kind.

She picked up her pace to catch up and then walk alongside you, with space for Peregrine P. Olveira on your other flank.

Naturally, given she was wearing organic arms today and nothing with hidden blades or garrotes or lethal kit, IRIDIA also passed the security gate.

The large Corporate lobby was home to a multitude of interests though the one they were here for certainly had a larger proportion of space than others. Expensive greenery decorated this bottom hall and a glowing directory was integrated into an abstract onyx sculpture-and-fountain that decorated the middle of the wide open space, doing a funky thing with the holographic display where it would look, to each observer, to be facing them in specific from emitters hidden within the vaguely crystalline, vaguely spire-like centerpiece.

It's there that she was looking when the wide-brimmed hat of Rex Bozeman interrupted her reverie.

A glance over, the duster and cigarette and the huge gun — wait, if he's allowed to be armed in here it must mean he has privileged access. Perhaps a hunter of some repute or security official or something?

She remembered to stop gawking and proceeded towards a lift.

Sun Jun 02 19:55:13 . A Camp on the Plains
}{sei~(Camp) said:
her jaw moves to give a big yawn, she feels the fatique of last night's actions creeping from her body, knowing she'll have more water, inches her body down to lay flat, as sleep again soothingly catches her


Sun Jun 02 19:54:53 . A Camp on the Plains
}{ Plains Warrior said:
His business not with the slave, her nodded to her, then turned back to the other.

Sun Jun 02 19:54:25 . North Town Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Only almost? Yeah, that's fair. He feels ridiculous, but also, he'd rather stay anonymous. Anonymity is his primary safety measure.

"I've got the more general threat assessment protocols running, but uh - I kind of assume just about everyone is going to be armed and dangerous." A little shrug.

"I suspect we can learn a lot from this. Between the lot of us, we have, um, considerable resources." Not the monetary kind, mind you.

Echo Fenix -

You get a nod of agreement. "I'm willing to, um, donate my time for them, if that's helpful in negotiating." As Cell.0.phane, obviously. Perry is just a guy.

A little bounce on the balls of his feet, trying to dispel some of the nerves.

"I will be," he assures, because he really will be. It can all be shut down with a thought.

He'll fall into step behind you, easily passing the 'No Weapons' test by having none.

"If this works, um, you won't need it." It's a correction, because Cell.0.phane definitely has bounties on him. Just, no one knows who to hunt down.

Sun Jun 02 19:54:16 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
larl hearing the request...assured her she would get more water...larl rubbed her hair a moment before slipping away towards the wagon

wwould Master care for a drink too?

Sun Jun 02 19:53:58 . North Town Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Echo gets knocked back a step. Eyes furious behind his googles. His mouth hangs open for a few moments before he shuts it. Watching the back of your head as you walk away.

"Pinche pendejo." Said once you're a ways off.

Echo's 24 years old. Had a decent kill count. Hardly a kid.

He's in a very anti-Bounty Hunter mood right now.

[End of Transfer]

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