The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Wed Jun 26 00:37:42 . Port Kar
Taxis said:
Port Kar
oh oh oh, look at that. There she is. The Physician. That one was more skilled than the woman of Stalker. My step took a different direction. The woman was oblivious to my approach, closing in thirty feet now. I had to adjust my approach. While this woman was working on someone, I was tightening my gloves by pulling them closer to my wrist for a night fit. I glanced over to the ship yard and then back at her. It seemed like she was just working on some guy, no others around. All by her little ole self, doing what she was born to do.

As I got closer to her, I would have to be quick about this, provided no one intercepts me, but this Physician was causing those behind all this problems with saving lives that were suppose to have been lost at sea. My eyes narrow and I was nearly upon her.

Wed Jun 26 00:36:18 . The Music Lounge
MstrLance said:
Song: Bad Company
by Bad Company

Wed Jun 26 00:32:57 . Port Kar
Luna Kalligas said:
She made it into the yard, as Raiders were starting to close things down and she looked in horror at the devastation that was starting to take place. She did not pause. She began looking for Nura and Stalker.

She did stop though as she spotted a Raider who had burned his hands and she ran to him and grabbed him, he was in a state of shock so she spoke to him slowly while applying healing salve to his hands and wrapping them in bandages. Focusing on him for a moment though she did not see any others that appeared injured.

Wed Jun 26 00:32:12 . Port Kar
Taxis said:
Port Kar
I was creeping in, twenty feet away. You were so focused on the fire and what was before you, that why would you even think about looking back? There were people running past you, this way and that, and my eyes were boring into the back of her head. I smiled a little, closing in, but not running which might make me stand out a bit, but, you will do just fine. I was hoping for the other one, but, I'll take what I can get.

Wed Jun 26 00:29:28 . Port Kar
Luna Kalligas said:
She had been asleep when she was startled awake by a slave telling her there was trouble and that she might be needed. Something about a fire at the shipbuilders. She hadn't had time to make sense of everything. She threw on a tunic and grabbed her medical bag. Slinging it over her frame so it hung at her hip she strapped her dagger at her other hip and she had run out the door.

It was Stalker's place and it meant he and Nura could be in trouble. Or worse yet, trapped. She hadn't given even a moment thought before she had taken off running for the shipyard. She was not even properly dressed really. A white tunic and some light pants that she slept in and she did not give one fig.

Her hair matched shades of the flames that were starting to dance in the night, red as it flew out behind her as she ran. She just hoped everyone was okay. More so, she hoped they all stayed that way before the night ended. Fired were living beings and their appetites were voracious.

Wed Jun 26 00:29:10 . Port Kar
Taxis said:
Port Kar
"Ah, there you are." I said as I leaned forward flicking the butt of my clove towards the flames, but of course it just falls into some water below where I was sitting. I saw Stalker, and then, whom should be following him but the lovely little healer Lady. I was looking for the other, where was she?

I stood up slowly and began to circle around slowly. Everyone was so busy and distracted with the yard that my eyes were focused on the Woman. My range was about fifty feet and closing. I even had a tingle in my groin to take down a free woman. They were fun to face smack into a wall.

Wed Jun 26 00:27:02 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
Nura couldn't keep up but she tried. She had a bag over her shoulder, but she had to keep back because she couldn't risk herself with all that flame and she didn't know if there was oil on those ships or things that might explode. It was her training that kept her back. Panting for breath, she looked on in horror as his beloved yard was up in flames. It was breaking her heart for him... "oh no... " she said with a meek voice that wasn't meant for anyone to hear.

Wed Jun 26 00:26:46 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
Port Kar
*finally getting to the sounds of the yelling and the brightness, seeing almost everything engulfed in flame now and knowing this was no accident, ordering the Raiders present to seal off the area while I tryed to coordinate some sort of way to kill the fire*

Wed Jun 26 00:26:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Wed Jun 26 00:22:51 . Darkest Desires
}-BlackStone-)> said:

Wed Jun 26 00:22:45 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
*running down the streets towards the fire, scimitar and knife banging against my side as I run*

Wed Jun 26 00:22:34 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 26 00:19:49 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Wed Jun 26 00:19:41 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Wed Jun 26 00:09:28 . Just One
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 23:58:39 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
*steps in here*

Tue Jun 25 23:50:00 . Port Kar
Taxis said:
Port Kar
Taking from my inside jacket pocket was a book of strike anywhere matches. Taking one stick out, I run it length-wise along the frame of Stalkers office door and make that match head burst into a bright flare of light but for a moment. I quickly drew it closer to my face, where for a moment, my face lit up to the light to give a clue to as my identity as I light my clove. Then, I casually drop that match onto the oil and then watched it start to run. It was slow moving but, with the sun bleached wood, old and weather worn, it was going to light up very nicely tonight.

As it began to ran, I would step back and go the other direction and take up a spot not far off to watch the carnage begin. It was going to take a few minutes for the flame to find all the oil I had spilled. I adjusted myself and sat back and waited for the yell's of men to start. Was a musical thing to hear, men screaming fire at the top of their lungs. There was something to be said about lighting up people's lives.

Tue Jun 25 23:47:07 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

Tue Jun 25 23:46:02 . Camp Out
Keisha said:
as I waddle off to the bed

Tue Jun 25 23:45:23 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

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