The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 18 01:29:49 . young meets Old
cherry c said:
Pours coffee

Tue Jun 18 01:28:24 . BiThreesomes and More
cherry c said:
And to see ypu

Tue Jun 18 01:27:41 . BiThreesomes and More
English gent said:
Hi, nice to see you again

Tue Jun 18 01:27:21 . BiThreesomes and More
English gent said:
Hi, how are you?

Tue Jun 18 01:26:51 . BiThreesomes and More
cherry c said:
Looks in

Tue Jun 18 01:25:16 . BiThreesomes and More
roger yu said:

Tue Jun 18 01:24:57 . The Newest Gayzone
sissy Steve m said:
Looks in

Tue Jun 18 01:24:07 . Served up Hot and Hard Everytime
sissy Steve m said:
Looks in

Tue Jun 18 01:22:46 . Served up Hot and Hard Everytime
chsisdy Steve m said:
Looking in

Tue Jun 18 01:21:58 . Served up Hot and Hard Everytime
chsisdy Steve m said:
Looks in

Tue Jun 18 01:20:33 . The City Tavern
V. Vander said:
She and Ben talked a bit more before they both went back to work and that's how the rest of the shift went.
Work, chat, work and so on.
Until it was time for her to punch out and head home.

Tue Jun 18 01:20:12 . young meets Old
cherry c said:

Tue Jun 18 01:19:43 . young meets Old
cherry CR said:

Tue Jun 18 01:18:42 . BiThreesomes and More
English gent said:
*peeks in*

Tue Jun 18 01:16:09 . The City Tavern
V. Vander said:
Damn. That was a little surprising. Mike didn't know the details. There probably were a dozen stories floating around about the woman's death.
She shook her head , and the thoughts from her mind as she went back to making drinks and taking orders.

It went on like that for hours, until things really started to slow down. A few stragglers coming in for coffee after late nights at the club or partying.
Some would get breakfast, others just came for the coffee.

There were a few times she had some quiet moments. Everyone had been waited on and she'd cleared and cleaned her section. So she'd leaned against the back counter and sipped a cup of coffee herself.

Ben came over to stand beside her, asked if she was ok.
She sipped her coffee thoughtfully , swallowed and nodded once she'd lowered the mug and cradled it in her hands.

"Yeah. I'm good. "

It was no where near the truth. She hadn't been sleeping for shit. Drinking coffee at this hour didn't really help matters. She'd been having those nightmares about Pow Pow again. It's not something she talks about. Add to that the call she'd received, the timing of it all.
Maybe the dream was trying to tell her something.
She lifted the mug for another sip and Ben gave her that Rock brow. One arched up and the other lowered . She responded with an arched brow of her own. Lowered her mug and gave him a look.

"What's that for?" she asked and Ben shrugged his shoulder.

"Just not buyin' it but I won't push. So Pride huh? You're actually going and not working it this year?" he asked and she put her mug down on the counter top. Leaned back and rested her elbows on the bar and stretched her legs out in front of her.

"Yeah. Thought I'd take everyone's advice and take a day off. Do something for myself. So why not. Pride is always a great time. " It has been for her. Even when she has only been attending because she was working.

"How's the new place working out?" he'd asked and she turned her head to look at him.

"Great. I really like the place. I'm still putting it together. I need to do a few things."

Like stop in at Del's studio to pick out a few photo's for the walls.
She's also been wanting to drop by bosslady's place and see how she's doing.
She's got a lot of things she wants to do , but so little time to do them in.
Maybe she should take a vacation. Just a weekend get away to some little town nearby. Get her head on straight again.

Tue Jun 18 00:59:38 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Holly Blanc said:
Main House
Holly inched forward in another small press of her palm and scooch of her rear, only for that motion to brush a page, produce that dry papery noise slithering between sock and rug.

A page? Wait, what is this paper? Holly turned to glance, to trace the… distribution of pages.

Hollopoly money, cast here and there and everywhere, take a picture. Her attention pulled back to you as you gave your account of things, absent the specifics, absent the crucial detail that delivered all the context and without the punchline, waiting for her confession to fill out like an ad-lib with only one solution.

Tell him.

Just tell him, it's okay. It's ethical. There's nothing else to say, that's what this is all about. This is how you do polyamory. This is the lifestyle. You can't manage his— "No, Elodie didn't just get tired of waiting, she saw me kiss him."

The convenient thing for her to do would be to just push this on Leo's parents — just how terribly they embodied both Holly's distant and unattainable but also the inversion of her philosophy and how their obstinate denial of Leo represented an origin point for all of his damage…

…but the fact that his damage didn't have anything to do with her nor charged her with any duties, especially as it related to her selfish desire to be Leo's hero in all of it…

To try and sell that to you? The one who knows her the best? Who's elbow-deep in her affairs, exposed legally and existentially, connected to her romantically, sexually, in business and threats to life and limb, with the floating connect to Chicago, with her past scarred into his hands?

Nah, her refusing to bullshit you was equal parts respect and pragmatic realism.

The finger-crawl encroachment took a rest with her half-leaned in your direction, diverting her weight to the soft back cushions so she sat awkwardly diagonal, legs crossed behind her like she was suspended mid-dive.

"…Leo… I think he got dumped? Said Elodie wouldn't take his calls all night, he lived with her so he assumed he wasn't welcome back home anymore which meant he had nowhere to go. He stayed with me at Rockshore last night."

…and well the last time she brought a paramour around here…

Tue Jun 18 00:55:12 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
amos marsden said:

Tue Jun 18 00:52:06 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
amos marsden said:

amosmarsden has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 18 00:51:57 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
amos marsden said:

Tue Jun 18 00:42:46 . Brixton Walsh's Rental
Brixton Walsh said:
Main House
His eyes completely acclimated to the dark, he'd been sitting in some form of it, in this room, for the last twenty-four hours.

"Yeah. I was there. In the seat you bought for me. A few rows in front of Wally, Molly, and your mother."

As your eyes acclimate, as you take the other side of that couch, the side closer to the open path toward the kitchen and hallway back to the front door. Maybe your foot nudges one, but there were torn pages from his moleskines all. over.

"There was a bit of a mix up as they had to double-check I was on the guest list, and when I showed up, you were in a conversation with Leo, Elodie, and maybe his parents?

You left as I was making my way towards you so I waited for you to come back..."

His voice soft, Hollow. Like someone was strangling him. The sloshed liquor is poured again into his mouth. Past his clenched teeth, sluicing through gumline to draw that heat throughout his mouth, on the way past his dry, acidic tongue.

Call it an educated guess, about your family. He didn't see them in the cast party, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. It did mean that they were going to be there for you if you needed a ride somewhere. When you didn't come home by 3 am, the drunken writing in his 'diary' that he wanted to remember, back when he was hot, became kindling for the kind of fire that only ignites internally. The door shut, the embers smolder. Back when he stormed in and went at his liquor cabinet like one of the bottles hid the antidote and he was going to find it.

It turns out they all did, you just had to mix them together.

"Saw Elodie get tired of waiting. So did I."

He sniffs. He leans forward, grabbing the half-ashed blunt and taps it against the frame of the ash-tray, he pulls it up to his face, blowing his whiskey-breath over it and watching the ember ignite under his direction.

He puts it to his lips and takes a puff. Exhaling. Looking to you.

"Why didn't you come here?"

[End of Transfer]

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