The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 01 19:33:58 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"Yeah? How's you? Want a drink? First one's free."

Smiles and shrugs a little.

Sat Jun 01 19:33:37 . City Midway
Skyler Laska said:
Midway Night
She felt like a kid in a candy store, she couldn't recall how long it had been since she had been to a mid-way place like this. As we walked she would turn her head and stop to kiss you and squeeze your hand.

Happy that your new "Insurance" jobs were able to give you a free night to spend with her. She all but glowed. Her eyes scanned the walk for all the different types of food.

"Hmmm how about some deep fried oreos with a chocolate milkshake?"

Yep she starting off with the sugar, she wasn't worries she would easily burn off tonight's food while dancing at the gym.

"What would you like? If you want something different we can pick that up too."

she was feeling like she was in a Willy Wonka movie in a way lol

Sat Jun 01 19:33:13 . B&B&B&B Basement
Daniel Guide said:
exactly as moments should happen

Sat Jun 01 19:33:13 . A Camp on the Plains
Naomi said:
Allowing you time to settle and greet the other Commander before lifting my voice, just enough to be heard by you

Tal Commander.

Sat Jun 01 19:32:21 . PaladinSoul's Home
kayeda said:
The House
Listens to the robin screaming in the trees in the broken beam between storm and sunset and stumbles into thought again. Like a choking garden with no gate.

Sat Jun 01 19:32:14 . A Camp on the Plains
Nancy 50@soi said:
may I join not knowing what is happening

Sat Jun 01 19:32:08 . WCTY
Polly Walters said:
Free Studio
...she sat in the office as the soft violin music of her new theme song she'd paid someone on fivor to make for gave a nice soft easing feeling...leading her into this oh so terrifying new experience...the encouragement she got from Luke just before she started was everything that lead her to relax and start to believe in herself and her abilities...a deep breath took her to peace and she closed her eyes whispering a prayer. Feeling inappropriate to speak to god about such things, but she said a bit of something to him in her head, asking him to stick with her eventhough he was not here...she was sure that she could do this...she'd studied and restudied over and over again on this case...though she had never spoken to an audience outside of storytime at the library...she sighed and as the music came to a close she started to speak...a mug with water gripped in one hand and then she looked around....a nod to the producer as he cued her up....

Good evening I'm Librarian and Researcher Polly Walters and this is Whispers in the City. Thank you for joining me tonight and each and every one of you out there who are tuning in should be aware that this is the first installment in a six part ongoing story of stalking, torment and terror here in our very own city. Before we get started, I wish to let you know that the trigger warnings in this story are abundant, and those who live in the city as it was just this past year, may know some one who has been involved in our story or who was effected by our story. That's right I'm talking about the story of The Lady Killer. Our first six episodes will be on this particular story. The grip of the Lady killer and what effect it had on our fair city.

I encourage you to take a breath sit back and enjoy the details that only few truly know, as we look back on each victim and the effect this terrible story had on those they left behind.

So we will start our story in a small town called Fresno Ohio, this town is one of merely 46 people, and a young girl named Alice.

....a voice over cuts in as she says this....

"Alice was always so creative and she had such a knack for art, I always thought she'd find her place in the world when she left home. I thought her new ideas and jewelry designs would be her key to a bright future, but all that changed when she met Issac."

....the voice changes back to Polly again....

That was Ester smelgal, Art teacher at the Knox county public high school where our first victim was once a student. Alice her Junior year started to find what she thought to be true love with local barmans son Issac Decker. Issac would tend to drink and become violent and even at such a young age, Alice became the constant victim of a man she believed herself to love. After one very violent episode she fled the city. The daughter of addict parents she had no one to protect her. She found herself running off to the city. The place she felt she'd make a life for herself. a friend who was a few years ahead of her in school and she'd met at a national art came she'd won scholarship to through school had kept in touch and had invited her to join her in her new life. Not knowing exactly what that would me, this young girl started the long and what one can only assume difficult trip of making her way to a new life. Arriving in the city near the end of August 2023. This is when our story really begins.

I'd like to welcome our guest for the first half of this episode. Maryanne Sloat, cousin and close friend to Alice. Welcome Maryanne and thanks for joining me. I appreciate you coming to tell us a bit about Alice so we can truly understand the loss of such a young and wonderful lady.

....with that she nodded to the guest who had joined her in the studio....

Sat Jun 01 19:32:00 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Greetings Commander

She offered a smile as she passed - and to His slave as well.

Sat Jun 01 19:31:38 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
well it is always best to keep them guessing that way they never know from which direction you will come


By the end of the next hand, I should have the riders conditioned enough that I can start rotating a few of the Wagon Gaurd out to train them.

Sat Jun 01 19:31:29 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
XavierRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
He heard you...and glances in your direction with a slight ahhh look

"what?...I drink....juicce....som----etimes..."

Sat Jun 01 19:31:21 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
Teagan Gilroy said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
"The falls will always be our special place."

She raised her hand to gently caress your cheek, she will never forget watching you get down on one knee and making her the happiest women in the world. Her heart overflowing with love for you

Sat Jun 01 19:31:10 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
biting nervously at her lip she waited for His greetings to end...

Sat Jun 01 19:30:25 . A Camp on the Plains
Nancy 50@soi said:
sorry ever one I am new to SOL

Sat Jun 01 19:30:14 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
As soft footfalls took her 'round the central fire, she felt the heat and a pink flush pinken her face.

Weaving her way between cushions and furs - and heavy boots that would jut out at just the wrong moment, she glanced 'round for One who might have need of a drink

Sat Jun 01 19:29:55 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Enjoying the moment as it happens.

Sat Jun 01 19:29:54 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~he knew you were here, and would wait until, the free had finished there convo's~

Sat Jun 01 19:29:46 . South Town Night City RPG
Hideo said:
Gang Territory
Keeping score.

It won't bring anybody back, but even Hideo can't help it. He's got a running tally of casualties in his head. The Claws deaths are marked by funerals or gifts he's sent when he can't get there himself. The Mox deaths? Just dead whores. Part of him knows, knows that they're having their own funerals and keeping their own score and that's what is keeping this going.

The Mox won't stop until they were made to. Deprive the enemy of their capacity to fight, he'd said.

Survive, the old man had said, while swearing in the same breath that he'd die to see the Mox destroyed.

Hideo wonders what it would take to bring down Lizzie's bar. It could be done. Hell, they could probably rig up a truck with explosives and just wire-drive it right into the front of the building. the bar's fortified, but that doesn't make it a fortress.

Could they kill all the whores as they jumped out, though? Could they deal with the other bars? The netrunners? Would that really destroy the Mox's capacity to fight?

Sat Jun 01 19:29:13 . A Camp on the Plains
Hondo said:
spots the slave from My wagon approaching with a bota over her arm

here wench!

Sat Jun 01 19:28:54 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
"Tal Commander, As wily as ever I see"

~chuckles, flashing a wily grin back to you~

Sat Jun 01 19:28:42 . The Windy GrassHopper Tavern & Inn
XavierRuneStone said:
The Windy GrassHopper Tavern and Inn
Xavier furrowed his brow, his expression troubled as he pondered his uncle's inquiries. Concern for his father gnawed at him, exacerbated by the unsettling silence that seemed to shroud Silven since their mother's passing.

"Uncle Te'Sirian,"

he began, his voice tinged with a mixture of worry and contemplation,

"I wish I could offer some reassurance about Father. However, it's been a while since I've heard from him. Ever since Mother's passing, he's been... distant. Withdrawn, almost. It's as though he's closed himself off from the world."

As he spoke, Xavier's thoughts drifted to the enigmatic woman who had entered his father's life not long after his mother's death. It seemed like Silven had moved on, yet there lingered an air of unresolved grief, as if he hadn't fully come to terms with the loss.

"I've tried reaching out, but he hasn't responded. It's unlike him. While he's always been a man of few words, this silence feels different, unnerving even,"

Xavier explained, his grip tightening on Teagan's hand for support.

"I can't help but wonder about the woman he's been with. It's like he's moved on, but at the same time, it's as if he's stuck in the past. I'll keep trying to reach out to him, hoping he just needs time to come to terms with everything."

taking a moment for you to absorb all that, "but on another note you will guess who showed up when we had the blessing of Braiden done ... You remember that black...yeah.... he was the castle ..."

[End of Transfer]

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