The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri Jun 21 14:20:11 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
One of my favorites right here.

Every Kinda' People

Robert Palmer

Fri Jun 21 14:19:22 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
I have no idea if it's still usable. I played it on one f those old fashioned portable players with the buttons across the one end.

Fri Jun 21 14:19:16 . The Enchanted Woods of Castle Beware!
kemmie said:
As she continued to walk, the path ahead became clearer. The journey through her memories had given her a newfound understanding and resolve. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the knowledge of her past and the strength it had given her.

kemmie knew that her journey wasn't over, but she was no longer afraid. She had found her way back to her roots, and with that, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. With determination in her heart, she set off once more, ready to embrace the future and restore the balance within herself.

a chilling sound pierced the eerie silence. It was a cackling cry, echoing through the trees, sending a severe shiver down her slender spine. Her heart raced, pounding in her chest as a surge of memories overwhelmed her.

"This... this isn't right," she whispered, panic rising in her voice. The mist around her felt wrong, oppressive, and suffocating. She remembered now—a bigger portion of her past, the dark secrets and the forbidden places. She was in the Veil, the mysterious boundary no one was supposed to cross. And here she stood, right in the thick of it.

Fri Jun 21 14:19:09 . Neighborhood where adultery is practiced
Master Unpredictable said:
walking out onto my porch

Fri Jun 21 14:19:08 . VIP
marlene46 said:
looking in

Fri Jun 21 14:18:13 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
a cassette.. oh my! *quiet giggles*

Fri Jun 21 14:17:54 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
One Who Is said:

Define weird...

Fri Jun 21 14:17:17 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
Such great harmonies. I still have a cassette of that album.

Fri Jun 21 14:17:14 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
One Who Is said:
shakes my head and leaves...

Fri Jun 21 14:16:48 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
sorry … weird RTI … back now

Fri Jun 21 14:15:59 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
ohh never heard that Bee Gees song before!

Fri Jun 21 14:15:45 . May's quiet garden
aysel{M}fg said:
Peeking in just to let Mistress May know that I am thinking about Her and missing Her it's been a very long time since I have seen or heard from You

Fri Jun 21 14:15:26 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
humming along to the music, one held close

Fri Jun 21 14:13:25 . music.. and conversation
Mercury said:
CHildren of the World

Bee Gees

Fri Jun 21 14:12:41 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Ken said:
goes to his room to relieve himself while thinking about his mother.....

Fri Jun 21 14:11:20 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
*clicks play*

Fri Jun 21 14:11:02 . The Enchanted Woods of Castle Beware!
kemmie said:
The ache in her temple dulled as the truth settled in. This journey wasn't about discovering a new realm—it was about reconnecting with her past and understanding the experiences that had shaped her.

"Why am I here?" she wondered aloud, her voice echoing softly in the mist.

The guardian's voice, now softer and more compassionate, answered her. "You needed to remember, kemmie. Your past holds the key to restoring the balance within you. Embrace these memories, learn from them, and you will find the strength to move forward."

kemmie took a deep breath, letting the memories wash over her. She wandered through the mist, revisiting the important moments of her life. She saw herself as a child, laughing and playing without a care in the world. She saw her family, her friends, and the decisions that had led her to where she was now.

With each step, the mist began to clear, and the ache in her temple subsided. The forest around her transformed into the familiar landscapes of her homeland. She felt a sense of peace and clarity she hadn't experienced in years.

Fri Jun 21 14:10:21 . The waiting room
dssallie said:
Returns the sweep the room

Fri Jun 21 14:08:50 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Ken said:
Mom, you have always been there for me. I love you. Please don't deny me.

Fri Jun 21 14:08:39 . The Enchanted Woods of Castle Beware!
kemmie said:
It dawned on her with a jolt. This wasn't an entirely new realm she was standing in. This was a dreamscape, a manifestation of her distant memories. The Enchanted Grove, the glowing leaves, the ancient tree—it was all a reflection of her past, distorted by the passage of time and her subconscious mind.

"Wait, this... this is my homeland,"

she whispered, her voice trembling.

"I've been here before, long before I came to be where I am now."

The realization hit her like a wave, and the mist around her began to shift, revealing more familiar scenes.

"Where is Ben.....Dead....No no no no...I cant be here....Oh no."

She saw the old marketplace where she used to play as a child, the small cottage where she had grown up, and the towering castle glistening in the distance, that had once been a symbol of safety and power.

[End of Transfer]

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