The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Wed Jun 26 02:00:15 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
Port Kar
*when aboard and asked if I was alright at that point the adrenaline was gone and all I could do was cough black spittle in response and shake my head no, I was weak from the excursion and my breathing was, well, shitty*

Wed Jun 26 01:55:27 . Port Kar
Luna Kalligas said:
Port Kar
She was fairly out of it, but she had just enough awareness to realize you were with them.

"Thank you. I'm sorry."

It was all she managed before she went out again. The night had taken it's toll and her injuries were enough that her body simply shut her down. She knew she was safe for the time being and it was enough.

(Ty for the play all. Even Taxis the arse. hehe)

Wed Jun 26 01:54:57 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
Port Kar
*continuing to row, starting to cough now under my makeshift mast, barely able to see but clearly seeing both Luna and Nura on the bottom of the boat and rowing faster, not caring about anything other then getting them into fresh air, all else be damned, only slowing a bit when the air finally clears*

Wed Jun 26 01:54:49 . Port Kar
Story Teller said:
Port Kar
As the small craft approached, the crew on the Ray of Light were ready to accept them on the ship. They dropped rope ladders over the side and four of the crew began to climb down. Two remained on the ladder while the other two helped first Stalker, to get him on board. Then it was Luna, then it was Nura. It was at this point that they were rushed to the medical holding where it was bright with the lanterns reflecting off mirrors on the walls to give more illuminance than what otherwise wouldn't be this time of night. The women were taken to cots, and Stalker was assessed and asked if he was alright. The crew were all medically trained to assist with emergency medical aid.

Wed Jun 26 01:48:26 . Z2 Corkboard
Delilah said:

Wed Jun 26 01:47:35 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
Port Kar
*seeing nor hearing any response I blindly jumping into the boat and moving to the oars, on autopilot, thankfully I knew these canals and the harbor with my eyes closed, a skill I had to use only once before and hoped to never again but here it was, turning the boat and rowing out into the harbor as quickly as I could where the air was cleaner and clearer*

Wed Jun 26 01:45:38 . Port Kar
Luna Kalligas said:
Port Kar
"I know he will."

She said it weakly. Tucked in beside you. And in fact, she was sure she heard his voice just then. Somewhere above. Her strength was nearly gone. But she was sure she heard it.

Wed Jun 26 01:43:11 . TASHA'S Lounge- LGBT and BDSM friendly
jen24 said:
Peeking in

Wed Jun 26 01:41:35 . Darkest Desires
}-BlackStone-)> said:
butterfly *ss*

Wed Jun 26 01:37:47 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
She didn't argue or resist but lowered herself down coughing and the ill affects was causing her to feel weak and dizzy. There was a tremble to her, a sign of shock. Tucking her head down with Luna's, keeping close to her, she couldn't stop coughing. The light bumps of the boat as it glided slowly up the canal, it was getting further and further away but eventually there would be no more canal that it would stop. Not moving, she kept her head buried down low as it could go, trying to take a breath of air that wasn't coming. "Luna... " she said her name so gently.. "he'll come.. " she was praying he would, he had to.

Wed Jun 26 01:35:28 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
Port Kar
*hearing the shouts and moving down to the canals, my sword now sheathed and walking now as the smoke was thick and unable to help but follow the sounds of your voices to navigate the visability was so bad down here, stripping off my shirt and using it as a makeshift mask and finally finding the boat with you two in it and speaking loud, knowing my voice will be muffled* Throw me a line!

Wed Jun 26 01:34:27 . Port Kar
Luna Kalligas said:
Port Kar
She knew you were trying to save them. She knew very well what you were trying to do. And she needed to get her proverbial crap together now. She reached out and tugged you down with her.

"Down. Stay down Nura. Closer to the water the air is cleaner. It's the best we can do. Keep your face covered with the rag like I am. Breathe slowly okay. Close your eyes. Slow breaths. Stalker will come."

She hoped anyways. She got as low as she could in the boat. Keeping you down with her. She was in pain at this point but she knew they needed to survive. The war was only just starting. And tonight's actions have truly started the war.

Wed Jun 26 01:32:55 . Darkest Desires
}-BlackStone-)> said:

Wed Jun 26 01:30:13 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
Nura wanted to get emotional, she wanted to cry, but right now she was in survivor mode. There was no time for all that, but it was brimming the surface. Trying to breath, she would cough very hard and try to tuck her head down and try to breath through the damp cloth to try and minimizes the smoke. Both of them were in a great deal of mortal danger, not so much from the Man that tried to hurt them but because of the toxicity of the smoke that was filling the city. There was a part of her that wanted to fall into the water to stop it from burning her eyes and making her throat and nose burn. Nura tried to cover Luna's face with her own dress, to protect her, at least try to soften the smoke from being breathed.. A hand raised up to her eyes as she tried to rub them of the access water that was forming because of the burn... "He'll come.. he'll come for us.. " she was speaking about Stalker.. she was needing him to save us. .. and she couldn't see anything. It was so dark and the smoke so thick that she felt they were in the middle of the Thassa but the canals were so disorientated that all she could do was keep reaches out to feel for walls to keep them moving away....

Wed Jun 26 01:27:12 . she likes it...
BackDoorGuy said:
very quiet...

Wed Jun 26 01:26:03 . Port Kar
Luna Kalligas said:
Port Kar
"I'm sorry. I don't know who he is. I'm sorry I'm not more help."

It was all she could manage. She felt weak and foolish but even she had limits and her strength had waned at this point. She simply had to let you lead for now. All she could manage was to lean on the side of the boat and breathe while the world seemed to spin and drift.

Wed Jun 26 01:25:16 . Port Kar
Taxis said:
Port Kar
I smiled broadly below the scarf that protected me from coughing up a lung. I would take a few steps back, creating some distance, then taking off, and disappearing into the heart of the city. You wouldn't follow, you were going to be the hero and save your women or woman, whatever the case may be.

Wed Jun 26 01:23:32 . Port Kar
Stalker said:
Port Kar
*listening to you as I see the boat drift away, glad to see it but showing nothing and keeping my eyes not on the knife but you* No, you wont. I can promise you that much.

Wed Jun 26 01:21:50 . Port Kar
Nura said:
Port Kar
Okay, we were in one of the canals, and we were bumping into the walls but that didn't matter. She moved forward and she supported Luna and caressed her hair back from her face.."Luna, okay .. " I wanted to say take a breath but, that would just get us coughing. Nura used what she had made, and then, she did the same for her and covers it over her face. Nura supported Luna right now as they would have to wait till someone would help them. Nura called out, "Someone! Please, help!" It was one thing to have all the equipment and another where she would have taken her away from the smoke but they were trapped in the canal. A hand pushes them away from the wall and tried to get us to the next set of stairs to get out of the boat. "Okay, LUna, I got this." she said quietly, as she did her best to use her hand to push them along the wall, every now and then pushing to far away she couldn't reach it.

Wed Jun 26 01:20:35 . your dream sissy.
joseph small said:
dropping by to tidy up

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