Show Rooms: Corks: Colour: activity over the last 10 minutes..

Site (RoomCount/UserCount)
Personal (4/11) All (4/11) soi (4/11)
sofa Time
Open to all
eclectic chat or music or ?
Copper, Couch1, Jilly, Sharko, vaash (5)
LionHeart's Paga Room
Open to all, owned by LionHeart of Old
This is a Gorean room and is a home version of a paga tavern.Though all must be done in public the use of any slave in the room comes with the price of a cup --enjoy.
ayrie{BDen}@gor, Lionheart of Old (2)
Six Sexy Words
Open to all
Share your six sexiest words.
Rafferty, ~f*cKs with words~ (2)
House of Whispers
Citizens only, owned by Admin SSHH1
New Admin is:AdminSSHH1This room is of such a high volume. SOI's Daily maintenance between 01:00Am and 03:00Am to save space. So between those hours expect some down times!Room of whispers only!
Bobi , Stew (2)
A total of 11 chatters have posted in the open areas in the last 10 minutes. The number of users in the private area is currently unavailable.
Show Rooms: Corks: Colour:

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