The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri May 17 10:55:43 . The Masturbatorium
Mega 40 said:
why is that

Fri May 17 10:55:19 . Cork for OOC Topics
Runa said:
I ask that you please send all the positive energy and prayers you can to our friend, Suzanna.

Keep her in your thoughts right now.

Fri May 17 10:55:02 . ShiWare Tavern & Inn
Treson said:
Trade Camp
She listens a bit more as he goes on and mentions something about the box's history and past. Treson's eyes remained locked onto Roderick's, her mind racing with the possibilities. She knew that she had to be careful, that the box's power was a double-edged sword. But she also knew she couldn't just walk away without knowing more.

"What do you mean by 'its history'?"

she asked, her voice low and even.

"What do you know about the box's past?"

Roderick's eyes seemed to cloud over, his expression becoming distant.

"The box is said to have been created by a secret society of alchemists,"

he said, his voice low and husky.

"They were seeking to harness the power of the universe, to bend it to their will. And they succeeded."

Treson's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with the implications. She had heard rumors about secret societies and alchemists before, but she had never thought they could create something like this.

"What kind of power are we talking about?"

she asked, her voice cold and detached.

Roderick's eyes gleamed with a feral intensity.

"The kind of power that can bend reality to your will,"

he said.

"The kind of power that can grant you unimaginable abilities. But as I said, there is a cost."

Fri May 17 10:54:36 . Vicky’s Beach House
The_Grey said:
then again working retail for 30+ years, weekends
for the most part meant nothing

Fri May 17 10:54:25 . Neighborhood where adultery is practiced
Master Unpredictable said:
walking out onto my porch

Fri May 17 10:54:23 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Puts her kini back on after finishing her coffee and putters around a bit.

Fri May 17 10:53:02 . Vicky’s Beach House
The_Grey said:
"fair enough
that it is .through to me its just another day in
the week"

Fri May 17 10:52:12 . The Masturbatorium
jonathan said:
i d love to masturbate for a Lady

Fri May 17 10:51:28 . touch*of*dice
Apollo said:

Fri May 17 10:51:00 . Vicky’s Beach House
Primo said:
They’re going ok…it’s Friday after all *s*

Fri May 17 10:50:28 . Vicky’s Beach House
Primo said:
Takes a sip…looks at the clock…politely sets the glass down and smiles

Fri May 17 10:49:03 . touch*of*dice
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 17 10:47:39 . Vicky’s Beach House
The_Grey said:
okay Vicky

Fri May 17 10:47:37 . The fox and hounds
sven said:

Fri May 17 10:47:08 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Wiggles and jiggles a bit. Sips her coffee some more.

Fri May 17 10:47:00 . ShiWare Tavern & Inn
Treson said:
Trade Camp
Roderick's expression turns serious.

"The box is said to be cursed. It's rumored that anyone who uses it will be consumed by an insatiable hunger for power, and that they will eventually lose themselves completely to its influence."

Treson raises an eyebrow, skeptical.

"That sounds like a tall tale,"

she says.

Roderick shrugs.

"I'm not saying it's true, but I am saying that the box is extremely rare and valuable. And I think it might be worth the risk for someone like you, Treson."

Treson looks at the box, her mind racing with possibilities. She can see the potential benefits of such a powerful artifact, but she also knows the risks are high.

Fri May 17 10:46:57 . touch*of*dice
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 17 10:46:56 . Vicky’s Beach House
Vicky Higgins said:
Rti guys brb…

Fri May 17 10:46:44 . VIP
Gentleman Sadist said:
Stops in for a bite to eat.

Fri May 17 10:46:03 . Vicky’s Beach House
The_Grey said:
how goes your travels

[End of Transfer]

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