The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon May 13 22:25:41 . Doms and Their subs
mdinight dreamer said:
steps in

Mon May 13 22:22:23 . OOC CoffeeShop
Freya Galbraith said:
wanders in for a bit...

Mon May 13 22:21:22 . transsexual picture gallery
ttim said:

Mon May 13 22:18:39 . The Dock
Primo said:
Shout out to all the nice whispers and messages today…you people are awesome and I appreciate it….

Just come in and visit even if I’m not’s almost summer…the beach is a fun place to hang…(I’ll leave the keys in the boats)

Mon May 13 22:15:27 . OOC CoffeeShop
Ravyn Wight said:
Nini hon. hugs

Mon May 13 22:13:57 . South Town Night City RPG
Eir Ascle said:
Hey! If she has any bounties please let her know. She can't imagine anyone paying enough for her to be worth your time. If nothing else you'd have to listen to her talk the whole time. There is only one person who would pay good money to have her and he's gonna want her alive!


So, basically she chummed up the waters good. Sure, the beginning of a feeding frenzy is fun. Then the food runs out and the frenzy takes over. So snatch fast and run far. Though honestly, you live at a different level than she does, so maybe that isn't the way it works for your class.

Oh! Oh she knows what Paz is. She's a *$%@)$. Oh yeah. Though she did cry when she heard Maul died. If Paz was dead, it was because he died first. Otherwise Maul would of ran right through who ever killed her. It would of been spectacular.

She's seen that elevator lay down decimation just because it was his job. She's seen him fight when Iridia was on the line. It wasn't something you wanted to be in front of. Trust her on THAT. Though he was her nicest kidnapper.

She nodded. Yeah. Hey! Pork hot noods. She hopped down and took a bag from the window. She passed it to you and walked down the block to the alley that had the HMV.

Oh by the way. You have to promise to keep chill okay. I know what it looks like. It looks like I want it to look. I want it too look like it's got the heebee jeebees.

She was carrying her bowl of noodles. Yes she goes there with her own bowl. She drank the last of the broth and picked up the last pot sticker, she offered it to you.

She didn't know what Wagyu was. Was that the new fancy kind of dog they were serving up town?

She lead you down an alley, red lights started to glow ominously as she went down, until you could see the HMV bathed in ghoulish light.

Cool huh!!! I designed it myself. I have really talented friends.

Mon May 13 22:11:08 . OOC CoffeeShop
Polly Walters said:
I like it. *smiles* Ok to bed I was a long one

Mon May 13 22:03:14 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Mon May 13 22:01:41 . OOC CoffeeShop
Ravyn Wight said:
Oh, that's nice!

Mon May 13 22:01:12 . OOC CoffeeShop
Polly Walters said:
I'm loving my new schedule...its all at home I work 4 tens...with w/f/sun off

Mon May 13 22:00:51 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~f*cKs with words~ said:

fckswithword has started a new game with the following players:

Mon May 13 22:00:32 . The Tower Of Babble
~lil shadow slut~ said:
funny watching the Cat chase the dog

Mon May 13 22:00:32 ~
~lil shadow slut~ said:
funny watching the Cat chase the dog

Mon May 13 21:58:25 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~f*cKs with words~ said:

fckswithword has started a new game with the following players:

Mon May 13 21:58:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
~f*cKs with words~ said:

Mon May 13 21:56:17 . Z2 Corkboard
Starr said:
Memorize her....

You're lucky you still have her.

Beautiful writing here Pan....just beautiful.

Mon May 13 21:54:31 . OOC CoffeeShop
Ravyn Wight said:
I work M-Tues at home, W-F's a nice mix.

Thankfully not on the phones much.

Mon May 13 21:53:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

Mon May 13 21:51:57 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
emily ratajkowski said:
takes a seat at an empty table and orders a drink

Mon May 13 21:51:54 . It Speaks To Me
Primo said:
Flabbergasted…my balls have never ever been called “icy”:before

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