The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Sat May 18 01:44:01 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Sat May 18 01:41:14 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Sat May 18 01:41:13 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
switches over to grumpy Watson mode again

Sat May 18 01:39:15 . The Tower Of Babble
marachino said:
Makes a c’mere motion of fingers

Sat May 18 01:38:59 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
Waterfall View
sighs and mutters about insomnia

Sat May 18 01:38:26 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Sat May 18 01:37:51 . The Cherry Farm
just_anna said:

Sat May 18 01:37:26 . The Tower Of Babble
marachino said:
busted.. lol

Sat May 18 01:36:51 . Z2 Corkboard
Calc said:
Beautiful, thank you..

Sat May 18 01:35:13 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

Sat May 18 01:35:07 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Sat May 18 01:30:13 . South Town Night City RPG
Carnyx Kent said:
The next two moments play out too quick for me to fully comprehend. The Blade was heading up toward your midsection, and then the burst of speed had you deflecting it with a skitter of metal on metal, first from my own cable, and then a plate of armor. It over-extends me, extending my arms to purchase nothing but air.

The high-quality of my optical augments catch a flash of your helmeted face directly in mine before


My vision goes dark. The rattle of my skull has my optical implants rattling in my eye sockets and the familiar pain of a not-yet-healed number of scrapes being reaggravated inside my left.

But that takes much less of a precedence to the blast of blood that my nose sends down the lower half of my face, and the wedged-forehead slicing a wide arc down the side of my skull.

I'm barely awake as your form hammers into mine, and I go tumbling backwards in wide arcing splatters of blood. Knocking over a nearby table by rolling directly into its base. It falls, I continue on like a bowling ball. I strike it's top edge and it falls flat. Upside down, landing hard on whatever glass didn't shatter with the initial tumble in a high-frequency crackle.

My dagger goes tumbling in another direction. I come to rest, and I lay still.

Opening an eye and the wandering spotlight lights it up with a brilliant blue as I see the diplopic form of your Menace before the augment rapidly refocuses to get my brain and my eyes to start speaking again.

Hiro says something, but it's coming through like morse code.

Another long, thin blade is slide out from my forearm and placed into my hand.

"Alright, Now you've pissed me off."— Is what I wanted to say.


Is what my mouth, full of blood, instead deposits on the club floor.

I get to my feet.

Easy as feck.

Sat May 18 01:19:31 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 1


Sat May 18 01:12:36 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

jacklyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat May 18 01:07:48 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

jacklyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat May 18 01:02:33 . South Town Night City RPG
Carnyx Kent said:
'See, easy as feck.'

As the electrical payload dumped, The electrical connection went back into charging mode, that would use my body's natural movements to siphon off little bits of power until the reserves were full again. I could jump at as little as 15%, which would be available to me in no time at all, but wouldn't have the charge to deliver another debilitating current any more impactful than the low voltage of a farmer's electrified paddock.

'Careful, I've got a few short-waves pinging out from your location.' They were encrypted, of course, so Hiro wouldn't be able to see what they said, but this number of them only meant reinforcements or Police. Neither of which I was super keen on running into. I watch as you slowly get to your feet.

'All good, Just got to get some neurotoxin in him and We can—'

Then my arm is practically yanked from my socket and I go tumbling forward. I hadn't fully hit skin, and therefore my attack had fallen short.

Speaking of falling short, I hit the dirty dance floor in a heap, my left arm outstretched. A rotation in my wrist has the cable disconnecting at that point, And I'm climbing to my feet.

Right hand in a fist, around the hilt of the long, thin dagger. A sloshing, dull-green liquid in a vial; set into a hollow carved directly into the cannelure near the tang.

Left hand, palm splayed. I go from two points of contact to three, and from three into a rushing dash the short distance to close the gap between you and I.


Exertion in action. Left hand around the fist of my right, looking to try and brute-force this blade of mine between tight-knit slats of high-grade armor.

You can probably guess what's in the vial.

Sat May 18 01:02:05 . South Town Night City RPG
Carnyx Kent said:
'See, easy as feck.'

As the electrical payload dumped, The electrical connection went back into charging mode, that would use my body's natural movements to siphon off little bits of power until the reserves were full again. I could jump at as little as 15%, which would be available to me in no time at all, but wouldn't have the charge to deliver another debilitating current any more impactful than the low voltage of a farmer's electrified paddock.

'Careful, I've got a few short-waves pinging out from your location.' They were encrypted, of course, so Hiro wouldn't be able to see what they said, but this number of them only meant reinforcements or Police. Neither of which I was super keen on running into. I watch as you slowly get to your feet.

'All good, Just got to get some neurotoxin in him and We can—'

Then my arm is practically yanked from my socket and I go tumbling forward. I hadn't fully hit skin, and therefore my attack had fallen short.

Speaking of falling short, I hit the dirty dance floor in a heap, my left arm outstretched. A rotation in my wrist has the cable disconnecting at that point, And I'm climbing to my feet.

Right hand in a fist, around the hilt of the long, thin dagger. A sloshing, dull-green liquid in a vial; set into a hollow carved directly into the cannelure near the tang.

Left hand, palm splayed. I go from two points of contact to three, and from three into a rushing dash the short distance to close the gap between you and I.


Exertion in action. Left hand around the fist of my right, looking to try and brute-force this blade of mine between tight-knit slats of high-grade armor.

You can probably guess what's in the vial.

Sat May 18 01:01:31 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

jacklyn has started a new game with the following players:

Sat May 18 01:01:19 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Jacklyn said:

Sat May 18 01:00:59 . CAA: Create An Acronym
{alora} said:

Sexy And Naughty

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