The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri May 03 14:45:51 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Your boy toy said:

yourboytoy has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 03 14:44:02 . Dylan Bode's Office
Dylan Bode said:
There was a box tissues that hadn't been knocked off the desk in their move to the desktop. He grabbed a tissue himself to clean himself up. He would use the bleach wipes that were in the cabinets to wipe down his desktop later. No need to have the cleaning crew have to deal with it.

He gets his boxers on and then the jeans up. Looking around for the tanktop that he'd pitched early. Seeing you getting dressed, he did take a moment to admire your ass. He then became aware of the ripped panties.

When you finally are put together, he grins at your comment.

"Count on it Amelia."

Fri May 03 14:43:16 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Your boy toy said:

yourboytoy has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 03 14:43:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Your boy toy said:

Fri May 03 14:41:41 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
missy jo said:
eh..par fir the day.out

Fri May 03 14:41:06 . Schendi Central Palace
Paesyn said:
Throne Room
Her nevers tensed immediately when the distance closed, and he loomed over her; the timber of his voice held power over life and death. The man speaking was not the playmate of childhood, the youth who had laughed with her, the young man who had watched as she sat upon the throne like bait for the benefit of Schendi.

The beautiful delicacy of ebony features clouded with unease. However, she stood with hands lightly clasped before her, glancing to his face only to move her gaze to look beyond where the palms dotted in artistic planting around the gleaming stone palace played as dancers in Thass's breeze.

The question was the same if he had asked how many grains of sand are on the beach, how to defend herself in failure when she had no answers.

To say nothing might be noble, to say something could be death or it could.... and so with a voice bruised with embarrassment

I do not know why they left Ubar, I can not know the mind of men, especially those men. I could only do what I had vowed to do. It costs no lives, and no souls roam the jungle searching for their lives left behind. I have seen the trade lines and the merchant network of the men. It could still be helpful for Schendi; a bridge was not burned and was still salvageable.

Fri May 03 14:40:08 . Mess me up
Vince 45 said:
are you still here

Fri May 03 14:38:01 . Mess me up
Vince 45 said:
so what are you looking for

Fri May 03 14:37:47 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
missy jo said:

missyjo has started a new game with the following players:

Fri May 03 14:37:41 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
missy jo said:

Fri May 03 14:37:38 . Rafferty's
francisca said:
Such lovely pics!

Fri May 03 14:36:28 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Sara Leigh said:
Main Street
She held tightly to your hand as she walked into the bank with you, something she had thought she would never be doing in her life. You have given her life meaning, she gave a reassuring squeeze to your hand

Fri May 03 14:33:57 . Acro-verse
Asian Babe said:


Next Word: News

Fri May 03 14:33:26 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
MarcusWade@bwr said:
Main Street
As they step into the bank, their smiles light up the room. They are filled with hope and anticipation for the bright future ahead, ready to embark on this exciting new journey together.

Fri May 03 14:28:18 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
Sara Leigh said:
Main Street
Her life has taken a unexpected turn for the better and it is all thanks to having had that very enjoyable night with you. A bond formed that night with you, and it has only deepened and grown stronger ever since. Yesterday was so wonderful walking around the neighborhood with you, holding your hand she walked proudly at your side, you had even made her laugh a few times with your sense of humor. The memory of stopping and admiring those flowers has been etched into her memory and everything is more beautiful with you

Fri May 03 14:26:01 . Schendi Central Palace
Jabali said:
Throne Room
Jabali stepped closer to her when he saw the look she gave him. He stepped within a hand's breadth and leaned down close, his voice iron as he spoke.

Do not think to use my emotions to your advantage, Paesyn. It was said with control and calmness, but you would know he was serious. He loved her and remembered the winsome days of old, but he would not let that influence his decision. He could have her stripped and publically flogged. He could enslave her and sell her to the Black Slavers. He could even kill her if he chose.

But he did not choose death. He looked at her steadily.
You wish to speak in your defense? He took a large step back and looked at her.

Fri May 03 14:25:01 . Mess me up
Was janet E said:

Fri May 03 14:19:37 . Schendi Central Palace
Paesyn said:
Palace Entry
Had she hoped for understanding? Had she hoped he would know she could not control the men's choices, but the hope was indeed wishful thinking, and the woman who stood before her cousin, yes, but the most powerful man in Schendi answered not the man but the Ubar.

Yes, Ubar, I do, though not entirely.

There was a tension shared between them; her gaze met his; seeing the flint hardness, she would draw in a breath, striving to relax the knot coiling tighter and tighter as the jungle boa to the tree urt.

Fri May 03 14:18:07 . Heros Legends and Just Plain Folks
C.M. said:
*glad Jack got moved*

Fri May 03 14:16:44 . Covell Canyon MainStreet & Surrounding A
MarcusWade@bwr said:
Main Street
Yesterday, Marcus had planned to visit the bank to find a home for him and Sara. However, he was disappointed to find out that the bank was closed. At first, Marcus was frustrated about the inconvenience, but he soon realized that this unexpected turn of events gave him and Sara the chance to do something enjoyable together. They decided to take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, holding hands and enjoying the warm weather. As they walked, they noticed some beautiful flowers blooming nearby. They stopped to admire the flowers, feeling grateful for the unexpected opportunity to enjoy each other's company and the beauty of nature.

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