The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Thu May 16 23:21:31 . Rafferty's
Lady Ella said:
14.51 and needing coffee

Thu May 16 23:15:43 . Edgewater
Holly Blanc said:
Well for one, consoles are way cheaper. What, you wanna fight about it?

"Mmmmmnnnyeah, I can see it," she edged in the response as you started to profile your impression of the undercover type. What she was more concerned about were Confidential Informants, people like Tommy Three-Fingers who'd fallen down the order a bit after his run-in with Logan Braddock.

…or nap-in, in his case.

"I take it you don't drag much around, then. You plannin' to dip once you make this score, then?" just asking to ask, since she'd already crossed the threshold of 'asking too many questions'. "…guess you wouldn't tell me 'bout no wife or girlfriend who cashes your checks."

Oh, hey, she found a good button.
The glassy tips of her nails traced relatively chill lines compared to the heat basketed under the canopy of your hair, bit longer than short, tapered to a tip like they might cause damage if she slipped, but her idle stimming hadn't even registered in her upper cortex just yet.

"What, and that's gon' help you get your Mona Lisa or whateverthefuck?" she didn't sound all that perturbed by your reaction, like people on drugs weren't truly responsible for their behavior. She didn't volunteer to trip-sit you, you weren't exactly on psychedelics after all.

"Uh, like sixty mil…" to answer literally, like the puff from earlier blunted her ability to trace the subtext as she adjusted how she sat, up so she could cradle your head. To frame it, in that snarled sunburst pattern of your hair, to ground the way your eyes settled and crystallized your secret thoughts, make it just a little less scary. "I take the same dose you did I'm gonna bleed outta my brain, killer."

Thu May 16 23:15:07 . The Broken Stake
depravity{D} said:
she takes another slow sip from her glass....
holding the stem for just a moment longer....
gazing into the dark liquid inside the glass....
swirling it around just a bit....

Thu May 16 23:14:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Thu May 16 23:11:43 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 16 23:10:51 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Score: 8 points on Twos

Thu May 16 23:10:47 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 3


Thu May 16 23:08:37 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

SilverDream has started a new game with the following players:

Thu May 16 23:08:30 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
SilverDream said:

Thu May 16 23:05:44 . The City OOC and IC Cork
Melody Belle said:
I had understood that it would be a out of character type memorial....Though I completely agree if we are thinking in character. The characters fate needs to be left to those tied to it.

I think a out of character event is the only real way we could do it.

Thu May 16 23:03:49 . The Broken Stake
depravity{D} said:
she gives Morgana a slow nod as she brings her what she had wished.....
her fingers taking a soft grip of the stem of the glass...
licking her lips slowly a moment before she takes a long slow sip....
letting the thick liquid move down her throat.....
the tip of her tongue touch just against the corner of her lips....
setting her glass back to the table.....

Thu May 16 22:58:38 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:
I've been peeking, hoping to find you.

Thu May 16 22:58:02 . transsexual picture gallery
Donald said:
*peeks at the pics*

Thu May 16 22:57:05 . The Broken Stake
depravity{D} said:
she slips quietly inside the doors....moving over to where Morgana awaits....
nods slowly to her as she already knows of what she needs....
slipping to her special place where certain ones are allowed....
she curls up to set to do some reading as she awaits her drink.....

Thu May 16 22:54:52 . Edgewater
Dorian Frost said:
Typically, he uses a Nightwing Funko Pop doll to crush up his nose candy, but sadly the decor in here is lacking. So lamp it is.

Oh. Damn. He caught that reaction. He won't register it, sticking to his Heisty McHeist facts instead. But he'll keep it in his back pocket for now.

Cop? Oh, that gets a hard laugh. A deep, rumbling sound that has his shoulders tightening and the bed shaking a little. Like you just told him the benefits of consoles over PC gaming. He'll need a few extra moments to catch his breath and come down from that...

"I've played a cop a few times in a con or two. They usually ask too many questions. Too eager to be your friend. Forced banter. Forced slang. If you prompt them, they can finish a 'Super Troopers' or 'Brooklyn 99' quote."

More unfair cop profiling is directed at him. He chuckles lightly, mouth open. Tip of this tongue sliding along the top edge of his teeth. "You're half right there." Profiling ladies and an ego that prevents him from not acting on his forbidden knowledge.

There it is. That touch of your fingers through the mane. It draws a low growl from his throat, eyes shifting to catch yours and pierce across the space between them. The grin that follows is less playful than before, more...predatory. Like he just profiled the hell out of something.

"You want to wear a skintight catsuit while I do all the work?" It was a simple job. You could hold the tubes for the paintings open after he cuts them from the frame.

Dorian's eyes get heavy as he looks at you, but they maintain their precision focus on you. Greed with a touch of curiosity in his gaze. A moment to consider things...before he asks...

"How many benzos did you take?" Before he gets his hopes and anything else up.

Thu May 16 22:50:17 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Thu May 16 22:48:34 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Thu May 16 22:47:16 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Thu May 16 22:46:32 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Thu May 16 22:44:57 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vittoria said:

Vittoria has started a new game with the following players:

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