The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue May 14 20:29:05 . A Camp on the Plains
Jarl GaigiN @soi said:
The Plains Beauty is pleasing to look at.

Tue May 14 20:28:03 . The Black Dahlia Lounge
Pachuco Wilson said:
make some notes on a cocktail napkin.
Like Mr. Smith said one time - more.

Tue May 14 20:27:30 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

vickyhiggins has started a new game with the following players:

Tue May 14 20:27:20 . A Camp on the Plains
Jarl GaigiN @soi said:
Smiles but You are well known to be willey.

Tue May 14 20:27:06 . The Vosk River
Stalker said:
The Vosk River
*feeling the direction we were being pulled and loosing my bolt in that direction, only guessing the direction of the threat and reloading. My fire might be slower, but it did have more power and could punch threw the reeds easier*

Tue May 14 20:27:00 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Leo Sterling said:
It really is mutual. He has zero complaints about being each other's number one fan, though.

A soft smile back, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze. Give him a sec, he needs to just gaze at you adoringly for a moment. Doing this with you is a dream.

An amused huff. "Yes, my number one adjective, for sure."

"Mm, maybe. I think it might give me sympathetic nightmares, though." His hand lingers on yours, a slight tilt of his body towards yours. Practically, he knows 'not quite right' is the primary reason he doesn't get roles, but being bad remains the niggling worry at the back of his mind.

"Of course," he agrees.

Oh, you're not getting away. He's absolutely using his longer reach to wrap an arm around you to keep you where you are, fingers finding that spot under your ribs that he knows is the most ticklish.

"Yes, Dee?" Laughing along with you, but also, tickling. He's trying to keep his tone serious, but utterly fails.

Tue May 14 20:26:48 . The Vosk River
surrender{Blade} said:
The Vosk River
* surrender had heard leather ...and got to the edge of the skiff ..stretching her slim arms out .. almost, just about and than nothing but air leather got pulled... with Master with SulverWolf and Strtker ...and Mistress Ava all separated...surrender was on her own ...her only thought * was to slide back to the bottom of the skiff within the night darkness ... and lay still and quiet no One knew she was there ...and there alone

Tue May 14 20:26:40 . A Camp on the Plains
gemm said:
Reappearing, she took a few steps then jumped off and landed with a grin -

At the fires to the side, she filled the horn with paga and headed back 'round the campfire and toward the Man.

The slave feisty - a playful mixture of sweet and sassy - the movement of her body sensual as she approached.

Tue May 14 20:26:07 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

There has been a major bug. Player data not found in /findCurrentGame/. Going into panic shutdown. Sorry.

Has ended the game

Tue May 14 20:26:06 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

vickyhiggins has started a new game with the following players:

Tue May 14 20:26:05 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

vickyhiggins has started a new game with the following players:

Tue May 14 20:25:38 . LionHeart's Paga Room
ayrie{BDen}@gor said:
After checking on every Patron, only then does she begin collecting empty vessels, careful of any with chipped edges that might harm her Owners' property

Tue May 14 20:25:12 . The Vosk River
Rencers (NPC) said:
Vosk River Delta
Volley after volley of rence arrows rain down between the one skiff and the rest. The gap of the water was wide between them with tharlarion in a feeding frenzy all around the skiffs. It would be insanity to get in the water. They kept pulling the skiff closer and closer to the reeds and into the darkness.

Tue May 14 20:24:40 . A Camp on the Plains
Oyun )( said:
*Notes that the beauty of the Plains moves off to get the Man His paga, I move even closers to the fire. Settling down on some furs, not in a FW tower, but crossed legged, eblows propped on My knees, dark eyes peering at the women.*

Is she for Sale? *I assume she is with you and every Man has a price for a female*

I might be interested if the price is right.

*We Tuchucks did love to haggle a bargain *

Tue May 14 20:24:37 . Tiny Tops
Jackbooker said:

Tue May 14 20:24:35 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
looks in again

Tue May 14 20:24:02 . A Camp on the Plains
gemm said:
With a turn of rounded hips, she was off to do His bidding. Soft footfalls made soft puffs of dust rise from the ground as she rounded the central fire and took the steps of the serving wagon by twos ..

Disappearing inside, she grabbed a horn from one of the top shelves - reaching upward to pull it down as it wasn't used much .. she wiped the dust off before gathering to her ample softness

Tue May 14 20:23:17 . The Vosk River
Ava said:
The Vosk River
I heard the scream and the arrows hitting the boats. I grabbed my bow, nocked an arrow . Firing one after another into the dark where they fell from. I dropped under the edge of the seat to refill my quiver. I could hear Stalker and made sure none of my arrows went towards him.

Tue May 14 20:23:03 . LionHeart's Paga Room
ayrie{BDen}@gor said:
Moving from table to table, her smile and desire to serve true
All are happy and sated for the time being and this makes a slave heart warm

Tue May 14 20:22:31 . A Camp on the Plains
Jarl GaigiN @soi said:
I am what I am Lady. Jarl is a rank not an indicator of Ownership.

Are the axels well greesed?

[End of Transfer]

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