The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri Jun 28 20:23:54 . The Masturbatorium
Tangent said:

Fri Jun 28 20:22:49 . The Masturbatorium
Tangent said:

Fri Jun 28 20:21:24 . Cork for OOC Topics
Prince of Thieves said:
If you all need a place to get started, the DeepInn is a tavern and inn (don't mind the rabble and dockhands, it's in the pothole near the docks. The warehouse is always hiring, there's a farm village upriver called Portage, and there's plenty of legit jobs and nefarious tasks.

So, if you wanna play, I don't know that I have a charecter idea for you all, but I've got a reasonable stage or five.

Hope to see everyone around.

Fri Jun 28 20:21:17 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
enyah said:
well good thing for me, its broad daylight, and time for my heartbeat and breathing to return to normal

Chuckln as I know how that sounds

Fri Jun 28 20:19:42 . The Masturbatorium
Tangent said:

Fri Jun 28 20:19:36 . Leo's Place
Leo Sterling said:
It told a story, didn't it? You could fill in the beats, or at least guess at them. You'd met The Sterlings.

The poor (lucky?) agent did not need to hear about them.

A slow nod, forcing his eyes to refocus on the space around them. He had liked it. Still liked it. The absolute surprise of it is somewhat muted by the circumstance. "I do like it. I didn't expect..." he trails off, because he's now stunned about the apartment, in addition to the conversation he just had. "Thank you. It... I don't know what I'd be doing without you."

Family is family. You're stuck with them.

Or maybe not, actually.

The shell-shocked look hasn't gone anywhere, but there is a sense of relief as the door closes behind the agent. No need to make a choice, which isn't a bad thing right now.

Their nods as they listen just a little absent, until the hand squeeze grounds them a bit more back into present and they let you lead them around the living room, until you sit - he doesn't hesitate in joining you, either, though unlike your sprawl, he's drawing his knees up to his chest, an arm wrapping around them to keep them there.

A ghost of a smile at your giggle, instinct more than intent. As much as you enable, and he avoids, that question gets a hesitant nod.

"I've been dodging their calls." A rueful turn of his lips. "You met them, you saw how unhappy they were when they didn't even know for sure what had happened. I guess Dee replaced her phone, and her parents got the news from her, and my parents got the confirmation from them." That's his best guess, anyway.

You can almost see him filtering out his parents' commentary on you, before continuing. "It was all very calm, really. Matter of fact. They don't approve of my life choices - I didn't tell them about the gender stuff. They meant the stuff with Dee, the company I'm keeping, my choice of career, but mostly the cheating and hurting Dee." Nevermind it wasn't exactly cheating. Not the point. "So until I'm willing and able to uphold the Sterling name, I'm not their so- child and they want nothing to do with me." If nothing else, they aren't going to repeat the misgendering of themself.

Fri Jun 28 20:18:35 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
enyah said:
reading down below, seeing i now have to go read a blog site now, like how am I going to remember that

Fri Jun 28 20:16:59 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
I hate creeping myself
Out like

Fri Jun 28 20:16:17 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
That's all it will be in my rooms

Music and play

I went and copied
My writings on my rooms
And got them out of here

Fri Jun 28 20:16:05 . Rough Sex
mandy said:
*Friday night. Feeling a bit down tonight, grabbing a glass of wine and a blanket and heads out for the fire pit*

Fri Jun 28 20:13:07 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
enyah said:
other than scaring myself stupid watching a creepy movie, I am handling life

Fri Jun 28 20:12:00 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
enyah said:
I always ask, creature of habit boring, predictable

Chuckling softly

So is it music night?

Fri Jun 28 20:11:06 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
How are things for you ?

Fri Jun 28 20:09:24 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
Actually things are pretty

Thank you for asking

Fri Jun 28 20:08:24 . Just One
unc said:

Fri Jun 28 20:08:14 . Meet and greet!
Faith's property said:
(slips quietly into the dungeon and pads barefooted and naked to PM's chair......noticing how clean servus has made it.........i lower to my knees with my head bowed and softly whispers into the chambers......hoping my whispers will echo thru the chambers until Miss PM can hear them)

Miss PM........this slut still has a lot of rt issues dealing out loads of stress that has been keeping me from Your dungeon.............and while the stress has lessened a little, i am still having days that wear me down..........however............i feel i have been away too long.......i have been out of my cell too long.......i humbly ask to return to my cell.......and ask that You leave this slut a lock to allow me to lock away my freedom ..........and allow only You and the Others who visit these walls to let me out on Their whim.

if punishment is deserving for my long absence i willingly accept it to remain here.

i silently await Your decision and permission.

(again, falls silent and lowers my gaze)

Fri Jun 28 20:07:49 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
enyah said:
hi there, ADR

Hoping things are well enough for You

Speaking softly as I move within finding a cushion to lower to

Fri Jun 28 20:06:22 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

Fri Jun 28 20:05:49 . The House Blackheart Dungeon
A Darker Reality said:
Of course


Fri Jun 28 20:05:05 . Cork for OOC Topics
Hankster said:

[End of Transfer]

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