The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 25 00:14:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Dreamweaver1 said:

Tue Jun 25 00:09:38 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Dreamweaver1 said:

Dreamweaver1 has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 00:09:28 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Dreamweaver1 said:

Tue Jun 25 00:07:51 . touch*of*dice
john c said:

Tue Jun 25 00:03:42 . Cork for OOC Topics
Cadhla Rionach said:
To Dumitru Vasile@soi, wishing you the happiest of days and the best year to come. You are such a special man, I am so blessed to have you in my life and to write with you here in this place we love.

God bless you with all the joy you deserve today and all days of your life...~hugs and much love~

Tue Jun 25 00:02:45 . Just One
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 00:00:37 . touch*of*dice
john c said:

johnc has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 00:00:22 . touch*of*dice
john c said:

Tue Jun 25 00:00:20 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
See you soon...

Mon Jun 24 23:59:27 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
-sorry he is alone again... and work is calling... but jnowing he will be back tonight and hopes to catch up properly-

Mon Jun 24 23:54:43 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
I could have filled you for hours...

Mon Jun 24 23:52:51 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
Such a shame you did not make it last night.

Mon Jun 24 23:51:54 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
Hello, sexy...thrilled to see you

Mon Jun 24 23:50:53 . Good Old Fashion Sex
Cherry CR said:

Mon Jun 24 23:50:41 . Night City Cork
Echo Fenix said:
Damn, I haven't watched the full clip in a long time.

Sid overselling the fear just makes it that much funnier.

Mon Jun 24 23:49:10 . Good Old Fashion Sex
DarkestVisitor said:
-looks in-

Mon Jun 24 23:46:15 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
On his way out, he gives you a parting look. Sympathy for a second. A slight smile. Then his eyes pivot forward and resume their focus. Narrowed and tight as his lips thin. Powering through that limp to hide it and show no signs of vulnerability to potential attackers.

Not happy. Guilt had been fused into anger now. Wanting to get this done for everyone's benefit.

What they all agreed to.

Out of the store and down the hallway. His back unit clicking and humming, syncing up those extra arms for a rapid deployment if he needed it.

Echo didn't even realize IRIDIA had followed until he was in the elevator with her. And even then, he doesn't look at her or say anything.

Ground floor. A Delemain AI-Controlled Cab would be waiting for them. Excelsior package meant full tactical options were available to ensure they made it to their destination unscathed.

Time to close the book on Maximo Kurtz.


Mon Jun 24 23:37:24 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Peregrine P. Olveira said:
Fenix Arsenal
Yeah, it had been harsh. Words meant to wound. You get a grateful look for moving in between him and IRIDIA - he thought they were friends. If this is what she really thinks of him, though...

Well, it hurt.
Maybe he'd done something that had damaged that friendship.
Maybe they weren't friends.

Your shoulder grasp has him looking your way, which means there's no hiding he's blinking back tears.

A sniffle, and a nod. "Yeah... that sounds like, um, like a good idea." Briar made everything better. And it's a Monday, so she could probably take the night off, even.

::Bri, any chance you'll play hookie with me tonight? Rough night, and just want to curl up with you. I'll bring dinner!::

That as he heads for the door, eyes down once more, steps hurried to just be anywhere else.

He'll pick up food for them, and flowers, because flowers never hurt - and spend the evening with Briar.

Mon Jun 24 23:37:08 . Z2 Corkboard
Ancient Master said:
Of course. You are in my prayers. Beat cancer my brother!

Mon Jun 24 23:32:19 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Fenix Arsenal
IRIDIA could feel her heart racing — she wasn't sure just where that was coming from, or even just how much of it she truly believed, how much of that was sincere or her reacting to Perry's idealism.

…if she didn't care, if it was really how she felt, if she felt irreconcilably incompatible with that worldview, she'd honestly just keep her mouth shut and politely refuse to work with him again.

Instead, she saw a path forward — he told her he'd only done more co-op before this one, so that excused him letting his ideals motivate his behavior.

…and whatever other baggage that IRIDIA was dragging around, not-so-invisibly.

Images of another pragmatist-turned-idealist scrolled her memories. A sung poem in a voicemail, a self-sacrificing boy turned into a man in a monster-cage turned into a martyr for some… something.

Everything within her wanted to break her resolve, to shatter and chase Peregrine P. Olveira and tell her she was sorry, that she didn't want him to feel poorly, but… the moment passed. The pain subsided, the buzz in her chest and temples faded, her blood pressure normalized and her Biomon stopped alerting her.

She reclaimed the blades, picked up the gun, mated the mag, charged the weapon and clicked on the safety, wordlessly merging in with your ready posture.

They weren't waiting until tomorrow.

[End of Transfer]

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