The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 16 11:07:30 . The Deep Inn
Sixpence said:
The girls are needing new make up and mirrors.

Cracked mirrors don't do well for girls that want to make a living. She moves the book to her lap so she can surround the warm mug with chilly palms. Even if it is starting summer-time, she gets cool hands in the early morning.

Quickly heating up, however; Sixpence has chilly hands. Imagine that.

Jewelry, as well. Not so much outfits. The girls do wonders with what the Captain had sold to the villages.

Whatever the asking price, I'll make it worth it.

She gives a nod and a secret grin to that. Watching you slam the rum and gives a little wince. She's not a rum drinker, she can only assume the burn going down a throat when you slam the drink down like that.

Sun Jun 16 11:04:00 . Catfight
peyton sinclair said:
the 5'2 90lbs girl steps in and looks around for her Copper friend
the female officer
i love to wrassle with her

Sun Jun 16 11:03:32 . Z2 Corkboard
CQ said:
could I come as one swollen with healing... full of light!!!
It's my great hope..

Sun Jun 16 11:01:31 . The City OOC and IC Cork
Brixton Walsh said:
Fantastic work, as always!

Sun Jun 16 11:00:06 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
There is every chance. A little of the cargo is ear-marked for for first dibs, as they say, to a select few. Then, a few things are brought to shore and sole in bulk, you can guess who buys them. But he mostly pays in tonnage, so, if there are a few things diverted and he does not pay for them, we will accept the patronage of others.

Normally at a much higher prices than when sold as tonnage, but, I think Jameyson Sal will be a tad more reasonable with you.

When the rim comes t the table, the first one is slammed as quickly as the first, the other is allowed to settle on the table with Lorelei's ale.

What are you looking for, specifically?

Sun Jun 16 10:56:29 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
amos marsden said:
handyman memories
do msg me Miss

Sun Jun 16 10:55:39 . Catfight
female officer said:
hoping for a match

Sun Jun 16 10:55:30 . The Deep Inn
Sixpence said:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and she notes the beauty that comes from the voice more of the appearance. Sixpence does not judge, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Even if you are a bit gruff, she notes the elegance that is within you.

She allows her gaze, bright hazel eyes, to sweep the front of you for as far as the table allows, anyway. Murmuring under her breath, but loud enough for you to hear her

Any chance of him being able to bring some here? The girls could use refreshers and the bounty will be more than adequate if he could bring some new things here.

Would that be at all possible? I'll .... make it worth your time

Eyes shining bright, she lowers the book to the table and covers it with both hands, fingers curled over the edges.

I'm glad you're enjoying the rum. It's the best in the realm. she grins while taking a sip of the coffee .. perfect

Sun Jun 16 10:55:10 . Master's study
A Darker Reality said:

Sun Jun 16 10:54:27 . Master's study
A Darker Reality said:
Thsts enough memes

Sun Jun 16 10:51:09 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
And a rum with ale chaser for me...She calls after the hustling and bustling Mia, and the settles her gaze back on you again. He assures everyone that he meets that it was his pleasure "to see to the needs of the Madam of the Deep Inn", I will tell him what you asked me to tell him.

When the drinks come, courtesy of the ever moving Mia, she tests the rum, slams it down, and puts the empty with more than enough coins back on the tray before even the ever-moving Mia can move away. Two more rums...

And then, eyes back on Sixpence@bwr We sail in a day or two. Most of our cargo is off-loaded, and we take on supplies. Once we are laden, we will be on the hunt again.

Her voice is somewhat at odds with her apperarance, the latter being somewhat gruff, the former being somewhat melodic.

Sun Jun 16 10:46:26 . BiThreesomes and More
Frat (bi) guy said:
Pretty quiet

Sun Jun 16 10:44:03 . The Deep Inn
Sixpence said:
Squints and smiles, she nods her head and gives you a grin

I appreciated everything he had done for me. The outfits and the jewelry are perfect.

Please extend my thanks again, for me.

I'm glad to know he's still in port. Do you know how much longer he'll be here?

lowering into the chair opposite you so we might be able to speak properly without her looming over you. Coffee given, again, because you can never have enough.

Thank you, Mia .. placing a coin on Mia's tray and watching her moving along to other tables.

Sun Jun 16 10:43:26 . pipers stables
beatriz zamora said:
Not gone
Looking to You

Sun Jun 16 10:42:49 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
Lorelei@soe turns her heads towards you as she finds a booth and table in a secluded nook, her sabre hanging over the outside, on her right. Her eyes are dark-hued, the face might be almost pretty if she wore make up, which she does not. Her fingernails show a propensity for hard work and labor, not neglected, but not polished with minor chips at the edges of some of those fingernails.

You, if I have heard properly, must be the madam. Jameyson Sal sends is fond regards. You charmed him on your visit, I think.

Sun Jun 16 10:42:50 . pipers stables
lil'spirit said:
...surmizes she's gone...*sighs*

Sun Jun 16 10:40:04 . The Deep Inn
Lorelei@soe said:
Lorelei@turns her heads towards you as she finds a booth and table in a secluded nook, her sabre hanging over the outside, on her right. Her eyes are dark-hued, the face might be almost pretty if she wore make up, which she does not. Her fingernails show a propensity for hard work and labor, not neglected, but not polished with minor chips at the edges of some of those fingernails.

You, if I have heard properly, must be the madam. Jameyson Sal sends is fond regards. You charmed him on your visit, I think.

Sun Jun 16 10:39:35 . pipers stables
lil'spirit said:
....looks over sees a familiar albeit bitted face....pacing in her stall...apparently nervous...distraught?....

Sun Jun 16 10:37:59 . Z2 Corkboard
Starr said:
I've had three fathers in my life.

One by birth, one by adoption and one by my adopted mother's re-marriage.

My birth father was a real-life character!
The funniest man I ever met.

My legally adopted father was by birth my uncle (my dad's oldest brother). He was a wonderful man. He taught me some things that I have carried with me all my life. The greatest of those lessons was to look for, recognize and "see" beauty in everyday things.

My stepfather wasn't good for much in my life, (Sorry, but that is the truth) but he did teach me how to change a tire on my car and he taught me to never let my gas tank fall below half-full on a road trip. Those lessons saved my ass a few times, so I appreciate them, and him for them.

My sons are both good fathers to their kids...and so is my brother.

I love men...good men who step up and do the right things for their families.

Pan..YOU are a good man, a good husband to your wife and a good father to your boys. They are lucky to have you...and God bless your father in heaven. He taught you to see beauty in the written word and to be steadfast. I respect the heck out of him, and you for those qualities.

EXEMPLAR: I love that. And yes, I'd bet that bird song was no accident.

Mmmmmm....MEN...The leather to our "lady" lace, the strong backbone of our nation and the strength of our families. And, thank you God...for making them just the way you did!
Magnificent in their role.... in all our lives.

Nodding in appreciation of them, one and all.

Sun Jun 16 10:35:55 . The Tower Of Babble
wall flower said:
plucks the petals of the flower and leaves a trail for one

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