The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Dr. Strange said:
He enters...looking a bit bedraggled,.>

Sun Jun 16 12:56:53 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
I don’t suppose I could interest you in a dirty cis girl?

Sun Jun 16 12:55:57 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:

Sun Jun 16 12:55:52 . transsexual picture gallery
sammi(ts) said:
most definitely... i'd love to

Sun Jun 16 12:55:03 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:
nice image sweety. *s*

Sun Jun 16 12:54:37 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
Another time perhaps

Sun Jun 16 12:54:18 . Old Town Edinburgh - {Looking Glass RP}
Gideon said:
Obur. That was the term which he heard first known their type to be called. Glutton-devils, who feasted on the blood of men. There were myths when he was still a boy, and by the time he was a man and marched with the crusades, the nests of such demons were stirred up by the combined armies of Christendom and Seljuks alike.

He had his mark, now.

Standing up with a great show of wobbling on his feet, he cast a handful of coins atop the bar and called out loudly, in slurred speech, borrowing the brogue common to this part of town, “Had besh.. besht be on me way hame ‘afore me wife has me bollocks fer her coinpurse!”

That earned a riot of laughter from the other men, one of them slapping him on the back as he exaggeratedly staggered his way towards the door. He did not need look back to know that the other man – the Creature – had risen to follow him, he could feel its very presence like a cold chill at his back.

Sun Jun 16 12:53:46 . transsexual picture gallery
sammi(ts) said:
i can't at the moment.... i have an rti approaching

Sun Jun 16 12:53:42 . Z2 Corkboard
Bala said:
Thanks my friend!!

Sun Jun 16 12:52:44 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
Contributing a pic,1718592727

Sun Jun 16 12:51:09 . Z2 Corkboard
Bala said:
In a have!!!
Good to see you!!!

Sun Jun 16 12:50:52 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
Wanna go somewhere with me?

Sun Jun 16 12:49:57 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:
i second sammi's motion. go with it.

Sun Jun 16 12:49:21 . transsexual picture gallery
sammi(ts) said:

cindy artist said:
returns and begins polishing the bar counter

Sun Jun 16 12:48:23 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Elodie Stone said:
Later they can debate who is the best. Honestly, she'd really wanted to be backstage the whole show, just in case. In the end, she'd been convinced to sit and watch. At several points, it wasn't easy to watch, even as easily as she can be swept into the magic of theatre, but it had been incredible. You had been. Holly too, really.

All wrapped around you and when your ears turn pink, she leans in to quickly nip your earlobe. While she's aware of the fact that the room is bustling with people, some who don't even know her, she doesn't care. Not one bit. She's living on that post-performance high, even if she wasn't actually the one performing.

You know that isn't completely true.

People can have a beautiful script and still make an utter mess of it. But her words are all affection.

Then, some physical affection. You're not the only one who forgets other people are in the room, and when you make that rumble, she squeezes her legs tighter around you. Do they really -need- an afterparty?

Someone calls out and she laughs, a bright, free sound. Then, raising her brows, she nods when you suggest getting a room.

But then duty calls and she's dropping down to her feet. In heels, for once. But she gives you a playful pout as you let her down and nods at your smouldering promise.

Absolutely we should.

Quietly, but with perhaps more enthusiasm than you expected. Fingers lace with yours and she moves toward Holly Blanc.

Holly Blanc

While she's not about to leap and wrap around you the way she did Leo, she does slip her fingers from his so she can lean in and give you a hug.

Holly, you were fantastic! You did it! I'm so freaking proud of you, seriously. Not just anyone could pull that off after only a few weeks. You were brilliant.

Yes, she's gushing, but she truly does mean it. You were fantastic. And, yes, everyone forgets lines, flubs, misses marks, etc... On the stage, the important thing is to just go with it, which you did. No one backpacked you. Just supported you, the way everyone on stage does.

Honestly, at this point, if you'd not dressed up, she would've been surprised. You look incredible, of course.

Sun Jun 16 12:48:11 . transsexual picture gallery
sammi(ts) said:
randy is perfectly natural....... go with that feeling..*wink*

Sun Jun 16 12:48:04 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
Clearly auto correct is not my friend *g*

Sun Jun 16 12:46:59 . transsexual picture gallery
Andrea99 said:
Well not really strange….just….well….randy….

Sun Jun 16 12:46:09 . transsexual picture gallery
Ms Eleanor said:
yes she is. good enough to eat, wouldn't you say? giggles

[End of Transfer]

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