The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 15 20:46:27 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Echo Fenix said:
Fenix Arsenal
Who's El Hombre? Echo is El Hombre.

After last night, he's feeling much much much MUCH better. More focused. Less distracted. Not as tense and irritable. It's amazing what some 'tiempo de calidad' with his pending fiance' can accomplish.

Anyway, he's been having a bit of a debate himself tonight; does he embrace the hoverboard approach and stick to a more utility style of armor? Or does he keep doing what's worked so far and Glocktopus out? Multi-arms was his bread and butter both as a nomad and as a denizen of Night City these last 6 years.

He's standing at the last shooting lane, nearest the wall, Echo is wearing a backpack with 8 mechanical arm extensions. All pointing a variety of pistols toward the target and firing off rounds while he mentally calibrates his visual aim with the actuators and servos that are doing the shooting.

With his audio-ware lowered given the proximity of the gunshots, he can't really hear anything. But his clips are almost empty so he'll turn around and notice anyone around soonish.

Target status: Obliterated. This eight-guns-at-once approach was pretty awesome...against fleshy, normalish targets.

Hence the dilemma. He could be far more useful as a full-on techie than just an extra arsenal this time around.

Sat Jun 15 20:45:31 . The Palisades - The City RPG
Holly Blanc said:
Deadeye Gun Range
This was the one neighborhood that she felt she could just speak out in the open — well all of Edgewater, really, but this one in particular where it was deep in the 'less-nice' area of The City, where you could roll up with a truckbed of hardware and practice to your heart's content — probably end up with new customers for Casa Milan if they knew you were an enthusiast.

Just down the Boardwalk, right?

"How's uh… how's Camila?" she offered. It would be almost a year since those thugs tried to send you a message. Such an unnerving way to settle it, with a bigger fish swimming near the hostilities and simply forcing the two parties to cease their hostilities.

…but that's just the way things were, sometimes. Holly might feel like a big fish here, but this was a relatively tiny pond. Anonymity was her biggest ally, and continued to be even as she compartmentalized one life from the other.

Her eyes walked the perimeter of your tactical gear with a light smirk, one rendered hollow under the subtext of your questions and non-questions.

"Mmmm…" came the non-committal answer at first, watching you hoist your share to presumably store in the truck.

She didn't have to be a psychic or mentalist in order to get the direction you were nudging the conversation, waving her hand at the open truck to compel it to slowly slide closed again once you had your money.

"…it's… a tense moment. She was out, AJ. That's the biggest tragedy of it all. Dylan, uh, he's understandably upset, but he's got nothing to gain from compromising me. Far as he's concerned we're still friends, even without gigi to connect us. So no worries from that angle, if you were concerned about that…"

And she still didn't know the full extent of your business with the late Queen of Edgewater, but she knew that it was non-zero. "…Sinaloa talks to me, now, and as far as they're concerned as long as the channel remains open and The City still needs its blow, nothing changes. You and me, though… I mean Dragoshi is always going to be interested in steel."

A more shrewd girl would have kept her customer a secret, but… well they were still partners. She had nothing to gain from keeping secrets from you.

"…here I thought you were planning on going straight," or maybe you still were, and this was simply you keeping your skills sharp.

Sat Jun 15 20:45:16 . your dream sissy.
Keisha said:
That'll help my evening, thanks!

Sat Jun 15 20:44:48 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
Hello little one
How are you?

Sat Jun 15 20:44:20 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
Would you like another beautiful?

Sat Jun 15 20:43:57 . Meet and greet!
Faith's property said:
stretches inside my cell and takes some water to sip on..folds my blankets up and relaxes on them

Sat Jun 15 20:43:50 . your dream sissy.
luccee said:
scurries over kneels before you
down on elbows. lips to your feet

Sat Jun 15 20:43:24 . your dream sissy.
Keisha said:
nods to you as I finish my drink

Sat Jun 15 20:42:44 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Brandon said:
and you don't drink
so, you must really need to pluck up the courage to truly explore
or, to get yourself into a situation where you get more than your bargained for

Sat Jun 15 20:42:34 . your dream sissy.
sammi(ts) said:

Sat Jun 15 20:41:33 . your dream sissy.
Kitara said:
I know it is getting late for you baby
No worries

Sat Jun 15 20:41:31 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
livvy dunne said:
well … yes … i think … umm … that’s … one reason … to … sneak away

Sat Jun 15 20:41:30 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:
hello lovely!

Sat Jun 15 20:41:06 . your dream sissy.
luccee said:
stepping in.. hearing all the banter

Sat Jun 15 20:39:38 . your dream sissy.
sammi(ts) said:
thank you!

Sat Jun 15 20:39:10 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
Brandon said:
leans in to whisper
my body almost touching yours

if you've made the effort to come here unnoticed and sneak away under the radar
I'm sure you'll want to make the most of it

Sat Jun 15 20:39:08 . your dream sissy.
Fotomat said:

Sat Jun 15 20:37:55 . your dream sissy.
reetha said:
My time short again mistress

Sat Jun 15 20:37:53 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
NICE save.

*goes to post*

Sat Jun 15 20:37:43 . your dream sissy.
Keisha said:
got it
i was just drinking

[End of Transfer]

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