The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 17 01:38:56 . SHAME
sue freckles said:
Sorry to disappoint, but when She placed the order with The Company, She specified a lack of complete sexual pleasure, as She wanted to be sure that only She received such release from Him.

Mon Jun 17 01:33:28 . Holly's various locations
Holly Blanc said:
The Blanc Residence
"Whoa…" she had been attempting to joke again, to make up some reason why this was funny and not traumatic for you, or at least to place a cushioned slope underneath you where you were well on your way to sear this into your memory as not exactly the best of nights.

…but she had nothing. Especially as you moved on to explore, to actually stare dysphoria in the face and call it what it was, at least to your perspective. To say it out loud, almost to try it on.
Wear it like a jacket, a new perfume.

"I was trying to avoid that, tonight. Dodging any gendered address since I know you weren't feeling too certain about it last time we spoke…" Her posture nudged toward uncertain, like she wasn't sure if she was doing her part, ethically, at least on the front of handling your identity self-exploration.

The part where an impulsive kiss rived the stability of all that you had before, what Mom and Dad felt you were well on-track for, showered their grace on your conformity and felt their obstinate attitude was cute or dreadfully necessary.

How unfair it all was to Elodie.

…those were less sound, in her heart. That trembling arrhythmia.

"I think it's safe to move their feelings far down the order, priorities-wise. I mean we're always going to care for our families, for better or for worse, but it's no crime to play with how many of your spoons they're allowed to claim," she spoke in that tragically popularized therapy-speak that has become more mainstream.

"…and I think you're right, the last thing that this whole clusterfuck needs is more emotional espionage. But…"

This damn couch had this awful effect of sinking in slightly, making it all the more impossible to find the willpower to leave, once you've sat. If you were lit up, forget it.

"So I take it the two of you aren't Poly like I am…"

Mon Jun 17 01:32:17 . Z2 Corkboard
Kenneth said:
Definitely get a new fob…and you might want to have go bags packed near the door if things get closer to you.

I know how you feel. I’m in the Midwest, and we had a boatload of tornadoes in Missouri last month.

Mon Jun 17 01:28:11 . BiThreesomes and More
English gent said:
*looks in*

Mon Jun 17 01:12:47 . Holly's various locations
Leo Sterling said:
The Blanc Residence
He blinks, and then he's laughing to and the sheer unexpectedness of it. "You need to work on your technique, then, Holl." Tone dry and amused.

You were fully adorable at 11. Your parents young. There are little signs throughout the house of how different than the one he did. On so many levels.

"Yeah, you did. I've been meaning to call, but the play has been so hectic..." Another low, delerious laugh. "But now I apparently get panic attacks andgender dysphoria... and euphoria... " It's not quite a hysterical laugh, but he doesn't think you'll blame them. "Do you think my parents want to know they're the ones who confirmed I'm not cis for me? Nooo way I'm a man with the absolute viseral discomfort every time they called me son."

There is a little giddy euphoria, there, in saying it out loud. A little hysteria, too, at the thought of his parents reacting.

You relax, and again, he mirrors. It's slowly shifting into more cuddling into than curling up in, the comforting weight of your arm, slight as it is, inching his body language back to something miserable, but normal.

A curious look as you paw, neck craning to see. "Mmm, well, it smells good. Should wear again."

Distraction is where it's -at-. Especially when you stop. "Yeah... I don't think it'll work. She sees through most things and I'm kind of a shit at subterfuge."

Mon Jun 17 00:57:15 . Holly's various locations
Holly Blanc said:
The Blanc Residence
"Look, I just wanted to sell you drugs at first…" Holly broke into another laughter, shaking against your side as they stared at nothing in particular. Just the home interior. Mementos from the ages of boring here in Rockshore, from her life before things began getting kinetic.

…pictures from one trip to Disney world over a decade ago, goofy little Holly age eleven with braces, mom and dad didn't look that much older than someone who they might befriend now. Not much older than some people Holly knew today.

Pictures with school friends, some of whom had moved away since college. Lived-in. Dad's spot on the couch, vacant since November last year. "No but seriously, that might be a good call. I gave you her card, right? She's good, like genuinely… I don't know if she's licensed to prescribe anything, but you can get a referral I'm sure…"

A small hesitation as she allowed her posture to relax against you. "…and honestly, if you were confident about it, even if you couldn't get a prescription I can find whatever you need. I mean… you saw the people I was hanging out with."

Her free hand pawed about the side of the couch for where she left her purse, finding whatever it was she was wearing. It seemed to invite a New England seaside garden, and that's sort of what it invoked. "…I dunno, it's not my usual thing. I know I always go with candy scents, I just felt like mixing it up today."

Yes, she knew it was just a distraction, maybe an indication that you were still tangled in the thorns of your encroaching nerves, but… well that's what the provision of a safe space was all about, was it not? "For what it's worth you have my permission to absolutely bury if you've got to, whenever that conversation occurs. I have this feeling she's going to see right through it, though…"

Mon Jun 17 00:51:38 . Malé in the Maldives
Roy Kent said:
arriving late just with hand luggage,
picks up My key card at reception, the taxi guy seeming to know where I need to be

Mon Jun 17 00:51:03 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
The House
Ahhh, insomnia, my old "friend".

Mon Jun 17 00:45:01 . Just One
unc said:

Mon Jun 17 00:41:07 . Acro-verse
Maestro said:



Mon Jun 17 00:40:47 . Holly's various locations
Leo Sterling said:
The Blanc Residence
His parents earn many reactions. You're the first in ages that has actively called them out on their bullshit. It's something to admired, if also something to worry about, because they will almost certainly take it out on him.

You'd distracted them, and let him get away and he truly has no words how grateful he is. That's plenty.

It wasn't a very good joke to start with. The fact he kind of meant it undermined the humour. If you asked, he'd tell you. No reason to hide things now, right?

Wow, okay, your mind went to scandalous places. The thing is, he didn't think things were going to be okay, at this point. Showing up at Dee's door after that felt... wrong. And she wouldn't answer his calls.

She knows his living situation. If she hadn't answered, well, it had been a choice.

"I don't know. You've been a really good friend to me, unless you've done something I don't know about. Elodie... it's harder to argue you haven't affected us, but...

At some point, he might ask you why. Right now is not that time. you shift beside him on the couch, and he scoots down enough that he can lean into you, head fiding its way to your shoulder. Lately, he has been feeling starved on comfort - but then, he didn't deserve it. And even without that, there is something freeing in having someone new, someone he likes, only knowing him as maybe NB-Leo. There's no paradigm shift for you.

It's a very mutual melt, something about curling up with you like this making it easier to breathe for the first time since... forever ago. Breathing in the unique mix of scents you're wearing, simply by breathing a little more deeply. "You smell good. Like, always."

The quiet is good, right now. Frankly, he's being quiet too. The talk of 'next' has him shrinking in on himself a little more, a little shake of is head. "I want to see your therapist? I think I had a panic attack, when Dee was leaving. I've never had one, but the ones I've read about - I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't talk, it felt like my heart was trying to escape from my body, or just stop...."

Mon Jun 17 00:33:24 . Acro-verse
celia said:


Next word: ORGASMS

Mon Jun 17 00:29:54 . Dominant Men Submissive Girls
TomT said:
Removing your panties to use them as a hair tie is such a killer move!
If only more women knew that simple POWERFUL trick, and a few others...

Mon Jun 17 00:23:04 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

Mon Jun 17 00:20:49 . Just One
Maestro said:

Mon Jun 17 00:18:49 . Holly's various locations
Holly Blanc said:
The Blanc Residence
Holly sincerely wished she could, in the most bizarre way. Most other circumstances? She's one of the first to break, just… something about the way your parents unnerved her made it difficult, like it made her clamp down and refuse, like she felt the compulsion to spine up just to threaten this idea that somebody, at least, could view their bullying for what it was.

…but not enough to commit or pursue it, she'd already torched through all of her spoons and more in the process of at least noticing your escape.

She couldn't even give an adequate laugh to your answer. What consequences you truly felt you deserved, especially given that she didn't know what your status was with Elodie.

Even if things were going to be okay, she could at least understand you not being right for just slipping right back home with her. For all she knew, what Dee meant by 'You've been sorry a lot recently' was that Holly wasn't even the first girl, and you guys had your own Poly thing happening and Holly offering you a place to stay was a moot point, if a bit cringe.

"Look I've been a net-negative so far, let's save our thank-yous for after I can say I've been a good influence on your life…" apparently she's about to have to pay you royalties for all the times she's been stealing your rueful smiles and laughter recently. She's pretty sure that's a Leo Sterling trademark.

Honestly, the hardest part of all of this was you using the word 'hate' in a less joking manner. One that made her holding you again an immediate and natural response. She couldn't honestly answer, with perfect clarity, just what compelled her to kiss you in the first place, but she felt sure that you seemed starved of comfort. Something as simple as being held, or as abstract as to disentangle you from labels.

So she brought her knees up to match, resting against you on the couch with her arm wrapped around your back, just melting in to share her space.

"I'm fine, Leo… so what even happens. Let's say whatever danger there is of you simply drowning is gone, yeah? Do you want to try and figure out, nibble on what you're going to do next?" Holly was quiet as a mouse, the very opposite of the training you were putting her through for the stage, speaking in barely-voiced ASMR within their tiny, shared overlap. "You don't have to think about it right now if it's not comfy, but I'm here to brainstorm if you need me."

Mon Jun 17 00:16:45 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:

tylerwells has started a new game with the following players:

Mon Jun 17 00:16:36 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Tyler Wells said:
Coming in

Mon Jun 17 00:11:05 . The Phone Booth
MR Bastardo said:
Rings out........

Sun Jun 16 23:59:03 . Holly's various locations
Leo Sterling said:
The Blanc Residence
Nothing wrong with not crying. (Or maybe that's his father's voice.) You were here, you'd offered him a place to sleep, you didn't seem to hate him, even after meeting his parents and hearing everything Elodie had to say about him. He's cried enough for both of them.

There's nothing in his expression, or his body language, that's judgey about where he is. It seems nice, and homey, and honestly infinitely pleasanter than his parents' place.

So if you're still willing to show him, he still wants to see it.

"Torment and suffering seem pretty reasonable." He tries to say it like a joke, because he knows that's not the answer you want. It has him sniffling, and reaching for one of those tissues - he really has no more tears, but his nose is, well, snotty, from the excess of crying.

And it looks like he would be again, at the assurance of support, if he had any left to cry. The relief and gratitude there as raw and real as his voice. "Thanks doesn't feel like a big enough word." A shaky little breath. "She won't fire you. Even if she wanted to, we don't have another leading lady , and maybe she could do it, but then she'd have to see me and pretend she didn't hate me 8 times a week, so..."

His voice is smaller as he adds, "seriously, thank you. I - I didn't know where to go. I'd feel like I was imposing, to set me up with a place. I don't know when I'd be able to pay you back, or..." a rueful laugh, threaded with delirium. "If I didn't live with Dee, I'd be in trouble." It's really just how relevant that conversation was that has him laughing.

He'll lean into that meeting of knees, reaching to take the hand youre offering. Judging by how tightly he's holding onto it, now that he has it, he's hanging on by a thread, and the touch helps ground him. Okay, fully a deliroius little laugh. "They hate me too, so you've got company."

It's his turn to hesitate, "would it be weird to ask you to hold me again?" It had been comforting outside the theatre, it would be comforting here - and he doesn't need to aim for masculine with you, either, so asking to be held is... should be fine, right?

A flicker of concern. "I know they're fully terrifying in their final form. You okay?"

[End of Transfer]

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