The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sat Jun 01 18:35:30 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Then it bounced me outta soi
Plus it switched browser grr..

Sat Jun 01 18:34:27 . The Masturbatorium
Tangent said:

Sat Jun 01 18:34:00 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
Had the text thiny messed up good somehow it bounced into 3 way conv with unknown person

Sat Jun 01 18:33:27 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:

Sat Jun 01 18:32:40 . PaladinSoul's Home
PaladinSoul said:
The House
comes outside to sit by the pool and enjoy the thunder with you

Sat Jun 01 18:32:27 . Robert M. King Performance Hall
Leo Sterling said:
As the week has gone, he's been steadily hoping that things with Elodie would settle. That she'd see he's not into Holly. Even if Holly was into him.

That wasn't happening.

Instead, there was a building tension. An indescribable off-ness. It wasn't that things were bad. They both were doing their best to offset the weird by upping intimacy, attention, and care when they made it home. Intimacy, attention, care, but not really talking about the underlying stress and tension that just kept building. Like more love and attentiveness would drive it out of existence.

He and Elodie were both increasingly sleep-deprived. Elodie, as ever, doing a much better job of maintaining the illusion that everything's fine. He's pretty sure the cast and crew were aware he was stressed out and tired, but not sure about Elodie. The only time it really slips away is when he's inhabiting Ben, when he's acting - and while he's always been most comfortable being someone else, performing, it doesn't quite feel the same this time.

Possibly because of the conversation last time, Elodie's been sticking around along with Leo to work with Holly Blanc after rehearsals. Extra time was the three of them. Tonight, though, Elodie'd had to go put out a small production fire - not literally, thankfully.

Or maybe she also needed some time to herself, after a day of choreographing intimacy between Ben and Alice. They had to hit the graveyard eventually, right? Lots of 'no, put your hand there,' and 'you need to angle your body more to stage left,' - like a dance.

Just a dance where there was a lot of kissing, and the places they're putting their hands distinctly more intimate and handsy than you'd get with anyone you aren't having sex with. Or planning to have sex with. And for him, the keen awareness that also, his girlfriend is watching and worried he has a crush on the woman he's making out with.

No stress, none at all.

He's worrying at his lip as he watches Dee hurry out, and with her, some of the illusion he's trying to maintain that everything is fine. A shift of energy, a release of breath - the worry and fatigue isn't gone, but less effort is going into hiding it.

Still, a smile for Holly Blanc, as he moves to pack up. "Feels all kinds of strange to say good work today, but good work today. How are you doing after," a vague wave of his hand, encompassing the space, "all that?"

Sat Jun 01 18:32:28 . sofa Time
Jilly said:
On banner lol not mavs vs boston
Jilly vs Couch...we get top billing

Sat Jun 01 18:32:05 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:

Sat Jun 01 18:30:36 . sofa Time
Jilly said:

Sat Jun 01 18:30:19 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~ strolling from the pens to camp, though towards my wagon as I see it ahead, stopping by it as I tie the rope to the side of my wagon, as I looked about the wagons a grin arose to my face, as I thought were my larl might be about camp~

Sat Jun 01 18:30:02 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
when the fur was clean as she could make it...nimble fingers pulled it from the rope and she slung the fur over a shoulder carrying it back to the place her Master called His own...she lay it in its place and spread it evenly over the surface of the ground

Sat Jun 01 18:29:57 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
wellcome back

Sat Jun 01 18:29:10 . sofa Time
Visitor said:
Back screams

Sat Jun 01 18:28:28 . PaladinSoul's Home
kayeda said:
The House
It's cooler out here, but that hardly matters. The air moves. There's thunder.

And still no stars.

Sat Jun 01 18:27:57 . A Camp on the Plains
larl}{Kliimus}{ said:
arriving at the central fire...the men had started coming to settle on their furs...larl took her Masters fur from the ground and carried it to a nearby wagon...laying it across a bit of rope..she took a stick and started to beat the dirt from the hairs that produced a bit of comfort...she beat the thing until clouds of dust surrounded her...coughing a bit as she beat the fur...until such time that the fur was no longer limiting dirt into the air

Sat Jun 01 18:27:07 . SHAME
Humili@tor said:
Hmm…seems like somebody stepped up..very nice pics

Sat Jun 01 18:26:40 . Z2 Corkboard
{alicat} said:

Sat Jun 01 18:26:26 . Camp Pens
Kliimus said:
~Checking this area out,I was up bright an early carrying different lengths of rope, whilst checking the roped off areas one by one, or more to the point the rope itself, all looked in good condition, a nod, as I then headed back towards camp~ (lp, camp next)

Sat Jun 01 18:26:20 . A Camp on the Plains
Naomi said:
She picked her pace up as the the night began to close in. The comfort of the fires and people were just ahead and it didn't hurt that she could smell fresh food being cooked. Her own stomach woke and reminded her that she hadn't eaten yet today. The guards couldn't be rid of her soon enough and upon entering the camp, they traded out with fresh men and went off to eat, drink and enjoy what the camp had to offer them.

Sat Jun 01 18:26:10 . Night City RPG OOC
Isree said:
Yeah. I'm sure that was Not a Good Night for 'Ree.

[End of Transfer]

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