The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 11 09:25:50 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
*blond head tilted slighty as she listened*

Tue Jun 11 09:25:47 . transsexual picture gallery
Carlene said:
It is nice that we seem to find each other.
I always feel so much better when we chat.

Tue Jun 11 09:25:35 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue Jun 11 09:25:01 . Just One
Lido said:

Tue Jun 11 09:25:00 . The Cork for RT/OOC of Jag
was Melora said:
Thanks everyone for your prayers, love, vibes, juujuu, good thoughts and energy! :)

And aww thanks Solvej! Miss you all too!

Tue Jun 11 09:24:52 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:

Tue Jun 11 09:24:22 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 11 09:24:18 . transsexual picture gallery
ashley~pierced [tg] said:
oh shush...always love seeing you around...

Tue Jun 11 09:23:51 . pipers stables
heather said:
shying back slightly as You slap it
whinnying high pitched

Tue Jun 11 09:23:40 . The Cork for RT/OOC of Jag
was Melora said:
Most welcome everyone! LOL @REDWOLF

Further Update:
OMG! I just got word:

He is up in a chair!! Nurses say he is doing great! Everything is looking really good.
He will most likely remain in the CCU (Cardiac Care Unit) until tomorrow or Thursday and then they'll move him to the next step down unit. But said to count on him there for 5-7 days!


I so believe in the power of prayer and loving thoughts, healing energy and all those vibes of positivity!! Thank you everyone! I have seen it so many times here how much of an impact it can make.

I am just amazed as I know this is not an easy one and open heart surgery is harder on adults than kids. My own son went thru it when he was 5 yrs old back in '92. Admitted on a Thursday, surgery on a Tuesday and when they went to release him that Thursday of the same week, they couldn't find him. I had gone home to shower and when I came back to get him, he was missing. No one knew where my boy was at. I didn't panic, I just know my son well and asked them where their game room was. And yup, sure enough, there was my son up on the 5th floor (his room on the 2nd floor) with an IV and pole, playing a game! Turned to look over his shoulder to see me and says, "Oh hi Mom!" LMAO

I am happy Lucian is bouncing back like that as well!
Just incredible!

Will keep you all posted about when he goes home etc. :)

Lucian, I am so happy for you and your family and that it will not be long before you are home again with your pups and family again! See? I didn't have to fly over there to kick any of the medical people's butts! :D I would ya know! I am so glad you are doing so well and thank you for keeping me in the loop cause yup, you are right, otherwise I'da been hopping over there!
Now you take it easy and don't push it, rest and heal my dear friend! *tender hug*


Tue Jun 11 09:23:37 . Just One
Dreamweaver1 said:

Tue Jun 11 09:23:35 . transsexual picture gallery
Carlene said:

Thanks for saying that ashley but I'm not sure.

You though are so nice and so thoughtful


Tue Jun 11 09:23:32 . music.. and conversation
~*sakari*~{M} said:
ohhh like that also!

Tue Jun 11 09:23:06 . pipers stables
Maitresse Renee said:
giggling at the answer
slapping your face

~liar,,,we both know you would bolt
the second your bindings were off

Tue Jun 11 09:22:23 . music.. and conversation
Eliz@beth said:
on the edge... you know how easily things send to....trigger Me..
but Ch@otic as ever

thank you for asking

Tue Jun 11 09:22:13 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Apollo has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 11 09:22:09 . pipers stables
chloee said:
leaning over the door
watching...hearing some of the conversation

Tue Jun 11 09:22:05 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Apollo said:

Tue Jun 11 09:22:05 . Just One
plain katie said:

Tue Jun 11 09:21:53 . The Masturbatorium
Tangent said:
Mmmm...thank you *s*

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