The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Sun Jun 30 07:00:13 . Just One
belleanna said:

Sun Jun 30 06:58:01 . A Game of Words
kimber said:


Sun Jun 30 06:57:28 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sun Jun 30 06:56:35 . A Game of Words
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Sun Jun 30 06:56:14 . Just One
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Sun Jun 30 06:56:06 . A Game of Words
kimber said:


Sun Jun 30 06:54:28 . Just One
SilverBiker said:

Sun Jun 30 06:54:26 . One more word...
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:
(congrats lil minx for taking over the room )

Sun Jun 30 06:54:25 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Alexander Kincaid said:
Delilah Darling.” As before, so again, it is the perfect imitation of your father’s voice he employs against you now – and he had heard it often enough when the very man was his headmaster.

He counted on it bringing you up short, and lengthened his stride to find himself by your side once again. “Promenading is best, I hear, when it is a shared endeavour. I know that the train station too is in this direction, but are you not a touch early yet?”

His brow slanted higher, as he tucked your arm in against his side, now very much in control of their pace again, and it was a glacial one at that as he sought to undercover your truth.

Sun Jun 30 06:54:02 . One more word...
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Sun Jun 30 06:52:56 . A Game of Words
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:


Sun Jun 30 06:52:36 . Just One
~*~PleasureMistress~*~ said:

Sun Jun 30 06:47:32 . antipanty
titsi~ said:

Sun Jun 30 06:46:11 . One more word...
lil minx said:

Sun Jun 30 06:32:18 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
stepson steve said:

Sun Jun 30 06:21:35 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Delilah Darling said:
You say her name like that, and she is in that moment once again the awkward girl caught with her hand in the proverbial cookie jar. Or, more likely, with a frog in hand rather than a cookie.

“What?” she says, and not without sounding ever so slightly defensive. And is it your imagination or has her step quickened just enough for her to be leading you now?

She knew the look on your face all too well, shrewd and calculating. That same expression as you had worn when first you had spotted her lurking about the murder scenes in the Old Town all those months ago. Before you had made the connection to your childhood selves.

Sun Jun 30 06:15:26 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Alexander Kincaid said:
He would be somewhat of a failure as a member of a secret society if he kept sharing details of said society at will. It was not merely that he trusted you, but each truth shared was like a breadcrumb dropped; plotting a trail which lead back to Eidyn House, and your involvement with the work of the Scions, which he hoped you would one day follow.

He could be patient, for now, one crumb at a time.

But the conversation had turned and your trip to the seaside had initially seemed quite an ordinary thing; every sensible Victorian knew that fresh, sea air was a constitutional of unparalleled benefit to one’s vitality. That colour in your cheeks had piqued his interest, however, especially when you added that bit about Elsie. Why would you not bring your maid? What woman ever dreamt of travelling without her maid?

“Delilah,” he strung out the last syllable of your name, a dark brow lifted at you. He was uncertain as to just what you were up to, but it was as plain to him as the nose on his face that you were up to something. He trusted you, of course, his investigative senses were prickling, and the frontage of The George hotel was still a block away – time enough for answers yet.

Sun Jun 30 06:11:05 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
stepson steve said:

…about Mommy

Sun Jun 30 06:07:48 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
stepson steve said:
Asleep in my bed

Sun Jun 30 06:06:54 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Delilah Darling said:
She finds it somewhat amusing that you used the collective ‘us’ when you were hardly the most normal of human beings yourself. But she doesn’t let her amusement distract her, and listens with an almost palpable hunger for the details you so casually drop about your Order. Although she knows that it is a testament to how much you trust her that you tell her anything about it at all, casual or no.

And she wonders why you live at all in this world outside it which to her seemed drab and grey in compare.

Your answer only invites more questions – How many motherhouses and chapterhouses, and where? What does a school for Archives even teach? But she saves them for another day as you start to explain the curiosity of this centuries old malaise. She couldn’t pretend to understand even half of it, but you save her from trying to as you drop that weighty ‘So,’ into their conversation.

Her gaze slants towards you, only for you to bring up her planned trip. Schooling her expression into soberly appropriate diffidence, she shrugs nonchalantly as if it was nothing really of import. “Oh yes, that. I thought a few days by the beach might blow away the last of the cobwebs.” She feels the blush creep onto her cheeks and adds, a little too hastily “Elsie is coming with me, of course.” As if she needed to reassure you that she would be properly chaperoned.

[End of Transfer]

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