The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Fri Jun 28 22:35:54 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Bitchlyone- said:

bitchlyone has started a new game with the following players:

Fri Jun 28 22:35:33 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

Fri Jun 28 22:34:10 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 1


Fri Jun 28 22:33:58 . Leo's Place
Holly Blanc said:
Holly's gaze lingered behind a sincere, if mysterious smile.
She always had a thin and incomplete understanding of your life &mdash how much could you really know someone based off of their own self-delivered exposition, right? — but the ad-lib of Leo Sterling was a charming one.

Honestly, a bit inconsistent with the person who ended up kissing her back, imperiling the life they (he, back then) built. Imperfect, but almost charmed. That scarcely a few hours went by after Elodie stormed off that they were stripping each others' clothes off.

…and now she was a few thousand deep, sprawled out over the floorplan of what life remained, trying to help you salvage it.

"Leo…" The baked goods and some beverages were on their way, thankfully, because she felt parched all of a sudden.

"If it comes to be that she needs you to choose… I want you to choose her. I ain't fuckin' worth it, babe. You've only dipped a toe in, like… 'accidental' polyamory. Could be that you still reside in 'I can fix them' territory, for her…" her tone was… unequivocal. Like she couldn't decide if this was something important or even borderline flippant, like for all of the earnest goodwill that she held for you, she held at least some of it for Elodie, too.

…even if none of that has a shadow of a chance of righting any wrongs. Holly fully held the weight of her misdeeds, and she adjusted her posture to sit cross-legged.

"Oh shit you got an appointment?! I think you'll love her, she's brilliant. Just don't try to bullshit her, everything will be alright. Uhh… as for Sodom, I don't know it too well but I feel fairly confident in saying you're fine just how you are. You might get hit on, but that's the worst of it. More a networking hub for people in allyship, even if they're not the main demographic. V works… worked? there… but even then, lemme slide you her number."

The moment you took her hand, something sparked in her and she seized the grip you offered, attempting to tug you out of your compactification, to suddenly and playfully tumble you over the soft carpet, to wrestle you on this freshly cleaned surface.

Fri Jun 28 22:33:47 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Bitchlyone- said:

Fri Jun 28 22:31:29 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

Reloading dice from saved data.

Found data from roll: 1


Fri Jun 28 22:29:16 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

vickyhiggins has started a new game with the following players:

Fri Jun 28 22:28:26 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
watches for anybody who's around if anybody

Fri Jun 28 22:27:21 . Night City Cork
hFomEunLcuIluXs said:

Felix(?) awakens.

Fri Jun 28 22:23:13 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

vickyhiggins has started a new game with the following players:

Fri Jun 28 22:21:29 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:
Play a game?

Fri Jun 28 22:19:29 . Doms and Their subs
Clifton said:

Fri Jun 28 22:19:13 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Vicky Higgins said:

Fri Jun 28 22:14:15 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
looks around the bar while sipping her drink

Fri Jun 28 22:13:16 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Couch1 has started a new game with the following players:

Fri Jun 28 22:13:09 . Leo's Place
Leo Sterling said:
"Sorry, I tried not to be too underfoot." A curious cant of their head. "Or, to bake too much?" Be too depressed? That one, he'll leave unsaid.

No children will be here, he's pretty sure. Thank goodness, there are a lot of electrical sockets, huh?

In some ways, they are tremendously predictable. They're delighted to have gotten the lip twitch, though.

"I always liked it. When I was really little, I could get away doing it with my sisters. Then my parents cottoned on to it and did their best to steer me away from it - at some point they started telling nannies or babysitters I shouldn't be doing it, I think. But I could do it at other people's places. Dee's parents were always happy to let me, and Dee liked the rewards of my labour, so..." he trails off, for a moment stalled by the recognition he's lost the Stones as much as the Sterlings. A shake of their head, "but I guess I got more into it when I moved out."

They'll accept the phone as they talk, eyeing the contents. Expression softening a little at what's already there. The rare Domestic Holly spotted, and clearly appreciated. Then adding things himself is a not terrible distraction to keep the conversation itself from overwhelming him.

To keep from the heartbreak and guilt from overtaking it.

"I'm not sure it is in reach." That admission pained, even with the distraction. "I wouldn't trust me, either. Hell, I don't even understand my decision-making process. I - god, I gave up on her so quickly." Eyes flit to you, like that clarifies he means the night he thought they'd broken up, rather than what came after.

"I didn't realize she didn't trust you. I didn't understand... well, a lot, I guess. And we always understood each other so effortlessly, before that. But I might need to understand why better, before I can try to explain it to her." There's something bleak there, buried, at the idea that whatever answers they come up with, they won't be enough. "There's always going to be space for her."

Well, given Leo's lack of optimism, yours was balancing it a little.

"I'd love it if you put me in touch with V. And I've got an appointment with Lilly after our matinee Sunday." A slight hesitation. "Will people mind, at Sodom, if I'm not there to pick people up? I don't think I'm particularly interested in men, but then, I also kind of thought I was one, so what do I know?"

While Leo's less solution-focused than you are, they are pretty attuned to emotions and vibes. The shift from solution-seeking to hesitation is notable. Enough that he uncurls from his knee-hugging to reach out to give your hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Okay..." turning that over in his head. "I know Brix isn't my biggest fan. And god knows communication isn't easy

"I feel like I'm maybe missing something here?" That was more self-editing than he's used to, which has him concerned - both about if you're okay, and what it is you're talking around.

Fri Jun 28 22:13:02 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Couch1 said:

Fri Jun 28 22:05:48 . Meet the Starlets... or are they harlots
katy perry said:
thanks the bartender, collecting my drink

Fri Jun 28 22:05:01 . The OOC Chat Room
Ry'varius said:

Fri Jun 28 22:04:37 . OOC CoffeeShop
V. Vander said:
Hides in the rafters, shaking the lurker tree

[End of Transfer]

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