The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Tue Jun 25 18:44:50 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughs hope so

Tue Jun 25 18:43:23 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Thinks is back for a bit

Tue Jun 25 18:42:11 . Waste - The Show
Georgia Wolff said:
Walking with you, listening as you explain so much and she keeps peeking over at the panels. She does keep catching glimpses of your avatar. Your metaphor starts off interesting and then your ending it with a meow has her smile and reach up to stroke your hair by the ears you're wearing.

Continuing to be impressed by this exhibit's tech and the idea behind it. When you mention your lack of availability because she'd hired you has her offer a frown.

Do I need to apologize to Nyuku For stealing you away?

As they get to the end and are looking at the images of each other, she gives a broad, genuine smile to you.

I'd say both this exhibit and the subject are quite amazing.

Tue Jun 25 18:41:46 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Copper said:

Tue Jun 25 18:40:04 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Good move brb

Tue Jun 25 18:39:34 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Copper said:

Copper has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 18:39:28 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Copper said:

Tue Jun 25 18:39:19 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
laughing....well i don't want to find out....will stay in ac

Tue Jun 25 18:38:58 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Corpo Plaza
Kirkpatrick: Frazzled but living.
His security chief Tampere: Redeemed vacation days to take the week off, still missing. Not answering his Holo.

Echo Fenix: Triumphant, sorta.
IRIDIA: Troubled, and not far behind.

She was still not sure just what came over her an hour ago, it was like some kind of neural feedback loop that didn't know when to quit, or when to let off the gas exactly.

It didn't mean she wasn't following through with this, the non-pivot, to escort the ball to the goal-line lest peoples' conscience begin to consider alternatives to which the rest of the squad never consented to, let alone knew of.

It felt like the right call — but she couldn't be sure. What she Was sure of was that she wasn't sure — that was the only reliable variable in this headcrushing calculus.

The bracing strap dangled the safed-but-loaded SMG crosswise of her body, dangling the weapon from its anchor against her hip. The other side featured her blades, white-knuckled in the double-sheath crossed underneath strangling-tight cordage.

Looking like Echo Fenix's bodyguard for all intents and purposes.

Tue Jun 25 18:37:57 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Guess if compared to non ac halls this crook pot cool

Tue Jun 25 18:37:23 . Just One
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 18:37:03 . Femjail Redux
Pervert Cop said:
but first, since I'm making rounds, I stop by the holding cell to check for new prisoners

Tue Jun 25 18:37:03 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
i bet so.....just toooo hot everywhere

Tue Jun 25 18:36:26 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Stepped inhall way allmost got heat stroke

Tue Jun 25 18:34:42 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
can do that...time out till fb season

Tue Jun 25 18:34:06 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:

Tue Jun 25 18:33:51 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
lol yeppers

Tue Jun 25 18:33:48 . sofa Time
Basketball wenchie said:
Jeep cool but bb done

Tue Jun 25 18:33:35 . The Music Lounge
Copper said:
Song: Jailbreak
by Thin Lizzy

Tue Jun 25 18:33:27 . The Grimm Home - Fallen Angels RPG
Daniel Grimm said:
Front Entrance
He figures this is going to be their forever home, almost literally, so why not get everything they want in it? Better to do it on the front end rather than add on later if they can help it. No one likes living in a construction zone.

He sighs.

“Have you not learned by now not to verbalize these things? The universe does not need our help with ideas.”

He’s good without getting the voodoo lessons. He’ll leave all that to Cas. And their eldest daughter apparently.

“Honestly that’s probably the better idea. There’s no point in adding to the trauma with the commute if he’s willing to meet here. Letting Jake be in familiar surroundings at home with his entire support zoo and the knowledge he’s safe here? That definitely sounds like more of a groundwork for success.

Exactly. And all of them, JJ included, have been looking forward too much to the tour to let this stop them. That bitch doesn’t get to have a victory from beyond the grave.

He nods as he listens, fingertips idly tracing shapes along you leg as he dies.

“Of course he does. I would have been shocked if he didn’t. Now that Junior has his cast, I’m sure he will want to spend more time with him if today was any indication. Seeing him okay will help with that guilt.”

And it’s not like Kevin will be alone in dealing with it. He’s got a rather large support system here.

“And what about you? Did it help seeing Kevin alive?”

Because while he knows you trusted things would be fine in the end with Kevin, especially under Cas’ watch, he knows you were worried when you didn’t feel like your brain was going to bleed out of your skull.

[End of Transfer]

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