The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon Jun 17 19:50:59 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
well you seem to know alot about it ?

Mon Jun 17 19:50:32 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
Ohhhh no. *Laughs*. No I don't have a desire to see it.

Mon Jun 17 19:50:24 . Barista Coffee Shop
Miss Cielle {JWolf} said:
hells no!

ish strong like that!

Mon Jun 17 19:49:59 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
laughs at your question .

Mon Jun 17 19:49:57 . Tower 11 Night City RPG
Sebastian Seale said:
Underground Clubs
Home sweet home. The club level of this tower was not a place he'd often visit, but the need for a distraction from medical alarms and beeping machines was necessary once in a while. His shift ended less than 30 minutes ago and he changed out from his work attire and into something a little more himself. Black button up, slacks, and a solitary table amidst the music.

Mon Jun 17 19:48:58 . Home of Zhaire Marcus
Zhaire Marcus said:
Living Room||Front Stoop
He picked up his cell phone and scrolled through the apps until he found his recording app. He activated the app and began to give himself some oral notes. Zhaire is heading upstairs toward his room and the shower. A cool one would do help him relax in this heat.

"In the next chapter Mason asks Patience why..."


Mon Jun 17 19:48:56 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
Did you click it?

Mon Jun 17 19:48:40 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*smiles*. It's good to see you.

Mon Jun 17 19:48:32 . Stark Industries
Tony E. Stark said:
Residence - Living Room
He considers as the next one comes to a close, "I'm wondering if this is perhaps a study guide? Various options on how the world ends, study, watch, learn from the mistakes in the fiction so as to preserve the world?"

He's starting to be certain that these aren't diciptions of real events, first, no way any one world can end this many times, and they've only seen three so far

he frowns, "Another? Or shall we have JARVIS start skimming through these and giving us snyopsis? If there are anything that stand out we can watch it in long form?"

again he stands up, stretched a bit, a nod at Wanda's thoughts, that's kinda what he was thinking too, sort of a collection of how the world can be destroyed

"Zombies, you know, sometimes this feels like the one we're heading toward" he grins, he's kidding, right? Sure.

Mon Jun 17 19:48:13 . Barista Coffee Shop
Primo said:
That was to you sweetgirl

Mon Jun 17 19:48:12 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
oh have bought or preordered it then ?

Mon Jun 17 19:47:46 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
andya said:
Grins as my aunt, maybe mother passes near..

Mon Jun 17 19:47:39 . Barista Coffee Shop
Miss Cielle {JWolf} said:
that IS true!

Mon Jun 17 19:47:25 . Barista Coffee Shop
Primo said:
Kissing your cheek as I join the room

Mon Jun 17 19:47:10 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
you know that is the best way to have someone click is to tell them not to click it right ?

Mon Jun 17 19:46:28 . Stark Industries
Wanda Maximoff said:
Residence - Living Room
Wanda sits after getting a refill, because this was one super long marathon! And good thing she cleared her schedule for all this.

She looks to Tony, and then you with a nod.

"Seems that way. Just destruction of some sort.
So I'm wondering if it's all fiction, or if there's some base on reality. or like .. I guess the worse scenario that could be true is that they're the destruction of worlds in that particular universe. Or various universes. Almost like the documentation of various end-of-days scenarios."

She muses gently, snagging a few more pieces of popcorn to eat and then settle back in during the next one. Zombies, great.

Mon Jun 17 19:46:22 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
I think you can either buy or preorder it.

Mon Jun 17 19:46:15 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
Hey man

Mon Jun 17 19:45:59 . Barista Coffee Shop
laurelynn {LA} said:
*sees the link and laughs*. No! Don't click it!

Mon Jun 17 19:45:58 . Barista Coffee Shop
The_Grey said:
ok that is interesting .

[End of Transfer]

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