The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Mon Jul 01 18:05:52 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:

Mon Jul 01 18:05:28 . your dream sissy.
Molly said:
thank you dear
and the same your way

Mon Jul 01 18:05:10 . sofa Time
Jeep Jilly said:
Booted my self

Mon Jul 01 18:04:55 . your dream sissy.
Sofia Coppola said:
Kicking the last one to you

Mon Jul 01 18:04:35 . sofa Time
Jeep Jilly said:
Oh vassh gosh that reminds me in long ago far away chat everytues was trivia game

Mon Jul 01 18:04:19 . your dream sissy.
Sofia Coppola said:
I think I might be turning in…
smiling at you have a relaxing rest of your evening, Molly!

Mon Jul 01 18:03:44 . A room for M/mothers and S/sons
Jerry said:
maybe wine, cheese, candles and romantic music? Haven't tried that, yet.

Mon Jul 01 18:03:41 . Acro-verse
MstrLance said:



Mon Jul 01 18:03:31 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Mon Jul 01 18:03:16 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,3,4

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 1,3,4

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Score: 0 points on 4 of a Kind

Game over!

Final scores:

rogerroughntou : 205

Mon Jul 01 18:02:58 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5



● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,3,4,5



● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 1,3,4,5

● ●

● ●



Score: 6 points on Threes

Mon Jul 01 18:02:52 . Rip Masterson's Cabin
Evelyn Morgan@bwr said:
Indoor plumbing was the new in thing. she had to smile at you as you went on and showed her this variation. it wasnt new to her of course it wouldnt be but she loved how it was slowly getting around and those that upon the norm wouldnt have such a thing made the most and did so even if it put them out a few months in the way of funds. She smiled and really was glad it was here.

She stepped in with youi,

"Oooo nice.... oh even a tub Oh my Goodness ...Okay I call first bath."

Mon Jul 01 18:02:42 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5


● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,3,4,5

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 2,3

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Score: 17 points on 3 of a Kind

Mon Jul 01 18:02:15 . Torvaldlander's Message Board
helga{TBx} said:
☆ (06/29/24
Asger Fróðoson

==within the Great Hall==
says to ALL: I step into the hall, cleaned up. Beard braided and adorned with gold rings. Long hair tied back, one could tell I had my monthly bath, I was wearing a nice clean tunic. Tal everyone I called out cheerfully.

Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: Turns my head and nods a greeting.....

Welcome Asger... it has been far, far too long since we shared words, 'n drink ', bread....

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: I approached you and took a seat at a nearby by bench. " Tal Jarl, it has been much too long, but you are a busy man with much to attend to. I am glad for time we have now"

Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: It pleases me we be able to connect for I wish to hear your words...... you be ready?

Thorarin Bloodaxe
Steward of Scagnar
Isle of Scagnar

==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: Tal Asger. nods

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Tal Thor, it is good to see you , I am glad you are here this eve, it makes me happy you will be hear when I speak my words."

Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: Looks at sppiorad then back to you... "Indeed, also a recent addition and quite tasty morsal...

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: I turned my attention fully to you now. I gave a sage nod, there would be time for mead, and tasty morsels later. Right now there was serious business at hand.

" YES, I said rather loudly for all to hear. I am ready to take my oath and pledge my life to you and the Isle."

Thorarin Bloodaxe
Steward of Scagnar
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: Stand, helga. We'll listen to the words of Asger now.

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: "Yes my Jarl" Slipping from your lap, smoothing down my kirtle and tending my hair....knowing this was an important occasion and ritual, not only for the Jarl but also for the home.

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: I waited for your direction, as I had not seen one take an oath here before.

spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: the smile on my lips ripen as i shift and move to slink in behind Your left side, the lush curve of my body brushing brazenly against You as i move as You address the Jarl , little flare of my nostrils as i breath in Your scent as my nose twitches, listening to the conversation

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:25:09)
Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
==within the Great Hall==
says to ALL: Who speaks for this warrior?

(06/29/24 : 21:26:04)
Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to ALL: I looked around to see who would speak as I heard the Jarls words.

Thorarin Bloodaxe
Steward of Scagnar
Isle of Scagnar

==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: stands I will speak for the warrior.

He is a good warrior.... though he should learn where his instep is. grins

Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: After acknowledging Thorarin with a nod & a grin I turn to Asger

Asger, I'd hear Your History and Oath.

*Then holds a long sword, sheathed with the hilt resting on my left knee pointed toward you with the length of the blade running along my left leg, and the point passing between my right arm and body. The buckle of the sword belt rests upon the hilt. I then grasp the hilt so that my arm lays on top of the sword along its length.*

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I heard you words and smiled. I would have to ask you about the instep at a later time. I am sure it had some significance. "Thank you for speaking on my behalf Thor, it will not be soon forgotten" I turned back to the Jarl ready to give my history as I had been counselled that would be the first step.

(06/29/24 : 21:30:54)
Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: I was about to turn to the Jarl when I heard you tell Helga to strip for all to admire. Were you trying to distract me? If so....good play. *Grins*

(06/29/24 : 21:32:47)
Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: I rose clearing my throat as I stood before you. I stood with a side profile so I Could see you but at the same time I did not want to turn my back on those of the home who were here to share in my words, in my becoming one of the home truly now. I looked from face to face before I spoke. Finally I looked to you and gave you my history.

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:34:20)
Thorarin Bloodaxe
Steward of Scagnar
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: listens

(06/29/24 : 21:36:05)
Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: My name is Asger Frodison, Son of Harald Frodison and Ingrid Ivarsdottir daughter. When I was at age too young to remember much. My parents went by ship to the Green Cliffs. My father has some business of some kind there. The ship they were on was attacked. Everyone aboard was killed. The ship drifted for a few days. I had some how lived. Shieled by my mothers body, I was alive and not captured. The ship was discovered a float, a man by the name of Gunnar Liefson found me and took me home. In time my identity was figured out, there was no family here in Scagnar that could take me. So I was raised by Gunnar like I was his own. Though I would like to honor the memory of my parents. Truly Gunnar is the only father I have known. He taught me the oar and the axe. He taught me honor above all else. He taught me hard work ethics. He taught me your word is everything. He showed me how to farm, how raid ships. He never made me feel like I was anything less then his real sons and daughters. He also told me about Scagnar , and that I was born here and this is where my parents came from. When I told him I wanted to come here and see for myself what Scagnar was like he encouraged me. Over the years I have made some visits here. Seeing what this was all about and what people were like here. Blending in with the others who visited. One day I just knew I had to make my return home. Not long ago Jarl I made my intentions known to you and you welcomed me. Granting the lands that were my parents and the old farmstead. I have been working hard to make it something prosperous again for myself and for the isle. Gunnar supports me in my choice to return to Scagnar. I wish now to give you my oath.

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar

==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Head held high, proudly showing off the dark ring of metal that encased the slender column of my throat. Eyes of blue smouldered as they took in the oath giving. Ritual was important to Goreans and the sense of occasion hung heavily within the smoke filled room.

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:39:10)
Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: A mighty man in Gor and Torvaldsland are you, Asger Frodison, son o Harald Frodison, of proven bravery, bold in battle. Into my war-band will you come, to serve as Warrior and Counsel wise words?

(06/29/24 : 21:40:12) [PIC]
spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: indigo orbs watch, taking in the reverence of the moment, the tradition as i listen to the words spoken

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:40:45) [PIC]
Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: I hadn't heard your history before. Your telling of it had everyone in the hall sitting in silence. I was mesmerized by it, as tragic as it was and my right hand lifted to my heart.

(06/29/24 : 21:40:50)
Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: I move now closer to you. I took one knee before you and looked into your eyes, holding you gaze so you look into my face and see that I have spoken no words more truthful then the words I speak now.

(06/29/24 : 21:41:34)
Asger Fróðoson

==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: I make this oath: that I shall be in the forefront of fierce battle, forging ahead with my Jarl and friend. coming to the war call carrying my weapon, and when no battle causes the war horn to blow, I shall not forget the Jarls generosity, but will offer wise counsel as I may. Though I had better lay down my own life then see any harm come to my Jarl to my friend, still should the poisoned point or aged edge strike him down, then I shall not flee even a single foot length from the field, but rather I shall advance into the enemy army slaying as I might , to avenge the protector of the people. By Odin and by Thor and all the Almightiest of Gods , may this sword smite me upon which my hand lay rests and may my own edge twist and turn against me if I shall fail to keep this oath.

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:42:03)
Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles

==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: I have heard your oath, Ager, son o Harald Frodoson, as have the holy Gods. Hear you then my vow to you: with red gold shall I gift you, granting good gifts as you merit, round rings rolling from my hand to yours; among my Warriors shall you sit in the Great Hall, with sweet mead strong filling your horn; if to the lawcourt you are called, in legal tangles twisted and tied, then I and all of my Warriors and Kin shall stand as oath-helpers if you should need this; and finally, my sword shall stand between you and your enemies, my strength and my war-band beside you boldly, for bare is a brotherless back. May Odin, our Allfather, God of Oaths, listen, may my people witness my words, let Frigga hold me faithful, may Saga keep this oath in memory, and may Thor, Almighty God hallow this vow

*l stand and pass the sword to an assistant, who in its place gives me an arm-ring before placing the arm ring around your left hand to slide up for you to wear.

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:43:24)
Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: Welcome home, Asger...

Hai Asger!

Hai Scagnar!

☆ (06/29/24 : 21:44:09)
Thorarin Bloodaxe
Steward of Scagnar
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: HAI ASGER! HAI SCAGNAR!

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: Welcome home Jarl! Hai Scagnar!

spiorad {IoS}
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: welcome home Jarl, Hai Scagnar

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: HAI SCAGNAR, HAI JONAS HIGH JARL OF SCAGNAR.

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to helga{TBx}Scagnar's Skal: Thank you for the welcome it is good to have a home, to have finally taken my oath!

Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Another to expand our cultural exchange programs......heh]

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to spiorad {IoS}bondmaidIsl: Thank you luscious bond, it is good to be home!!!!!

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: Thank you Jarl for giving me place to call my home and for taking me back to the home of my parents.

Scagnar's Skald
Isle Trainer
Isle of Scagnar
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: "Another warrior for the shield wall" Bowing my head in respect for you and for all the men who would lay down their lives for the Isle

Jonas Siljstrom
High Jarl of the Scagnar Isles
==within the Great Hall==
says to Asger Fróðoson: Your father's name is held in high regard here......*Nods* However I think you may even exceed his efforts.....

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Thorarin BloodaxeSteward: Have a good evening Thor, I am proud you were here tonight, and proud you were the one to speak for me.

Asger Fróðoson
==within the Great Hall==
says to Jonas SiljstromHigh Jarl: "My fathers legacy will be a hard one to match yet surpass but I hope to make the name Frodoson a thing of the sagas"

Mon Jul 01 18:02:04 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5


● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,4

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 2,4

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Score: 20 points on Fives

Mon Jul 01 18:01:43 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5

● ●

● ●


● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 2,3,5

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 3,5

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●


Score: 12 points on Fours

Mon Jul 01 18:01:26 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5




Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,5

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 3,4,5

● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●


Score: 0 points on Full House

Mon Jul 01 18:01:10 . your dream sissy.
Sofia Coppola said:
chuckling and hugging back
Have a good one!

Mon Jul 01 18:01:08 . sofa Time
Couch1 said:
hurry back

Mon Jul 01 18:00:47 . Kinky Dice ~ Yahtzee Dice
Roger Rough'ntough said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,5


● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,4


● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●
● ●

● ●

Score: 0 points on Yahtzee

[End of Transfer]

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The Tower Of Babble...(babble) [Top][Entrance]
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