The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Tue Jun 25 20:39:19 . A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose...
Owen said:
from the shadows

Tue Jun 25 20:38:02 . The Wolf Quarter
..Looking to the corner of the room , not far because it small and simple, I see the pillow I used yesterday and so I step over and simply sit as though I was invited in .. Adjusting my scimitar on my left side, to more lay across my lap .. I am cleaned up and seem to have had my own bath .. I'm in clean black leathers and a white shirt .. I have an unusual gleam in my eyes as I look at you..

"The things you ask are not for me , but nothing gets past without my ok .. The Raiders name does not matter , at least for now ..

I've sent him with some others to Torcadino.."

Tue Jun 25 20:37:58 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 20:36:06 . The Wolf Quarter
..I see you through the propped open door , and give a subtle signal ..'bring drink' .. Or something like that .. The signal was short and even though you now know some of them , they are hard for you to catch..

After wards I move more into the small room , the door still remaining ope to the hall for the first time here ..

The Raiders note the change and seem curious.

Tue Jun 25 20:36:03 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 20:34:55 . Just One
unc said:

Tue Jun 25 20:34:19 . The Sweet Spot
Zhaire Marcus said:
"Oh, tonight, huh? You want to try again?"

He was embarrassed from the other night. Pulling back as he did, thinking of Tessa, just realizing how long he had been without a woman's touch, and Sadie didn't count. As affectionate as she could be.

"If I have you for a few days I can try not to marvel at your...Assets."

He went right to eating. Not wanting to say another word.

Tue Jun 25 20:34:11 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 20:33:32 . North Town Night City RPG
IRIDIA said:
Corpo Plaza
"What am I taking? A break."

IRIDIA rubbed her temples at the distant swell of noise. Attention she knew a bunch of their comrades would rather do without. Renown that was only useful to a certain kind of person engaging a certain kind of pursuit.

"…then I'm taking a heroic dose of Soma and time-traveling to July."

No, but seriously she didn't feel entirely compelled to make a decision right this minute. Asking for the Guild to eliminate The Pharaoh sounded tantamount to asking for The Guild to go smash Renner before he left the building — lunacy and chaos, the likes of which she stood to gain little from, had little hope of seeing followed through. While The Guild was indeed powerful, nobody was omnipotent.

"…can I get back to you on that? I think it might be possible for us to coordinate some of these responses, as well…"

That would be everyone not present: Eir, Perry, Nobu, Dylan and Victoria, to whom she assumed they were to go pass out the remaining cards.


Tue Jun 25 20:33:26 . The Dock
plain katie said:
this isn't it, but this young man could play

Tue Jun 25 20:32:08 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

titsi has started a new game with the following players:

Tue Jun 25 20:32:03 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
titsi~ said:

Tue Jun 25 20:30:18 . The Sweet Spot
Fox Madison said:
Well there is always tonight, and I can save of of this frozen goodness.
Teasing wink.

Tue Jun 25 20:29:39 . The Grimm Home - Fallen Angels RPG
Jacob Grimm said:
Pool & Backyard
He'll cross everything and wish that too.

He's grateful for your support on his therapy journey. You've always been there when he needs you after rougher sessions. Even when he doesn't necessarily want to talk about it you still manage to make things okay. You're amazing, if he hasn't told you lately.

He's not sure he'll be able to top last night just yet, but he'll definitely put in his best efforts.

"I think it's more great minds think alike."

Before he lets you go to get up he's stealing one more kiss. Didn't feel like waiting. Eventually he will let go, shut down the fire pit, and clean up the beer bottles on their way up to their room. Give you all sorts of attention you deserve until they pass out. Just as promised.

Tue Jun 25 20:29:36 . The Sweet Spot
Fox Madison said:
Thank you Alice.
Said as she sets the ice cream before me.
I had to laugh at what Zhaire said next.

Tue Jun 25 20:29:14 . The Wolf Quarter
Paesyn said:
The sound at the door had her twist slightly from her place on the floor; only her shoulders and neck turned, while her fingers remained working in a flurry of movements forming the braid pattern. Yes she had bathed, and now covered in another skirt, not as nice a the one before but it fit a little better though it was short. Her feet were bare, the top for now hanging loose, the color a faded well, worn bluish or might have been draped almost to the floor, joining the skirt pooled about her.

Gazing upwards, fingers freezing while the gentle voice responded

Yes, the man, umm Lanky, might his name be?
The pause was tiny before she spoke again

Yes he brought it, and thank you.

She would again start the finger movements before pausing in an attempt to hold and reach for the string she had pulled from a slightly now more so raveling skirt hem.

I will ask for something else if you would like ?

Tue Jun 25 20:29:07 . The Wolf Quarter
djinn{RED} said:
Dark orbs watch him head towards the room where his captive was held,djinn thinks many things but continues to keep the serene look on her face as she turns her attention to the medi paks she had been helping replenish.

Her long mane was glistening in the light ,it was freshly washed and smelt of soap it was such a rare treat and one she savours.
The Raiders who she had been helping had been teaching her signals and also what to look for in the distance,at first djinn could see nothing but the Plains and a few low bushes but they were there ,ever watching every moveĀ  and soon she could see them also ,a hundred eyes all focused on the village.

Tue Jun 25 20:27:36 . North Town Night City RPG
NPC Overseer said:
North Town
"I will, but this one will be capable of articulation."

A pause. "And I'll get a nice mustache to go with it."

Renner's handprint was received. The file was closed. The datapad lights up with little holographic party favors and fireworks to silently celebrate the closing of a Self-Deletion Bounty.

Below, you can hear the dulled sounds of cheers from the Hunters who were working cases this late. Every screen in the building was displaying what just happened. Sending out messages and notices to anyone in a position of authority with the Hunter's Guild at this late hour.

Maximo Kurtz's Bounty had been claimed. The impossible had been done.

Kendo drops the datapad on his desk and collapses into his chair. Feet back on his desk. Lazy. Relaxed. Non-chalant.

"That the best you got, Scuffed Muad'Dib?" To Echo. Before Kendo extracts a deck of thick cards from his desk drawer. Counting out what he needed before putting the extras back. Each one was black and green, emblazoned with the Shield and Spear logo of the Hunter's Guild in brilliant gold and silver embossing.

"What will the two of you be taking?" A gesture between you and IRIDIA.

"Untouchable?" Bounties erased and no future ones accepted against you.
"Crosshairs?" Kill or destroy any target of your choosing.
"Or Reliquary?" Acquisition of any object/data/person to be handed over to you.

Tue Jun 25 20:27:11 . The Sweet Spot
Zhaire Marcus said:
He looked over as she brought their treats and smiled at her. Thanking her with a nod.

Tue Jun 25 20:26:31 . The Sweet Spot
Zhaire Marcus said:
"We should have broken the stool in the kitchen, though," he muttered as Fox touched his hand. He smiled and his lips twitched. "It would have been fun."

[End of Transfer]

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