The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]
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Thu Jun 06 21:35:26 . pipers stables
chloee said:
Your lips on mine
Daring to nibble on your yours
Ass squirming as you play at its stretched butt ring

Thu Jun 06 21:33:15 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
*reaching up and onhooking the side of the bit again

pulling it from your teeth

immediately pressing my lips to yours

lightly rubbing your bottom..fingertips tracing around the base of the tail

Thu Jun 06 21:31:06 . pipers stables
chloee said:
Winces a bit
The welts still sore
Then your warm bresth back on its nose
Then tasting you

Thu Jun 06 21:29:08 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
tracing over the welts on your cute ass

much less red and enflamed than before

*kissing your snout again..then your mouth at the corner of the bit

Thu Jun 06 21:28:08 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
House Of White Wolf
* she finds her self taking in a sharp breath He nibbles on her nipples ...making them pull tightly upon her silks ...under His breath ...she breathlessly moans at Him ... arching her back more her full breSts almost reaching for Him and His touch You break the nibble and take a drunk...lifting it to her pouty lips she wraps small hands around His large ruff hands ...and takes a drink ...the honey tasting Ale ..goes down her throat as smooth as water ... with passion within her blue orbs ...and a breathless voice

Thank you Master

Thu Jun 06 21:26:36 . A place for girls who need a push... con
Liquid Fyre said:

Thu Jun 06 21:26:22 . pipers stables
chloee said:
Just lays there helpless
Knowing no matter what you say
How nice you sound you have complete control of her
Body and soul

Then feeling your soft lips on its nose

Thu Jun 06 21:24:05 . House of the White Wolf
surrender{Blade} said:
House Of White Wolf
* there eyes seemed to be locked ...tge world seemed to stop within her mind ...everything stood still...she felt a deep burn that seemed to grow around Him ... His essence His smell it engulfed her,surround her invaded her senses ...she couldn't help it ...her body was acting on its own ... she seemed to lean closer within Him ...she turned her neck more towards Him leaning slightly making it easier for Him to touch her skin ....*

Thu Jun 06 21:24:01 . Somewhere on the Plains
Hondo said:
I had also found in the wagons a couple create of pleasure and dancing silks. I had taken some that I would enjoy the slave gemm wearing for Me as I had her dance and serve in My wagon upon My return.

At a signal from Me, pairs of riders broke off and set out on our flanks as sentries. The rest stopped the wagons. The males remained in closed chains, the females worked about the camp of their new Master wearing the sirik. Stock was tended and food was prepared. The men are in shifts relieving those out on guard. I wanted them sharp, so there would be no slaves not paga for them tonight.

Once the meal was done and the slaves fed and watered, they would also close chained for the night back on their neck coffle.

I was not different, I took My turns on watch as well doing without same as them. I had learned and been taught that those that lead by example tended to have greatly superior and better motivated warriors.


Thu Jun 06 21:22:45 . House of the White Wolf
Blade said:
House Of White Wolf
*I playfully bites your left nipple through the silk and I then grab the tankard of ale and drinks some more ale and hold it to your lips so you may have a drink to help you with the pain*

Thu Jun 06 21:21:40 . Art Gallery managed by cindy artist
cindy artist said:
*returns to the artist gallery, kisses her finger tips, and touches the lips of the three portraits*

Thu Jun 06 21:21:00 . The Cherry Farm
Programmer said:

Thu Jun 06 21:19:36 . A place for girls who need a push... con
SarahJi said:
tumbling in...

Thu Jun 06 21:19:24 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
you made QUITE the noise before
*my fingers running thru the soft strands of your mane*
I had a pony here once..she was very special..I took very good care of her
*runs my fingertips along both sides of the thin strap pressing to you*
I loved her very much..but she remained as a was a mix of frustation and love I am sure..she was very affectionate

and once a month she got a very very special treat from me

this place was much busier then..and many trainers thought I was way too easy on her

but I did not care

you remind me of her very much

*kisses the tip of your snout*

Thu Jun 06 21:18:44 . Port Korat
Port Korat
The wind is blowing lightly and its humid .. But its warm still , since we are still in the Schendi ..

Me, and the men I picked up from Port Schendi have been on the rooftop above you for awhile , Mandla showed me where you were and was thinking of just taking you out of here himself , but I said to give me one more chance .. He agreed , but he would stay and witness it , as your protection was still the only reason he agreed to this..

He wanted you out of that Palace, out of that life, and especially away from the life you was about to go in to..

He is a bit back from the edge as I look over at you..

Seeing my slave approach with the food , I listen for a moment and the lower off the edge , hanging by strong hands an ihn , then quietly , but not silently drop down on the crates behind you .. Above you still now , my low voice will sound down to you as I crouch and look down at your hooded head ..

"Do you remember that night of the Storm my little Larl ? .. Well .. I was trying to tell you about my dream ..

Y9u see.. I hadn't hardly thought about you since you left the Caverns.. But since then I have not been able to sleep and have often thought it was some sort of omen , or witches spell that you haunt me ..

But you Saved me in that dream Paesyn ..

The Healer has been trying to heal me , but maybe she can't without you by my side ..

Do you understand now ?"

Just then the Raiders approach from behind my slave , flanking each side of her and trapping you from running..

I then drop down from above behind you, a hand moving to cover your mouth and the left hand moving to wrap around to your stomach and right side , from behind ..

My intention is to Still not let you go.. Again..

Thu Jun 06 21:17:33 . Z2 Corkboard
Still smarter than SYA said:

Thu Jun 06 21:15:56 . Port Korat
Paesyn said:
Port Korat
Hearing the commotion, the small fowl had proven helpful, even if the crate had the sharp aroma of bird droppings. The spooked, and she would step back tucked against a barrel with a precarious stack of crates and fishing baskets offering the slightest corner to hide from the main walk of the wharf. Between the cracks, the pale hair shown under the rays of the Tor Tu Gor, the first ihn she thought nothing of it; the second, she would step carefully, remaining in the shadow to watch the flowing moonlight-haired slave move away, the strap of a bota caught her eye, then the knotted cloth bundle beside it. Thirst was a mighty persuader; it took but a blink of an eye to have the bota and the bundle back into the shadows, the water running rivulets down the small dark chin as she tried to drink with caution and failing, the gulps and soft pants as she quenched her thirst seeming to ring loudly in her ears.

Wiping her face with the cloak, the water also cleaned her hands and more of her face before tearing into the bread while gazing out towards the dock. If the slave had been here and this had shown up, HE couldn't be far behind. It was time to move.

Thu Jun 06 21:14:39 . pipers stables
chloee said:
So hard to relax
No one in this place is nice
They all want control

But closing her eyes
Snuggling on your lap
As you stroke her golden hair

Thu Jun 06 21:12:59 . Love of the Cane
Owen said:
looking in

Thu Jun 06 21:10:53 . pipers stables
Liquid Fyre said:
Enjoying the feel of your thighs quivering

stroking your mane

feeling your tension

*relax little pony..not everyone wishes to hurt you all the time

I think cute little pony's deserve to feel some love now and then when they behave

[End of Transfer]

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