The Tower Of Babble...(babble)[Mail|SeeAll|Hot|Controls|Bot|]

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Sun Jun 30 08:00:02 . Just One
plain katie said:

Sun Jun 30 07:58:32 . The Dock
Asian Babe said:
Hi ya hun!!!

Sun Jun 30 07:58:23 . Just One
visitorb said:

Sun Jun 30 07:58:01 . CAA: Create An Acronym
Asian Babe said:


Sun Jun 30 07:57:45 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Alexander Kincaid said:
He trusted you in this as he had when you first made him aware of your… circumstance. So long as what you were doing hurt no one and you could manage the risk, then he was not going to play father and suggest you think otherwise.

“You, Lila, are almost always diverting company.” He smiled with that pronouncement, genuine warmth in the expression. Theirs had been a friendship formed over a lifetime, with, admittedly, some gaps in between. But this uncommon bond they shared was only made truer by the false courtship which allowed them to dispense with the games normally played between men and women of marriageable age and disposition.

Before they approached the hotel, he nodded to the doorman, but glanced down at you. “Widows and governesses, Delilah. Not just pamphlets, either. Think of how many books are filled with tales of widowed governesses trying to ensnare men above their station. Your like are women who have shattered the mystique of what lies beyond the wedding day.”

His voice dropping, he leaned closer, his tone nearly verging on the mirthful. “Women still of good marrying age, who have,” he paused to lower his voice to a hush, “sexual experience. The good folk of society are aghast, Lila. Simply aghast. How is a young, unmarried – and I dare say, malleable, young man meant to defend against such a threat?

Sun Jun 30 07:56:41 . The Dock
Primo said:
Oh man…just waking up

Sun Jun 30 07:55:57 . Just One
Asian Babe said:

Sun Jun 30 07:54:09 . Jilly's Rattlesnake Radio
Asian Babe said:
Hi Jilly! LTNS!!!

Sun Jun 30 07:54:05 . pipers stables
Bellis said:
takes a few moments to look inside

Sun Jun 30 07:52:54 . Girls and Girls
Asian Babe said:
waves to Andrea,,,,,

Sun Jun 30 07:52:27 . The Cork
visitors said:

Sun Jun 30 07:52:15 . One more word...
Asian Babe said:

Sun Jun 30 07:49:59 . A Game of Words
quiet(f) said:


Sun Jun 30 07:48:48 . New Town Edinburgh {Looking Glass RP}
Delilah Darling said:
Her secret tryst uncovered, she hadn’t realised quite how much she had needed if not quite your approval then at least your acceptance of her intention to go away for a weekend with her lover. She knew it was audacious, imprudent even, and if discovered would be a scandal from which her reputation was not likely to recover, but that you were not saying as much or trying to dissuade her offered her some reassurance that she wasn’t being entirely foolhardy.

“Well, I am glad to have provided you with so much amusement today.” Her tone might have had a snippy edge to it, but her smile was warm if a touch demure. Amusing you was a very small price to have paid for your empathy in return.

As they neared their destination, and you made that last quip, she dipped her chin to muffle a snort of unladylike laughter. “Have they really printed pamphlets warning men against widows?” she asked, half hoping you were still teasing her while half hoping you weren’t.

Sun Jun 30 07:46:47 . One more word...
quiet(f) said:

Sun Jun 30 07:45:06 . Just One
quiet(f) said:

Sun Jun 30 07:43:42 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rachel Dubin said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5



● ●

● ●


Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 2,3,5


● ●

● ●



Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 2,3,5


● ●

● ●



Score: 0 points on Yahtzee

Game over!

Final scores:

racheldubin : 220

Sun Jun 30 07:43:37 . Just One
ShannonG said:

Sun Jun 30 07:43:25 . Enjoy yet another yahtzee room
Rachel Dubin said:

Rolled dice: Roll #1

Rolled dice in positions: 1,2,3,4,5




● ●

● ●

Rolled dice: Roll #2

Rolled dice in positions: 1,4,5

● ●

● ●





Rolled dice: Roll #3

Rolled dice in positions: 1,4

● ●

● ●





Score: 0 points on Large Straight

Sun Jun 30 07:43:14 . antipanty
titsi~ said:

[End of Transfer]

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