The Tower Of Babble...(babble)

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Mon May 20 22:16:44 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Eyes widen that the Woman walked.

Mon May 20 22:16:18 . JAG Cork
Haran said:
I am looking for a bit of help in sizing this correctly thank you in advance

Mon May 20 22:13:38 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"Yes, you lurkers out there, I can do this shit all day long. Napping is just more fun."

Just sayin.

Mon May 20 22:12:35 . A Camp on the Plains
Audrey@soi said:

Voice rising slightly
Flustered at the tone of the questions

Mon May 20 22:12:19 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
"I'm telling you, it could be done."

Making aiming motions, just to sell to someone who wasn't buying what she had to sell.

"Look, now, don't start chipping holes into the ceiling or anything to try and make stars. That's not how stars work."

Suspicious look back and forth.

"Or is it??"

Mon May 20 22:11:43 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Yes Commander, it just seemed odd that the Master left so abruptly.

Mon May 20 22:11:33 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
~looks about~

"How did you arrive woman? Wagon, foot?"

~awaits her answer~

Mon May 20 22:10:45 . Night City RPG OOC
Echo Fenix said:
Finally, a meme that specifically targets me.

Mon May 20 22:10:29 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
She hummed softly, watching .. but then a tiny yawn tried to escape and she knew that her long day was coming to an end

Mon May 20 22:09:53 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
"Be well Warrior"

~looks to gemm~

"The horns will sound if so the partols will be on alert, outiders as well as the sleen handlers"

Mon May 20 22:08:43 . A Camp on the Plains
Audrey@soi said:
"I see"

Reading between the lines there
i take a breath
Turning something over in my head

Mon May 20 22:08:31 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
She softly bit her lip listening to the terms of the bet.

Mon May 20 22:07:32 . South Town Night City RPG
MILLIE said:
Okay see the problem is that you sent her to go distract the wrong bouncer, okay?

She and Nukkz, dressed tonight like buff-Dracula whose pallor didn't detract from the fact that he looked like he could bench three hundred pure natty and was stretching that three-piece with the coattails and towering collar.

The audio she was sharing with Mike got into that muffled tussle, one that caused one of her eyes to twitch before the resulting crash outside then progressed her into a visible flinch as it played unfiltered into her ear. "Uh… excuse me."

Circling around the alley that surrounded the black brickwork of the club, MILLIE emerged back towards the front — she checked the dumpster first — and saw you laying on your back next to the line to get back in, picking up her pace in a helpless kind of 'these shoes were from a costume store and I don't trust them' gait that took her took long to get to you.

"Oh my god, are you awrigigffgnbb…" The fake fangs she was wearing fell outta place and muffled the rest of her alarm as she postured like she was going to help you up, but quickly realized she wasn't going to be able to do so without risking simply falling on top of you.

Nevermind that one of her hands was still carrying one of those fancy conical martini glasses with some gloopy fake-blood cocktail still in it, and Knux kindly liberated that from her fingers with a glare that downgraded her citizenship the very instant she associated herself with you.

Mon May 20 22:06:36 . Night City Cork
EZ Mike said:
Not if I can help it.


Mon May 20 22:06:36 . A Camp on the Plains
Kliimus said:
"I bet five coppers the IronMaster arrives in two ahn"

~Hearing your wager~

"It is so, your wager stands! The trade, you're free ,protected within the camp until then!

~looks to the warrior as I rub my hands as if to warm them, only he knew~

Mon May 20 22:06:19 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Commander, one wonders if there's trouble, but no horn sounded.

Mon May 20 22:05:23 . A Camp on the Plains
}{gemm~(Camp) said:
Eyes widen as the Warrior left so abruptly.

She raised a hand to wave - but He was long gone.

Mon May 20 22:04:31 . B&B&B&B Basement
Seven said:
Exits stage left.

Mon May 20 22:04:17 . H & S Crowley Ranch RPG of Covell Canyon
ZebediahCrowley said:
Zebediah stepped inside the house, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over him. As Rip followed and stopped to take in the familiar surroundings, Zeb nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, those rocks have a way of making this place feel like home, don't they? Solid and unchanging, just like the memories we built here."

He clapped Rip on the shoulder, a warm smile on his face. "It's damn good to have you back, brother. Feels like old times already. Now, let's get settled and make sure everything's in order. Got a lot to catch up on, and plenty of work ahead of us."

Zeb glanced around the foyer, taking a moment to appreciate the sense of continuity and history.

"We'll get you situated and then maybe we can take a walk around the place. Show you all the changes and plans for the future. It's good to have family back where they belong. I mean that is assuming that you dont have anywhere else to stay and that you have no plans for the rest of the evening.... "

Mon May 20 22:04:00 . A Camp on the Plains
}{ Plains Warrior said:
Interrupted by another Warrior, I nodded.

I've been summoned.

Immediately I headed toward the harriga.


[End of Transfer]

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