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Previous Selection : Sun Oct 10 22:11:44 1999
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  • Sun Oct 10 23:11 CopyLink * - Subject: Big Rocks
    Puck said:
    At a time management seminar the speaker stood at the front of the room, behind a big desk. He had a large two-gallon glass jar in front of him. He put a box on top of the desk, and from the box he started taking fist-sized stones and ever-so-gently placed them in the large jar. After gently placing the last stone in the jar, just below the rim, he asked the crowd, "Will the jar hold any more?"

    The class, assuming it to be a rhetorical question, quickly answered "No." The speaker smiled, and pulled a container full of gravel out from under the desk. He poured the gravel into the jar, and then shook the jar to let the gravel settle farther into the jar. Then he asked, "Will the jar hold more?" The crowd had caught on - "Yes!"

    From under the desk, the speaker produced a container full of sand, which he poured into the jar, right up to the rim. "Can the jar hold more?" The crowd enthusiastically responded "YES!" The speaker slowly poured a glass of water into the jar.

    With a resolute look on his face, the speaker addressed the crowd. "Now, what lesson can has the jar shown us about life?" A couple of the people in the crowd were pretty bright, and after a little thought and a few whispers, the answer came "Our lives are never as full as we think. We always have a little time that is not being used."

    The speaker respectfully said "No." After a pause, he continued. "The lesson is that if you do not put the big rocks in first, you will not be able to fit them in. You need to find out what the big rocks are in your life, and fit them in first."

    Responses follow...

    [End of Transfer]

  • Wed Nov 17 06:16 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
    Aiiiieeeeee said:
    Turns east and incants to Allah about foolishness of sons of the Great Satan

    Only American would want big rocks in life and head!!